Grandma, sorrento and the arguement

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It had been 3 months since the shooting and Cathy was now out of hospital and back at the dance studio working a few days a week just to ease her back into it.
James and Gianna are still going strong and Gianna is still yet to speak to her family well her mother to be exact but that is all about to change.
Gianna sat in bed looking on her lap top whilst James slept peacefully next to her. Gianna was busy emptying her emails when a fresh email popped into her inbox. Gianna opened the email which was from her cousin Valentina in Italy from her fathers side of the family. It was an invite to her grandmothers 70th birthday party in Sorrento, Gianna read the email before she woke up James.
" James wake up" Gianna shook him and she received a groan as a response.
"James wake up" James  turned over and groaned " what is it?" He asked stretching.
" fancy a break in Italy?" Gianna asked
" what why?" James frowned.
" well my grandmother has her 70th birthday in a few days time and I was thinking of going but, my mom and parents will be there too" James sat up and placed an arm round Gianna " I can see how much your grandmother means to you so, I think we should go and we can deal with the family drama when we get there" Gianna smiled " are you sure your alright to come , I mean my family are how can I say this ......very Italian" Gianna chuckled " I want to come and meet your family" Gianna nodded sent a quick reply to say that she was going and James was coming.
Gianna went about her day as usual teaching at the candy apples dance centre with James. Once Gianna was finished with her class she told James she would be home soon but she had other plans.
Gianna pulled into the familiar drive way only seeing one car in the drive way she got out of her car and head the front door and gout out her key and opened the door.
Gianna looked round seeing that nothing had changed at all,she looked in the living room and headed straight to kitchen where she saw her father where he always is and his favourite room in the house.
" hi papa" Gianna said walking into the room.
" Gianna Princess? Is that really you" Gianna chuckled " yeah it's me papa" Gianna walked towards her father where she rushed into his open arms.
" your mother is at the studio just in case you were wondering" Gianna nodded.
"I'm actually here to see my dad and about the email I received from Valentina this morning about grandmas birthday" Mario nodded.
" I haven't spoken to your mother about it yet but, I am hoping we can go with the girls and Freddie" Gianna nodded " well me and James are going" Mario hugged his daughter tight after not seeing her for a while.
" we miss you princess, so does mother I know she does not show it but deep down she does miss you a lot" Gianna smiled " I miss you all so much and hope soon mom can put all this behind us and accept James"  after talking to her father for 2 hours Gianna decided to head back home to James.
Abby arrived home with the girls in tow an hour later " Hi honey we are home" Abby called out.
" hey in here" Mario called out.
The girls rushed upstairs t their rooms to shower and change,Abby walked into the kitchen and wrapped her arms round her husband from behind.
" something smells good" she said glancing over his shoulder.
"Abby, I received an email today from my niece in Sorrento" Abby let go of Mario and nodded for his to carry on, Mario turned so he was now facing Abby.
" we've been invited to my mothers 70th birthday in a couple of days" Abby nodded
" if it's in a couple of days me and the girls can't go Mario, we have a competition" Mario sighed " I knew you'd say that" Abby frowned " I thought you understood how important my job is to me" Mario chuckled " really Abby and I thought you knew how much my mother means to me and if the roll was reversed then we would go to your mothers party no question about that but, that's where me and you differ" Abby massaged her temple " the girls need me there and Sadie and Sofia are competing Mario and we can't pull out now so, sorry we aren't going" Mario was fuming.
" I need you there Abby after all you are my damn wife.....I am hurt and upset that you are choosing dance over my mother and my family" Mario said firmly
" I'm sorry but we aren't going and you mother has never liked me anyway" Abby said sounding rather selfish.
" I didn't realise how selfish you were until now!" Mario said raising his voice.
" I am taking the girls and you well you can do what the hell you want!" Mario said leaving the kitchen.
" like hell you are taking the girls" Abby said making Mario turn round.
" they are my children too and I can do what I want with them as I am their father not that anyone would know that they have a father!!" Mario went to leave but Abby wasn't done arguing.
The children heard the argument from their rooms. They came out their rooms and sat down on the top steps and listened whilst their parents argued.
" I don't like it when mom and dad argue" Sofia began to sob.
" hey it's okay" Sadie said hugging her little sister.
"I don't know how they are going to get over this" Freddie said slight panic in his voice.
" you know what I'm fed up with this, I'm fed up with you so I'm gonna just go because I can barely look at you right now"
" you can't bare to look at me? I can't bare to look at you either, I don't know what happened to the Abby I married, you I don't know who you are anymore" Mario yelled at Abby as she stormed past Mario and picked up her car keys and slammed the front door behind her.
Mario just stood and watched his wife leave him alone with the children.
" daddy is mommy coming back?" Sofia said leaning over the banister.
" yeah everything is fine bambino not to worry" Mario said glancing up at Sofia.

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