Ti Amo

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A few days later Gianna was at work at the reception desk sorting out paper work for her mother when she heard her phone bleep signalling that she had a message. Gianna pushed the chair out form under the desk so she could reach into her bag and get her phone.
Gianna frowned when she saw a number she didn't recognised but she unlocked her phone and opened the message.
Hi I don't know if you remember me? We met the other day on a night out and once again at the dance comp a few days ago where your girls whipped our butts and by ours I mean moms lol. Anyway it's me James and of course you knew that 😊 I was hoping that we could maybe go out on a date maybe this week😉.
Gianna smiled as she reread the message " so anything you need to tell me?" Abby said sneaking up behind Gianna making her jump out of her skin.
" mom what are you doing sneaking up on people like that?" Gianna said holding her hand against her pounding chest.
" someone's jumpy" Abby said chuckling
" I'm fine.. It's just when you sneak up on people like that and you scared me" Gianna said looking at her mother.
" so who are you texting?" Abby said standing with her hands on her hips.
" oh just a friend" Gianna said shrugging.
" oh really? Why did you turn you phone over when you jumped" Gianna sighed
" ugh It's private mom. That's all can you get off my back now?" Gianna snapped " look I've got to go, I have a private in the minute" Gianna said as she shoved her phone in bag, walked past her mom and walked out into the studio.
All the way through the private Gianna was thinking of ways to respond to James text and finally she came up with a good enough reply . Soon as the private finished Gianna headed to reception, dug her phone out of her bag and re-read the text before she typed a reply.
Looks James this just isn't going to work I mean my mom and your mom are rivals and I just can't....I'm sorry. See you around.....Gi
Gianna sighed in frustration because she really liked James and thought he was different but it would be to difficult to peruse anything so she did what she always did and that was push people away to keep away the hurt.
Gianna had finished for the day so, she headed home hoping she would be home alone.
Gianna walked through the front door " Hello?" She called out receiving nothing but silence.
She took off her shoes and headed up stairs to her bedrooms here she climbed on to her bed and just curled up  into a ball and laid there for a few minutes before she grabbed her phone and logged on to her Instagram to see that she had gained a few new followers. Gianna looked down the list at the new followers not really knowing who they were, just when she was about to log off she noticed a jjns was now following her. Gianna looked on his profile realising James was now following her on Instagram. Gianna hesitated a few seconds before she followed James back ,she looked through his photos and smiled seeing his happy cheerful face.
Gianna gasped when she saw a old photo of herself and James back in the old days when they used to compete against each other with Abby behind them in the back.

~A few days later ~

Gianna was waiting in studio A for the girls to arrive so they could learn their new dance for the next competition which was a few days away. Gianna was sat in the corner looking on Instagram totally unaware that the girls had arrived and so had her mother.
" looking up something or someone interesting?" Kendall said looking over Gianna's shoulder with a big smirk upon her face.
" what???" Gianna jumped " no" Sofia smirked " I don't believe you" Sofia says snatching Gianna's phone out of her hand.
" omg your looking up that James" Maddie and Sofia said loudly.
Abby's head snapped up " what? Let me see" Abby demanded and Sofia rushed over to her mother with her sisters phone.
" you like him don't you?" Chloe asked knowing the truth even though she wouldn't get the right answer.
" no...I was just..." Gianna looked over at her mother who looked disgusted and chloe sighed feeling sorry for Gianna.
" why on earth are you following him Gianna?" Abby finally said after a few minutes silence.
"'I just wanted to see what his routines were like that's all" Gianna said not very convincingly.
" oh really? Well I bette keep this, I don't want you to loose focus" Abby said pocketing Gianna's phone.
" mom please....I won't look I promise....he's a really good teacher and his routine are good" Gianna heard herself say.
The girls looked at each other, then at Abby and then at Gianna.
" our routines won't be good if you don't keep your head out of the clouds and this is the last I want to hear of it. Now girls spread out"
Gianna sighed and walked to the front of the mirrors where she began to teach the girls their new group routine for next competition.
After an hour Abby told the girls to get a water break and Gianna took this moment it ask for her phone back.
" mom..." Gianna said quietly
" yes?" Abby snapped
" I don't suppose I can get my phone back now please?" Gianna asked sweetly.
" I have already told you not until we get our big win then you can have your phone back" Abby said
" that's ridiculous what if I need my phone for an emergency?" Abby shrugged.
" fine whatever I'll ask dad for another phone then" Gianna said walking away " go and tell your father, what makes you think I can't change your fathers mind" Abby raised an eye brow.
" oh no mom that's just gross" Gianna walked out through to the den where the girls were having a quiet break.
" I'm sorry about mom Gi" Saddie said sweetly.
" thanks Saddie , I know you girls know I like James but mom would be so mad if started dating the enemy" Gianna gave a loud sigh.
Once dance was over Gianna, saddie and Sofia got into Abby's car and they headed home. They had only be on the road 5 minutes when Saddie decided to try to get Gianna's phone back.
" mom when is Gianna going to get her phone back?" Abby looked in her rear view mirror at Saddie " let me guess your sister has put you up to this" Saddie shook her her head " no mom I was just wondering" Abby looked at Gianna who was at next to her " I have already told you and this will be the last time...you will get your damn phone back when I say you can so you can stop asking other people to get it back for you understand" Gianna frowned " I didn't ask Saddie to ask you" Gianna snapped and Sofia shifted uncomfortably in the back seat.
They pulled into the drive way and grabbed their dance bags before they entered the house " dad were home" Sofia called out " hey kids in the kitchen" Saddie, Sofia and Gianna dumped their bags on the floor by the front door with Abby following behind.
" how are my girls? How was dance ?" Mario asked holding open his arms for them to walk into.
" dance was good dad, Gi taught us a new routine today" Saddie said beaming from ear to ear.
" is that so...and how is my Gi" Gianna sighed " not so good today dad, I mean the routine was amazing but moms being a cow as always" Gianna said pulling out of her fathers hug.
" hey I'm sure it's not too bad but, don't speak about your mother like that" Mario scalded Gianna.
" sorry dad but she was totally unfair"
" Gianna is telling the truth dad she was mean to Gianna today" Sofia said nodding.
Abby walked into the kitchen " don't stop on my account" Abby said walking over to Mario who hugged his wife and kissed her lightly on the lips.
" I hear my love that you were horrible to Gi today and well can I ask why?" Mario asked calmly.
" your daughter is in contact with Candy apples son James who if you have forgotten is my enemy and so I took Gianna's phone as I didn't want her getting distracted" Mario was quiet for a minute before he spoke again.
" okay...I understand my love but isn't that a bit harsh taking Gianna's phone for that reason and that reason alone?" Abby couldn't believe what she was hearing.
" that's it take the kids Side like always" Abby walked out of Mario' s grasp and over to the fridge.
" Come on.. You know that's not true I nearly always side with you Abby's but this time I think it was a bit harsh that's all, come on love" Mario said wrapping his arms around Abby's waist from behind whispering " Ti Amo!" Into her ear.

( hey my lovely readers I am extremely sorry for not updating this story in a long while and well any way here is another chapter and I have to say it's not my best but I kind of found it hard getting back into the story again after such a long time away from it. I hope you like it)

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