Call me ?

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Abby and Gianna walked back into the changing room " everything alright? It was getting a little heated earlier" Mario said walking over to his wife.
" everything is fine oh actually I have something I need to tell you" Abby said glancing at Gianna who was making the finishing touches to Sofia's hair and make up whilst the older girls practiced their routines with Gianna butting in occasionally if needed.
Mario took a seat next to his wife " so what is it you need to tell me?" Mario said looking at Abby " well Gianna met someone last night when she went out with the girls" Mario raised his eye brows " there's more... He's only Candy apple Cathy's son" Mario took Abby's hand " I'll speak to her about that my love" Abby chuckled " no need Gianna told him no just now" Abby laughed and Mario shook his head in bewilderment.
Soon enough it was time for the girls to start competing " right girls Gianna will take you backstage whilst I will be out in the auditorium" Abby went to walk away only to turn back round and hug Sadie " good luck sweetie, remember go big or go home" Sadie nodded " always Mom" Abby kissed the top of her head.
Sofia rushed up to her mother and hugged her tight " good luck sweet heart" Abby said looking down at her daughter who looked up at her with her big dark brown eyes.
" good luck girls, I know you will. How do you say...""Mario said in his thick Italian accent as he thought of the English words " wipe the floor with those rotten Apples" Mario said looking at the girls.
" Thanks papa" Sadie said brightly.
" that's the spirit" Abby said placing her hand on her husbands chest " come on the girls need to head back stage" Abby said taking Mario's hand.
" Gianna your choreography will win this for your mom"Gianna smiled.
" Thanks papa" Mario winked at Gianna.
" your dad is so cool" Kendall said sweetly
" he is pretty cool come paired to robo-Mom" Sadie said chuckling.
" Your mom isn't as bad as you make out" Maddie said shrugging.
" it's okay for you to say your moms favourite" Sadie snapped.
" she likes everyone not just me" Maddie said as she looked at Kendall and Sadie who looked away.
" come on girls" Gianna said as she lead this girl through to back stage.
" Okay you are up next, remember you have got this and we will bring home another trophy okay hands in" Gianna said holding her hand out and each girl on her hand on top.
" 1,2,3 Gi's Dolls" the girls called out releasing their hands into the air.
" next up in the preteen category we have a preteen group in titled " out from under" Mackenzie, Sofia, Brooke and Paige walked out first and took their places they soon were joined by Chloe, Nia , Kendall, Sadie and Maddie. Gianna watched them backstage watching intently.
" excuse me a young man asked me to give you this" Gianna smiled sweetly " thank you" she took the note from the girl who walked away.
Gianna opened the piece of paper which had James phone number on with a single rose. Gianna shook her head and chuckled " he just won't quit" Gianna smiled looking down at the number before she too her phone out of her pocket before she added his number to phone.
Gianna smelt the single rose with a bright smile played upon her lips.
Mean while out in the audience Abby, Mario and the mothers sat in their seats as they watched their girls walk on the stage.
" Let me guess Maddie will be centre with Sadie who will do some fancy turns with Nia, Paige and Brooke in the back and I just just don't know how those moms can stand there and watch their girls be placed in the back all the time with the same choreography" Cathy said rather loudly " oh look right on cue Maddie oh and look there is Sadie, this dance school is so predictable" Cathy tutted.
" don't even think about it Abby, you are much better than that don't lower yourself" Mario said seeing his wife fighting with herself not to give Cathy a mouthful.
" boy that was embarrassing when her mother is the dance teacher oh look sloppy feet" Cathy said loudly.
" mom please stop" James sat with his hand over his face feeling rather embarrassed.
" shut up Cathy we never criticise your students or daughter" Jill snapped.
" well what does that tell you?" Cathy said smirking
" what on earth are you going on about?" Jill frowned glancing at Melissa and Kelly who frowned in confusion.
" well you never criticise my students because they have flawless technique where's your girls aren't can I put this?" Cathy thought for a moment " up to the same standard of technique as my girls which is why we criticise" Cathy smiled smugly.
" Cathy just shut your ugly mouth" Christi said feeling her self getting angrier by the second.
" thought it won't be long until you pipe up" Cathy eyed Christi giving her the once over.
The girls song ended " thank god that was over it was painful and unbearable to watch" Abby got up and just stormed off " hit a nerve did I flabby?" Cathy called out.
" well you've just ruined my chances with Gianna" James spat.
Mean while The girls ended the dance and confidently walked off stage and over to Gianna who opened her arms " give me a 9 doll hug" all 9 girls charged at Gianna and hugged her.
"You were amazing" Gianna said looking at each girl.
"Next up in preteen groups we have a preteen group I titled " 4 seasons" Candy apples dance started when then ALDC left to head back to their changing room.
" mom?" Gianna asked seeing her mother already sitting on her own in silence "is everything okay?" Gianna asked softly.
" girls go and change for solos" Gianna suggested.
" I just couldn't .... Wait where did you get that rose?" Abby asked gesturing to the rose Gianna's hand.
" some boy gave it to her" Sofia said giggling.
" he did he?" Abby raised an eyebrow.
" it's nothing can we just drop it" there was a knock at the door and James poked his head round the door.
" I hope I'm not interrupting anything?" James asked as she looked at Abby who glanced at Gianna.
" look can I come in a minute?" Abby sighed "fine , for just a minute" Abby looked away.
"I just came to say I'm sorry for what my mother said back there, it's just she doesn't really think sometimes before she says things not realising the affects it has" James said glancing at Gianna who smiled.
" thank you that's very sweet and I accept your apology" Abby said finally acknowledged James.
" well is that all? " Mario said with a smirk on his face as he watched James as he watched Gianna's every move.
" yes sir" James said snapping out of it.
" well I better go" James said slowly backing out.
" you do that son" Mario said as he watched James.
" call me" James mouthed to Gianna who gave a small discreet nod.

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