"Ok if this is the last thing You will ever see, I can handle it"

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Abby drove home letting the tears fall down her cheeks as she drove staring endlessly at the road a head. A few blocks before she arrived home Abby pulled over and just sobbed and sobbed leaning forward placing her head in her heads.

As she thought about how her life once happily family and happy life has turned upside down and she had no control over how it call came crashing down

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As she thought about how her life once happily family and happy life has turned upside down and she had no control over how it call came crashing down.
Abby wiped her eyes and took a deep breath, looked at herself in the rear view mirror and wiped away the dried tear stains and reapplied a fresh layer of mascara and lip stick.  She soon returned home to check on Sadie and  take her to her dance lesson.
"Mom?" Freddie called out as he heard the front door open and close.
" Yeah it's me" Abby said as cheerfully and calmly as she could.
Freddie came rushing from the kitchen and over to his mother " Did you find her mom?" Freddie asked.
" Yeah I found her, she's at Grandma Maryens and she will be staying there for a while" Freddie frowned " Why?" Abby sighed " Because I'm the worst mother in the world that's why and quite frankly I don't blame her" Abby said quietly.
" Okay Mom this has got to stop. Stop blaming yourself for it all. I know uncle Antonio caused it all and you didn't do Anything and dad will realise it wasn't you and will come rushing back I just know it" Abby smiled "Thank you Darling I really needed to hear that and for the idea about your father well I just don't know" Abby shrugged.
" where's Sofia?" Abby asked glancing round the house " She's up stairs getting ready for dance" Abby nodded.
" come here" Abby said opening her arms which Freddie happily walked into his mothers embrace.
Once they pulled a part " What was that for?" Freddie frowned " I love you so much and thank you for getting Sofia from school and for stepping up while your fathers gone" Freddie shrugged " someone had to other than Gi who is already doing everything" Abby nodded.
" Mommy" Sofia squealed as she rushed up to her mother dumping her dance bag by her mothers feet " Hey sweetheart, I see your brother has been looking after you" Sofia nodded " It's been so much fun, Freddie's the best brother in the world" Sofia said hugging her brother. Hearing this Abby did everything she could to stop the tears from falling.
" he's pretty cool huh" Abby winked at Freddie who smirked and Sofia nodded " we better get you to dance" Sofia nodded.
Abby and Sofia arrived at dance to see Gianna at the reception desk, " Hi Gi" Sofia said cheerfully as she rushed into the changing room whilst Abby hung back.
" Did you find her mom?" Gianna asked not really wanting to hear what her mother was going to say "Yeah I found her" Abby sighed as she walked round to behind reception. Gianna nodded for her mother to continue " She's at grandma Maryens and she's going to stay there for a while" Abby said folding back the tears.
" Oh Mom I'm really sorry, I'm sure Sadie will come round. It's just a lot to take in at her age as she understands more than she should, but not enough like we do so she's somewhere in between but, it's going to be alright mom" Gianna said placing her hand on her mothers shoulder.
" so....did she say why she's at grandma's?" Gianna asked tenderly.
" I've lost her Gianna, she said.....Pretty much the same as what she said at the airport so...." Abby shrugged.
" At least Sadie is telling truth and not holding it all back, yes I know it's hurtful and upsetting to hear but at least you know what's going on with her I guess" Gianna said looking at her mother who was silent for a second and then she nodded her head in agreement.
" Well I better get teaching" Abby said walking away leaving Gianna feeling rather sorry for her mother.
Not long after Abby left Gianna called James and told him everything and he was sympathetic and he listened. Once Gianna finished talking to James she left reception and decided to join her mothers class to help her. Gianna walked in to the class to see Maddie, Kendall, JoJo, Kalani, Nia ,Sadie and Mackenzie But Sadie's presence was missing tonight  and that didn't get unnoticed by the others.
Abby was in the middle of teaching the girls to stretch when Gianna walked in "  I thought I'd give you a hand" Abby nodded and Gianna walked over to the corner and sat down by the music as she watched them and most of all her mother.
Thought out the dance Abby would sit and watch the girls but her mind clearly was not in it tonight.
" Miss Abby where's Sadie?" Gianna cringed as she heard Mackenzie ask her mother.
" Oh she's gone away to grandma Maryens for a while" Mackenzie nodded to show she understood. Gianna sighed hearing her mothers calm reaction.
" Will she be back soon?" Maddie asked about her best friend.
" Can we go and see her ?" Kendall asked
" How long is she away for Miss Abby?" Jojo said
Abby couldn't take anymore " Excuse me a second" Abby walked out of studio A without a glance back behind her, she rushed out of the studio and rushed past the reception desk and out into the car park and out on the side walk where she continued run away as long as her feet could carry her.
Abby rushed towards the nearest woods for peace and quiet and it was there that as soon as she reached the nearest tree she fell to her knees and she placed her hand over her mouth and she just sobbed as tried to to get her breath back.

 Abby rushed towards the nearest woods for peace and quiet and it was there that as soon as she reached the nearest tree she fell to her knees and she placed her hand over her mouth and she just sobbed as tried to to get her breath back

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Gianna took over the class for her mother  who was now MIA. Once dance was over Sofia walked over to Gianna who started putting everything away " Gi?" Sofia asked sheepishly "Yes Sofia?" Gianna asked turning to face her sister.
" Has Sadie really gone to Grandmas?" Gianna nodded " Yeah she has for a little while and she'll be back very soon" Sofia nodded.
"Gi?" Sofia asked again "Yeah Sofia?" Gianna asked " Where did mommy go?" Gianna shrugged " I don't know Sofia but, I'm sure she'll be back soon" Sofia thought about what Gianna said and that seemed enough to keep Sofia occupied.
" Come on munchkin lets go home" Gianna said placing her arm round Sofia's shoulder and together they walked out to reception where they hoped to see Abby but no such luck.
Gianna grabbed her mothers things and then closed the studio and headed home with Sofia in tow. Gianna and Sofia arrived home in hope to see her mother but she wasn't home yet.
An hour later Abby did make an appearance but she was quiet and went upstairs to her bedroom leaving Gianna and Freddie in charge of Sofia.
Gianna knocked on her mothers bedroom door which she opened quietly to see her mother sitting up in bed staring into space.
" Hi Mom" Gianna asked softly but she didn't get an answer.
" Where did you go?" Gianna asked as she sat down at the foot of her mothers bed.
"um...I fell down in the woods when I was running" Gianna nodded "I fell and I looked at the ground. I saw my hand and my sleeve and the little bit of blood on my sleeve and I said to myself, "Ok if this is the last thing You will ever see, I can handle it......I'm done, I've had enough" Abby shrugged. "But it wasn't! It wasn't the last thing I ever saw. But I just kept going. How does someone just keep going after the worst thing has already happened?! What do you have to change inside to survive?! Who do you have to become?!" Abby let the tears fall "you don't know who I am anymore and you can't count on me" Abby said making Gianna frown as she had never heard her mother this low and she was worried for her safety so the only thing left for her to do was to call her father.

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