Let her go

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Sadie stormed over to the reception desk and over to Gianna " What's wrong now?" Gianna sighed knowing it was her mother who had put Sadie in this mood and rather upset state.
" Her in there, that's who" Sadie said pointing to studio A and Gianna rolled her eyes.
" I can't take anymore Gi" Sadie began to cry.
The both sat in silence until Sadie dried her eyes and spoke up "Gi?" Sadie asked " Yes Sadie?" Gianna looked to her left at her younger sibling.
" I've been thinking I want to go and live with Grandma for a while as it's not working out at home as you know and I was wondering if you would come with me on the bus and we totally can't tell mom anything ......also I don't want to dance here anymore" Sadie began to sob " I hate it here. I'm not enjoying dance anymore  like I use to so, I was wondering if James would let me come to the candy apples instead" Gianna thought it over.
" I don't know Sadie, you know mom and how she gets when people leave her and the studio and this could send her over the edge" Gianna hated telling her sister this but it was true.
" Fine I'll just go myself and I'm sure Cathy will be happy to have me" Gianna sighed " ugh okay fine I'll do it" Sadie smiled brightly " Thanks Gi, you're the best" Sadie said hugging her big sister.
Mean while Abby walked out of the studio with Sofia tagging behind " Is everything done in there mom?" Abby nodded  " Yes everything is done, let's go home" Sadie and Gianna got out from behind the desk and walked out of the studio whilst Abby locked up.

****A few days later****
Sadie couldn't take anymore so one afternoon Sadie cut school and came home early and packed her large suit case of things she may need, Sadie pulled out  the top draw of her night stand and emptied the draw on the bed and turned the draw over and pealed the bottom of it a part and hidden in there was all her pocket money she had saved over a few months so she knew that she would have enough money to get to her grandmas house in Ohio. Abby and Gianna where at the studio and Freddie and Sofia where at school. Sadie dragged the large case down the stairs and took one last look at the house before she turned and left it all behind.
Sadie made her way to the bus station where she bought a one way ticket to Ohio. Sadie waited an hour but the bus was running very late and Sadie began to panic but sooner or later the bus came and Sadie showed the driver her ticket before boarding the bus where she headed to the back of the bus and sat down. Sadie leant against the window and watched the world fly by.
Sadie just watch out the window as she watched Pittsburgh slowly drift by.
Mean while back at the studio, Abby was sitting at the reception desk whilst Gianna was teaching a private lesson when the phone rang " Hello ALDC, Abby speaking how may I help you?" She asked.
" Hello this is faith Howells, I am the headmistress of Pittsburgh high. May I speak with Mr or Mrs Martello please?" Abby took a deep breath " yeah Speaking this is Mrs Martello" Abby was worried what this could be about.
" I m sorry to bother you at work but, Sadie left school after second period and has not returned" Abby was now panicking " what? I'm sorry there must be some kind of mistake Sadie would never do that" Abby said automatically but deep down she knew it could be possible seeing as they hadn't been getting on and the whole family situation at the moment.
" Well I'm afraid it's true Mrs Martello she has not been seen since second period and school is now due to finish" Abby felt hot and she felt the panic arising with in her " Thank you for letting me know, I'll head home this instant" Abby didn't say goodbye she put the phone straight down and rushed into Gianna's private " Mom! This is a private lesson, you can't just walk......" I don't care, can I please talk to you?" Gianna sighed " fine" Gianna walked over to her mother
" So what's so important that you had to interrupt this private" Gianna folded her arms across her chest.
" I've just had a call from the school saying that Sadie hasn't been seen since second period so, I need to pop home to see if she's there. Can you look after the studio for a while" Gianna nodded " yes of course mom" Abby smiled " thank you, I'll call you to let you know if any changes" Gianna nodded again " Thanks sweetheart" Gianna smiled hearing her mother calling her sweetheart like she used to.
Mean while the bus pulled in to Ohio bus station, Sadie grabbed her luggage and got off the bus, she walked to her grandmother's house that was only a few blocks away from the station, Once she reached he grandmothers house she knocked on the door, and waited. Lucky  Maryen was home and was rather shocked to see her granddaughter on her door step.

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