Competition and daddy's back

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" I better check on Sofia" Gianna said unsure of what to say or do. Abby just continued to stare a head and Gianna slowly got up and walked out the room taking one last glance at her mother and then shut the door behind her. Gianna rushed down the stairs and into the living room where Sofi and Freddie where watching tv.
" Everything alright Gi?" Freddie asked as he watched Gianna slowly walk into the room, she shook her head " Not really Freddie, can I speak to you a second in private" Gianna gestured for Freddie to leave the room.
Once out Side the room " Freddie I'm worried about mom" Gianna sighed " I've just come from her room but she is not eating or talking and when she is talking it's worrying. I think we need to phone dad" Freddie didn't say anything for a few seconds " Okay Gi I trust your judgement and yes I agree we need dad and he'll so does mom" Gianna nodded.
" Can you look after Sofia whilst I phone dad" Freddie nodded " of course take as long as you need to tell dad to come home or at least back to America" Gianna smiled " Thanks buddy" Freddie shook his head.

~~~~A few months later~~~~
In Italy Antonio told Mario the truth and Mario was furious and so was Maria their mother after she took Antonio's side when all along Abby was telling the truth. Maria told her son to go after Abby and win her back. Mario also received Gianna's distressed call which made him more determined to go back and get his family back.
Mario arrived back in the US where he stayed at a hotel.
Gianna told Her father where their next competition was going to be so, Mario made his was to Texas where he was going to see Abby for the first time in months along with his children.
Mario parked in the car park and took a few moments to himself before made his way to the building. Mario sighed  "You can do this" He said to himself.
Mario got out the car and locked it and made his way into the building where he looked for the ALDC changing room. He finally found it after asking several members of staff.
Mario took a deep breath and then opened the door " DADDY!!!" Sofia squealed making Abby turn her head to see her husband for the first time after months a part.
" Hey princess" Mario said picking her up into his arms where they hugged but Mario caught Abby's eye but she looked away.
" Hey papa" Gianna said walking over to her father and hugged him so poor Sofia was now wedged between them both.
" Hi everyone" He said letting go of Sofia and put her back down.
"Hi" they all said shyly.
" Hi Abby" he said nervously.
" What do you want Mario?" Abby snapped.
" Nothing......I just wanted to see my children. Speaking of children where's Sadie?" He asked looking round.
Sofia spoke up " She's at grandma Maryens now" Mario frowned " what do you mean she is at Gramdma maryens now?" Mario looked at Abby who didn't say a word.
" Sadie and mommy fell out and haven't spoken for months" Sofia said innocently.
" Is this true Gianna?" Gianna slowly nodded.
" we are not here to speak about us, we are here to win the competition " Abby said changing the subject.
" sorry excuse me ALDC  you're up next" a tall blonde lady said poking her head into the room.
" come on girls we have a competition to win" Abby said getting up out of her seat and walked past Mario as she glared at him like he was a bit of dirt. The girls and their mothers left the changing room leaving Gianna and Mario alone.
" I'm sorry I haven't been around the last few months but, why on earth did you not tell me that Sadie is not living at home. Quite frankly Gianna I am disappointed and hurt that I was not told sooner" Gianna sighed " I'm sorry papa but I've had a lot to contend with here don't you think"  Mario thought about it " of course you have and I'm sorry" Mario shook his head.
" come on dad let's go" Gianna said forcefully and her father nodded.
Together they arrived to the seating area where they saw Abby and the moms sat waiting. Gianna and Mario took a seat behind Abby who always sat at the front with the moms.
The ALDC walked out on stage and performed a lyrical number entitled 'cold'. Once they had performed next up was a late entry.
" please welcome to the stage the candy Apple dance centre from Ohio" the announcer said.
The team walks out on the stage and there front and enter Sadie poses confidently waiting for the music to start.
" WHAT THE HELL IS MY DAUGHTER DOING UP THERE WITH THE DAMN APPLES!!!!" Abby yells leaping from her seat making Sadie jump onstage .
" Shove it flabby, Sadie came to train with me after you drove her away with your bullying and she's happier now and a valuable member of the apples and I have corrected your teaching mistakes and you're welcome for that" Cathy yelled from the back of the theatre.
" I can't believe this, I bet it was Your bloody boyfriends fault!!!" Abby said turning to face Gianna who was as shocked at Abby.
" Mom I didn't know anything about this" Abby scoffed " please I bet you planned it all by poisoning her against me and then you knew she'd jump ships" Abby barked.
" No Mom you did it all on your own, do you know what you can go to hell  and I can't believe I ever felt sorry for you mom and you wonder why everyone leaves you when you treat them like this" Gianna yelled before she stormed out.
The music started but Abby got up and stormed out of the theatre and stormed outside where she tried to calm down.
Mario on the other hand stayed to watch his daughter dance even if it was with another dance company. Once The apples had finished Mario went to look for Sadie. He finally found her in one of the warm up halls with her friends from ALDC and the Apples.
" OMG dad?" Mario chuckled " Hello princess" Sadie rushed over to her father and hugged him tight.
" Are you home for good now dad?" Sadie asked pulling out of the hug to look up at her father.
" Yes I am back for good" Mario said looking down at his daughter.
" Is Mom upset that I joined the Candy Apples?" Mario sighed " I know she's upset but the truth is princess I haven't spoken to your mother properly and I've only just back from Italy a few days ago" Sadie nodded.
" Why are you atGrandma Maryen's instead of living at home?" Mario wasn't sure he wanted to hear the answer or not but he knew he had to hear the truth.
" After we left you behind dad that was the final straw and I just snapped at home and well things got worse as the months went on and without you there dad it was absolute hell and I just needed to get away. I was living in a percent state of anxiety and my mind wouldn't shut off " Sadie said as the tears began to fall and she wiped them away.
" it's okay princess I'm here now and I'm sorry I wasn't there before" Mario felt so guilty to hear how is daughter felt about her mother and not having him around.
" I think I need to speak to your mother" Mario said kissing the top of Sadie head.
Mario left Sadie and went on the look out for Abby. Mario looked high and low and not found her and he was about to give up when he remembered one spot he didn't check.
Mario walked outside to see Abby leaning against the wall with her back pressed against the wall.
"Abby?" Abby turned to see Mario standing there.
" Let me guess, you're hear to gloat" Mario frowned " is that what you really think of me after years if marriage" Mario sighed and turned to leave.
" oh I see your doing what you do best and that's run away" Abby said bitterly.

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