Four Seasons vs The last text

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It was the competition weekend and just like any other weekend Abby and the girls took the coach to little rock Arkansas.
Melissa, Maddie and Mackenzie were the first to arrive as always so they got the pick of the seats. Nia was the next to arrive and joined the girls on the coach  followed by Christi and Chloe.
" where is everyone? Abby told us all to be here dead on 7am and as and as always we are waiting on the usual suspects" Christi said rolling her eyes.
Kalani was the next to arrive with her mother Kiera followed by Kendall and Jill.
" where is Abby and the girls? Being the teacher and owner you think she would be here first" Jill shook her head.
" I know" Kiera rolled her eyes.
Finally what seemed a life time away Abby and the girls arrived and yes you guessed it Abby was in the finalist of moods.
" Hey girls, Hey Abby" Melissa said greeting Sofia and Sadie.
" I wouldn't bother mom is in a fowl mood" Sadie said climbing on the bus.
" hey Abby, everything alright?" Melissa said sweetly.
" let's just get this show on the road" Abby said completely ignoring Melissa polite greeting.
" boy what's her problem?" Jill whispered to Christi who smirked.
" we got miss cheerful today I see" Kiera said sighing she just hated it when Abby was in a fowl mood which seemed to happen a lot lately since Gianna had gone.
Mean while in Ohio James and Gianna travelled to the competition with the Kathy and the Apples. This was Gianna's first time traveling with the apples to competition and to be honest she was rather uncomfortable but lucky for her she had James with her.
" Hey are you okay?" James asked gently nudging Gianna on the arm.
" huh?.....yeah sorry Im fine I'm just nervous I guess" Gianna smiled and went back to looking out the window.
"So Apples are we going to crush flabby Abby and her team today?" Kathy called out
" we are" they called out in unison
" who are we?"
" Candy apples" they chant.
" mom" James gestured to Gianna who smiled weakly " it's okay, it's good for them to get excited" Gianna said smiling.
The apples were on the road to nationals and boy what a complete difference it was to travel with the apples who were in a calm manner as they sat in silence unlike the ALDC they spoke, laughed all the way to competitions.
The apples were first to arrive at the venue, they stopped out side at the front where they all got off the bus and head into the building to warm up and change into their costumes.
Gianna held back " Gianna aren't you coming?" James asked gesturing for her to follow them.
" I better wait out here for mom" James nodded and walked over to her and bought her into a tight hug.
" come and find me after okay?" Gianna nodded " okay and good luck to your mom and the team".
" thank you and good luck to your mom and the girls too" James said smiling as he walked into the building.
Gianna stood outside waiting for her mother wondering what was about to happen when she saw her mother.
Gianna paced backwards and forwards as she waited.
Half an hour later the ALDC arrived and boy were they surprised to see Gianna.
" Gi" the girls cheered and rushed over to her and hugged her tight.
" Gi, we miss you so much" JoJo said cheerfully.
" I miss you too girls" Gianna said hugging them all back individual.
"Gi please come back to dance and back home it's horrible without you there" Sophia said
" aww I miss you too Sophie, how is mom?" Gianna asked knowing the real answer.
"Mom is....being a moody cow today and I just hate it at home she is super mean and just well I don't know if mom and dad are going to stay together because they argue all the time now" Sadie said wiping the tears that slipped down her cheek. They were interrupted by Melissa " Gianna are you back?" Melissa said surprised.
" No, not any time soon" Gianna smiled.
" the girls miss you and frankly so do we" Jill said rolling her eyes which told Gianna Abby was out of control.
Here it was that dreaded moment when Abby got,off the bus and glanced at Gianna and didn't say a word until Gianna spoke up.
" Hi Mom, ready to kick some Candy Apple butt?" Abby ignored Gianna completely and headed into the building.
" I'm sorry, I'm sure she will come around eventually" Holly said placing a hand on Gianna's shoulder and walked a head leaving Gianna behind.
" Gi?" Sofia and Sadie called as they rushed over to Gianna.
" yes?"
" will you do our hair so, mom doesn't have to do it" they pleaded and Gianna nodded.
" okay" they both cheered and rushed back into the building.
Gianna walked into the changing room and glanced at her mom who sat at the front in her usual spot looking in her phone.
Gianna walked over to Sadie and Sofia who sat patiently waiting for Gianna to do their hair like she used to.
" this is like old times and I miss them" Sadie said glancing at Gianna in the mirror.
" I know, me too and whatever Happens I am your sister and always will be okay and nothing's ever going to change that" Abby glanced up at Gianna talking to Sadie and Sofia and this made her realise how much she misses her eldest daughter.
The girls practiced the dance in front of Abby who sat there ready to criticise every movement they made whilst, Gianna watched feeling her heartbeat in her chest remember this used to be her when she used to compete and she remembered how her mother would watch every single step and Gianna would be frightened to move or get one step wrong and her mother would yell at her to do it again until she had it perfect. Gianna could see the same fearful look in the girls eyes willing themselves to get everything right and not get one false move wrong.
" Nia point your toes" Abby yelled
" Kendal, use your face" Abby barked.
" Sadie, your foot was sickled!!!" Abby screamed.
" Abby please stop yell at the girls" Melissa said shyly.
" do you wan them to win" Melissa nodded.
" well then,they need to listen to me. Sofia I can not believe that I have to remind you to bend your knees in a plié " Abby shook her head.
" your making us nervous mom, stop yelling at us and tell us what we are actually doing right for once" Sadie screamed.
" how dare you talk to me like that I am your mother!!!"
" well I am sick of it and you know what sometimes I wish you weren't our mother and no wonder Gianna left you. I am sick of having to make excuse for your rudeness" Sadie screamed leaving Abby stunned.
Sadie stormed out of the room leaving everyone in a stunned silence.
" carry on practicing girls, I'll be back" Abby said getting out of her seat and went after Sadie.
Once outside the room Abby walked along the corridor looking for Sadie who she found round the corner pacing backwards and forwards.
" Sadie Stella Martello, what the hell was that back there?" Abby stood with her hand on her hips.
" look if your here to hear me apologise then you've wasted your time"
" I can tell your angry but, how dare you talk to me like that I am your mother wether you like it or not!" Sadie looked down at her feet.
" I know"
" what brought all this on?" Abby asked.
" you! You are always putting us down and I can't take it anymore and to be honest I don't think I have what it takes anymore to be apart of this, it used to be fun but it isn't anymore mom" Abby closed her eyes and let the tears fall.
Abby wasn't sure what to say so she did the only thing she could think of and that was to take Sadie into an embrace and hugged her tight.
" I'm sorry, I just want you to be the best dancer you can be and I just didn't realise I made you feel like this" Sadie snuggled up to her mother " I'm sorry I was rude, I was angry but, I love you mom" Abby kissed the top of Sadie's head.
" I love you too sweetheart, I guess we better head back" Abby pulled out of the embrace and turned to leave.
" wait mom!" Sadie a little louder than planned.
" Yes? What is it Sadie?" Abby said.
" when are you and Gi gonna make up? I miss her mom and want her to come back home and to dance" Abby sighed " "well I don't think that's going to happen anytime soon sweetie okay" Sadie nodded and walked back towards the changing room.
They walked back into the room and started to practice with Abby watching intently.
Soon enough it was time for the ALDC to head back stage ready for their big performance. The girls were excited as they chatted and giggled their way to the back of the stage where waited in the wings.
" okay girls, I will be out front watching every move!! Good luck and do me proud" Abby said to the girls.
Sadie and Sofia rushed over to Abby and hugged her tight.
" good luck girls, ready to do our chant?" Gianna said smiling at the girls.
" one...two..three....Gi's Dolls" they cheered.
Abby walked off to get her seat with the moms and Gianna following behind. Kathy was already sitting down in the usual fashion with Abby sitting in front.
James sat with his mother, he winked at Gianna as she walked by and she gave him a smiled and chuckled.
On this occasion Kathy was silent she didn't say a word to Abby who was rather concerned.
" not feeling well Kathy dear?" Abby said glancing behind her.
" I don't have time to engage, my apples are up first" just as Kathy said that the presenter called out " are you ready for the first ever exciting dance off  so let's get started with all the way from Ohio the candy apples" and the people cheered as the team walked out and took their starting places.
' four seasons' by Vivaldi began to play and they began to dance, Abby watched them intently but she spotted incorrect foot work in places and the routine was a bit rushed.
" this is so rushed, they obviously did have time to work on it I mean look at the sloppy foot work" Abby said loudly to Melissa who nodded in agreement.
" what are you talking about Flabby they are flawless" Kathy shook her head.
Abby laughed " you keep telling yourself that" Abby was shocked how deluded Kathy was.
The apples finished and the routine and Kathy leaped from her chair and applauded loudly.
There was anew seconds silence before the ALDC girls took to the stage " please welcome all the way from Pittsburgh, the ALDC" the crowd went wild.
The girls stepped out on the stage and sat in their starting positions " oh my god what the hell is this?" Kathy blurted out and with in seconds the girls began to dance and tumble to their music which was ' the last text' the girls performed and there was pure silence as they performed the dance to perfection.
The girls finished and everybody cheered and Abby leaped up just like Kathy did and began to clap and cheer for her girls.
" well that's it folks, the awards ceremony will be at 2:15 so, that is half an hour guys, see you all soon" the presenter said cheerfully before leaving the stage.

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