Dance with me again?

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( this video above is meant to be Gianna and James who share a secret dance at the competition behind Abby and Kathy's backs)

Once the competition had finished Abby and the girls headed back to their changing rooms with Gianna following slowly behind glancing down at her phone as she walked along.
Abby and the girls had rounded the corner when Gianna felt some one grab her and place their hand over her mouth preventing her from screaming. They dragged her in to what looked like some part of warehouse to the building.
They finally let go of Gianna " what the hell do you think you are doin....James?" Gianna questioned.
" yes it's me I'm sorry to have grabbed you like that but, if your mom or my mom saw us together they would kill us and I have been wanting to get you alone but, I haven't been able to until now." James sighed.
" you could have just....I don't know step out in front of me just now rather than grab me and give me a heart attack" Gianna said placing her hand over her pounding heart.
" I'm sorry, so what are we going to do about the dance off?" James questioned.
" I don't know about you but we are going to get busy training" James chuckled.
" ermm so will we, I mean surely your going to need time to breath and have time to yourself" Gianna sighed " yeah maybe that's true but, I can't take a break my mom needs me" James frowned.
' look how about we go out on like a you and no one has to know. I also found out if we tie then it will be up to us to battle it out and that is a little something they didn't tell us" Gianna was shocked " seriously?" James nodded.
" my mom told me just now" Gianna frowned.
" where were you earlier ?I didn't see you here and now your suddenly hear and warning me about extra rules, is this some sort of trick?"  James sighed " no I wasn't here earlier I was taking care of a few things for mom like my grandma who isn't well and no it's not of trick I just thought you should know" Gianna moved around the warehouse finally taking in her surroundings as she listened to James.
" well thank you for the warning I better go" Gianna went to leave when James said " how about a last dance ?dance with me again" Gianna chuckled " what? Why?" James was serious.
" I'm serious" Gianna blushed
" if I do can I go after?" James nodded and head over the music player and connected his phone to it.
Gianna stripped down to her black spanks and left her baggy top on with her sports bra underneath.
It started out as fun at first but soon they started dancing like they never stopped and they laughed together and fed of each other's energy and soon it ended with Gianna in James arms as he spun her round and she laughed and lean backwards so her arms were spread out as James spun her round. The music ended and James pulled Gianna into him and they ended with Gianna hugging James as they both fought to get their breaths back.
Reality hit Gianna and she jumped out of James arms " I better head back" James nodded.
Gianna rushed to put on her leggings and rushed towards the door " wait how about that date?" Gianna smiled " okay fine just one date" James smiled " I'll message you" Gianna nodded before she opened the door and rushed back to the changing room.
" where the hell have you been we have been waiting ages!" Abby snapped.
" I'm sorry, I just found something out. It's about that dance off...." Gianna didn't get to say anymore about it as Abby cut her off " I don't want to hear about it now the kids are tired, I'm tired so, it lets just head home" Gianna nodded.
" okay" she said weakly heading to the back of the room to pick up the costumes and make up and they left leaving Gianna defeated but, lucky she had her memory of her dance with James and no one could take that away not even her mother and to James she was thankful and now she was looking forward to hearing about their up and coming date.
The ride home was along one but eventually they made it home tired and weary but they were glad to be home.
Abby locked the car with Gianna a head carrying costumes and make up boxes and the girls already inside.
Gianna hung the dresses on the banister and put the boxes down by the front door whilst Abby shut the front door.
" Mom?" Gianna said with slight hesitation
" I've only just step foot in the door can't it wait?" Abby said bitterly as she massaged her temples.
" I guess I can if you don't care about the up and coming dance off" Gianna snapped.
" okay what is it?" Abby placed h hands off her hips.
" one of my dance friends told me that if we end up tying with Apples they said that the eldest dancer of the dance groups will dance battle it out so, you get what I am trying to say?" Abby was silent as she processed this.
" I don't want to dance mom" Abby scoffed " oh yes you will if the occasion calls for it" Abby raised her eye brow.
" no I won't mom I'm sorry I just won't do it" Abby shook her head.
" you will do it, are you listening to me?" Gianna sighed in frustration.
" is that my girls I hear?" Mario called as he headed towards them both.
" well done I'm so proud of you both" Mario didn't say anymore he could feel the tension between his wife and daughter.
" everything alright?" Mario looked from Abby to Gianna who was nearly in tears.
" not really dad but, who cares as long as mom gets what she wants then who cares how everyone else feels" Gianna began to let the tears fall.
" Abby why is Gianna so upset? What have you done?" Abby was shocked she was getting the blame.
" I will talk about it later, I am tired we've had a busy day" Gianna rolled her eyes " that's it try and creep round dad so, when you tell him later it will all reflect badly on me, actually you know what do whatever the hell you want I'm going to bed" Gianna snapped and rushed up the stairs in a real hurray.
" and what the hell was that all about?" Mario snapped.
" fine want to talk about it now? Fine Gianna told me that at the dance off we have against the apples that if tie with them then the eldest dancers of the groups will perform head to head instead and our darling daughter refuses to to do it for me well us, what the hell did I do wrong in raising them to hate me so much?" Abby began to sob.
Mario went to place his arms round his wife but she snapped at him " don't! Just don't" she put her hand out in front of him.
" I'm going to bed" Abby said with no feeling.
" I made you dinner" Mario said softly " I'm not hungry" Abby climbed the stairs defeated leaving a hurt and confused Mario behind.
Later on that night Mario knocked on Gianna's door and hear no reply so, he poked his head round the door to see Gianna sitting up listening to music. He crept in and sat at the edge of her bed and Gianna removed her ear phones.
" hi" she said weakly.
" hey princess, your mom told me about it all. I don't understand why you won't dance for her or well the company"
" I just don't want to" Mario sighed " come on you can tell me your old dad" Gianna smirked.
" okay, I don't want to let mom down I know how much it means for her to win but, I don't want to do it just for her I want to do it for me too and part of me wants to do it so badly but the other part of me doesn't so much. I just don't want to let everyone down,I can bare the thought of embarrassing mom when she's worked so hard to build the company from scratch with grandma and I want her to be proud of me not just the daughter that dances the real me Gianna" Gianna let the tears fall.
" have you told your mother this princess" she shook her head " I can't say anything to robo mom who wants to win win win all the time" Mario sighed.
" your mother loves you very much and I know for that for a fact and also another fact is that she is incredible proud of you every smile day and yes she might not show it but she does she really does" Gianna smiled " thanks dad, love you" Mario kissed the top of her head " night princess, love you always"
Mario decided to call it a night after he checked in on Sofia and Sadie who were sound a sleep. Mario opened his bedroom door and quietly closed  it behind him and stripped down to his boxers and t shirt and got into bed and trued to snuggle up to Abby who had her back to him but she just wriggle out of his embrace.
" come on love" Mario whispered
" I just want to be left alone" Abby whispered.
" fine you want to be alone then here I'll,leave right now" Mario threw back the covers grabbed his dressing gown wrapped it round him tight, grabbed his pillow and a spare blanket out of the cupboard and left the room and headed down stairs where he chose to sleep on the couch. He climbed on the sofa put the pillow under his head and laid the blanket over him and prepared to drift off to sleep.
Around 3 am Abby had finally had enough of being alone she got out of bed and walked down stairs where she saw Mario sleeping uncomfortably on the sofa.
" Mario" she whispered gently shaking him.
" what? What's wrong? The kids okay?" Mario sat bolt up right.
" they are fine, the kids are fine but, we aren't are we?" Abby said the last bit quietly whilst trying to hold back the tears.
" I'm sorry I pushed you way, please come back to bed" Mario thought about it for a second before he headed back to bed with his wife who he finally snuggled up to that night.

( hey guys and gals, I am so sorry for not updating this story for a long time but, I am hoping to update it more frequently. This chapter was pretty naff  and rather long but it's only over due for you guys and I am sorry about that but, I do have exciting plans for this story so, please stay with it. Thank you to you all who have read and voted for this story so far you are the best readers any author / writer could ask for)

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