Held on tightly as you held on me!

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The teams headed back to their dressing rooms where they chilled out and chatted amongst themselves. Gianna sat looking at her phone texting James. Abby was also on her phone texting her husband Mario who was at work and couldn't come today, Abby also text Freddie who was away on at football camp. Gianna took this time to glance at her mother and I mean really look at her, She saw that her mother had lost weight and looked tired, with drawn and just not her usual self physically or mentally. Gianna looked away from her mother took look at her phone once again, there was a knock at the door and Abby called for them to enter.
" the judges have made their decision so, if you could make your way to the stage" the girls got up off the floor where they sat talking and stretching. Abby put her phone in her bag and got up out if her seat "okay girls lets go" Abby called out.
" mom?" Sofia asked and Abby ignore her.
" Mom?" she asked once again and Abby ignored her.
" Mom!!!"
" what??" Abby snapped.
" do you think we will win?" Sofia asked
" I am shocked you have to ask me that sofia , now come on" Gianna shook her head she hated when her mother spoke to her siblings like that when they would only ask a simple question.
They walked along the corridor towards the stage " Gianna?" Sofia asked glancing up at her sister.
" yes Sofie?"
" do you think we will win today?" Gianna looked down at her sisters smiling face.
" I think we have a good chance at winning today Sofie" Sofia smiled and trotted along side Gianna.
The Apples were already waiting in the wings ready to go out when Abby and the ALDC joined them.
" so flabby you still think your in with a chance of winning" Kathy smirked.
" I'm not just in with a chance we will win simple as" Abby shrugged and walked off.
" hey" James said walking over to Gianna who smiled " Hey, I can't wait for this to be over" Gianna said with a sigh.
" I know" any luck with your mom?" Gianna shook her head.
" Hey, are you James?" Sofia asked
" yes I am" James smiled at Sofia " this is little Sofia, the baby of the family" Gianna said placing her arm round her "hey I'm not a baby Gi!" Sofia shrieked.
" James am I a baby?" Sofia asked
" No your certainly not a baby" James said chuckling
" James it's about to start" Kathy called out " look I better go, talk to you soon?" Gianna nodded " good luck" James smiled " you too" James headed back over towards his mother and her group.
" welcome back everyone, are you ready to find out the results?" The crowd scream " okay put your hands together for The Candy Apples and The ALDC" the crowd went wild Both teams were called up on the stage.
" okay so, both teams gave us everything and we are dying to see the results" the presenter announced.
" so without further ado the winners are......oh my looks like it's a tie between the apples and ALDC" the presenter yelled.
" looks like we're going to have a dance off once again between the two dance teams but this time it will be between the senior members of the teams to battle it out"
" okay Apples are you ready?" Kathy smirked " you bet your sweet Apple we are" Kathy said confidently.
" ALDC are you ready?"
" we are aways ready" the presenter was shocked by Abby's blunt reply.
" okay for the apples we have James and for Abby Lee we have Gianna, if the other remaining dancers could exit the stage" they got off stage and headed out to the seating area with Abby at the front as always and Kathy behind them.
James stood on the stage and held out his hand for Gianna to come up on the stage with him. Gianna glance at her mother who glared at her which told her not to move but Gianna took James hand and joined him on stage.
" I don't think I can do this" Gianna said beginning to panic.
" hey look at me!" James said forcefully, Gianna looked at him " we've got this, it's just me and you at the beach" Gianna smiled and nodded.
" okay" they both stood together in their starting positions.
" we do require one dancer at a time" the announcer said frowning in confusion as Gianna and James stood together close.
James nodded at the lady who stood at the music station and the music began, they began to dance. There was silence as they watched Gianna and James dance.
" what the hell does she think she is doing?" Abby was furious.
" I bet this was your idea flabby!" Kathy said leaning forward to whisper it into Abby's ear.
" it certainly isn't my idea, I bet it's your sons idea I mean after all he's the one who has you as his mother" Kathy was furious " what the hell does that mean?" Kathy barked.
" you know what it means, look Kathy don't act like you forget we always bring it and we always win" Abby said watching her daughter dance beautifully.
The music ended and James and Gianna ended in their finishing position and the crowd clapped cheered loudly.
" that was beautiful" Melissa said placing her hand on her chest.
" I know it was incredible" Holly said in absolute awe.
" you must be so proud Abby?" Jill said brightly.
" yeah Ecstatic" Abby said sarcastically.
Mean while Gianna and James stood on stage with the announcer who was in absolute confusion.
" I'm afraid to say that it is still a tie"
" we know, we wanted to show that both teams are just as good as each other as we didn't need a silly dance title to tell us that" James said glancing at his mother and at Abby who still was not happy at all.
" thank you James that was well said" the announcer said brightly.
" your mom looks pissed" James whispered to Gianna " yeah" was all Gianna could muster.
" I'm gonna try and speak to mom" James nodded.
Gianna got off the stage and made her way over to her mother " hi" Gianna said nervously.
" Hi? Is that all you have to say to me?" Abby barked.
" no I just wanted to sorry I know your still angry with me but, I am fed up with all this rivalry with the apples. Me and James are dating mom wether you like it or not and yes he is Kathy's son but he's more than that he's a genuinely nice guy if you got to know him" Gianna felt herself shake and letting the anger that she had been holding in she finally let it out.
There was silence between Abby and Gianna when there was a lot of  sound outside the auditorium, one of the people back stage heard over towards the double doors to see what all the commotion is outside the auditorium. He opened the doors and walked through only to come running back and whisper to the announcer who looked horrified.
" okay folks, if you would like to head back to your changing rooms as quietly as possible" everyone looked round at each other in utter confusion.
" I think we should head back like they said" Melissa said rather worried.
" come girls" Jill said placing her hand on the back of Kendall and Sadie.
They quietly headed back towards their dressing room, Gianna walked along the corridor together when they heard a loud bang.
"What was that?" Gianna asked panicking " I don't know come it will be quicker if you come with me come on" James took Gianna's hand and lead her into an open door and closed it behind them.
" what's going on?" Gianna began to panic.
" I don't know Gi I really don't" they looked round to see a crowd of other people they didn't know all  huddled together with looks of pure fear and worry written on their faces.

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