Cinderella and her new fella

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Friday evening Gianna was getting ready at Home with her best friends Lauren and Beth to go to Lava lounge, this hot new club That Had their opening night tonight. tons of Gianna's friends were going. Gianna was helping Lauren and Beth get ready for the club. Lauren was almost done with her make-up and hair and just needed to get dressed while Gianna helped Beth with her eyeliner before she sorted her self out. Lauren's usually thick bushy hair had smoothed out and gotten really curly. Gianna, Lauren and Beth had been friends since kindergarten.

Gianna liked having girl friends. You could talk about boys, and other things. But around her brother and her younger sisters, you could hardly talk about certain things. Her brother was especially hard to talk to because he was way to overprotective. Gianna finished up Beth's light make-up and messy bun.

Then Gianna started doing her own make-up. She put on some concealer before applying a light layer of foundation then applied light blush, some eye shadow and last but not least she applied a coat of mascara and eyeliner . Then she style her long dark luscious locks making sure it was shiny, smooth, and smelled good, like her strawberry shampoo. Gianna looked over at Beth. She was wearing tight fitting top and dark blue skinny jeans . Her shoes were killer 6inch heels ,Lauren was wearing a nice simple dress styled with jewellery and a nice pair of heels.

Gianna smiled brightly at Her friends , then picked up her clothes and went into the bathroom and put it on. She came out wearing a tight figure hugging dress that just covered her behind but, hugged her in all the right places and of course styled with jewellery and high heels.
"Oh Gi! You look amazing" Lauren said giving her friend a quick once over.
" thanks" Gianna blushed.
"So Are we gonna dance with tons of guys tonight?" Beth said giving herself a once over as she glanced in Gianna's full length mirror.

"Oh hell yeah Beth, millions of them," Gianna said sarcastically making the girls laugh.

"Well, I am gonna dance with as many as possible."Lauren said as she reapplied her lipgloss.

"ready to go?" Gianna asked picking up her bag off her queen sized bed.

"Let's get this party started" Beth said cheerfully as they descended the stairs.
The girls were excited about going out and having fun as they giggled. The girls and Gianna walked into the living room " we're off now... Night" Gianna said before she turned to leave.
" Be careful princess" Mario said to his eldest daughter.
" remember we have a competition tomorrow ... So don't stay out too late" Abby said turning to look at her daughter.
"Your not leaving the house like that" Abby snapped.
" whatever Mom, i won't be late don't stay up" Gianna said with a hint of anger clearly audible in her voice.
" Mario will you look at your daughters outfit" Abby nudged Mario in the ribs.
" ouch" Mario rubbed his saw ribs " you look beautiful princess" Abby shook her head " your going to let Gianna go out like that are you?" Abby barked.
" girls go out and have a good time go on" Mario said gesturing towards the door " Mario" Abby snapped.
" thanks papa, love you" Gianna called out as they rushed out the front door.

Gianna got her cell phone out and called a taxi, a few minutes later a taxi arrived and the girls climbed in and headed to the club taking selfies in the back of the taxi . Soon enough they pulled up outside the club to see a line of people waiting outside. They walked up to the bouncer and he let them in. The girls walked walked in making sure she stayed close to each other. They looked for Their other friends searching the crowd and finally spotted them over by the bar. The girls spotted them walking towards them. They met half way and hugged each other. Then they ordered something to drink and sat and talked for awhile.

after awhile Gianna decided to go on the dance floor. She grabbed Lauren's hand and started dancing. Lauren followed Gianna's lead. After only a couple seconds, guys started dancing with the two of them. Gianna kept on dancing and the guys started dancing up against her and she had a guy on either side of her. She looked over at Lauren who had guys all around her too.

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