Antonio's move on Abby

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" happy birthday mom" Mario said walking over to his mother and kissing her on the cheek, they both start speaking very fast Italian and chuckling whilst Abby watches them having no idea what they were saying.
Mario could see Abby felt a bit left out so he wrapped his arms round her tight.
" how about Abby takes you out for lunch and for shopping?" Maria smiled weakly not really liking the idea.
" okay" Maria said weakly.
" I'll come too" Gianna said sensing the uncomfortable silence and Mario smiled.
" I'll go and get ready darlings" Maria said turning and leaving the kitchen.
" girls why don't you go and get showered and dressed ready for today?" Mario suggested.
The girls didn't need telling twice they got up and headed back to their rooms to shower and change, Freddie followed leaving Abby, Gianna and Mario behind.
" I guess James will be joining us some point today?" Mario smirked " yeah he likes to sleep in" Gianna rolled her eyes.
" your mom has never liked me,you do realise that?" Abby said out of nowhere.
" Abby don't be silly, look she's having lunch with you" Mario shrugged.
" yeah only because Gianna is coming also other wise she wouldn't bother" Abby said feeling hurt.
"Well I don't care what my mom thinks, I love you and that's all that matters okay?" Abby smiled and nodded her head.

Later on that day whilst Abby and Gianna took Maria out for lunch, Mario, James, Freddie, Sadie and Sofia helped get everything ready for the family party/gathering.
" is this banner straight dad?" Sadie called out
" a little lower on the left" Mario nodded " perfect, good job girls" Sadie and Sofia climbed down to look at their handy work.
" do you think Grandma will like what we have done daddy?" Sofia asked glancing up at her father.
" I'm sure grandma will love it Sofia" Mario picked up Sofia and held her him his arms glancing at their handy work.
The decorations were done and people slowly began to arrive and soon the party was more than ready for their big arrival.
Mario got everyone outside in the garden and turned the lights off and seconds later Abby, Gianna and Maria walked through the door and into pure darkness.
" well that was lovely girls thank you" Maria hugged Gianna and then Abby.
" where is everyone?"Maria said glancing round the house and finally she reached the garden and the lights were switched back on and everyone yelled 'Happy birthday'.

Maria stood in shock not realising how much time went into this surprise and she only knew about the basic part of the party not realising that every single family member would be here.

Maria headed towards her other son with her arms open wide " Antonio my favourite son " she cheered.

" mama" he said back in thick Italian accent very much like Mario's.

Abby saw the hurt in Mario's face when he saw his mother rushed over to her favourite son. Mario glanced at Abby before he stormed off to cool off.

" mom where's dad going?" Sadie asked as she watched him storm towards the house.

" oh he's just tired sweetheart" Abby look down at her daughter and smiled " daddy will be fine okay so don't worry about him go and have some fun" Abby encouraged.

Mario stormed into the kitchen and grabbed a beer forcefully making James jump out of his skin .

" you alright there Mario?" James asked knowing that something was bothering him.

" not really son but, thank you" Mario tossed the bottle top into the sink and took a sip of beer.

" you can tell me" Mario thought about it and seconds later he was spilling out his troubles.

Mean while Gianna wondered over to her mother who stood uncomfortably as family chatted away in Italian and some parts English.
" is everything okay mom, I saw dad storm off into the kitchen" Gianna asked before taking a sip of her drink.
" oh nothing sweetheart, are you having a good time?" Gianna smiled " yeah it's great mom" Abby nodded.
Maria left the group and rushed over to her friends, so that left Antonio alone with Abby and Gianna. Abby smiled sweetly at Antonio as she took a rather large sip of her drink.
"I'll be right back just gonna get a top up" Gianna said cheerfully.
Antonio watched his Niece walk away leaving him with Abby " It's good to see you again after all these years" Abby said sensing  the uncomfortable silence between them "yes it is how you say good to see you again" Antonio winked at Abby as he took a sip of his beer. Abby felt slightly uncomfortable with the way Antonio looked at her and the fact that he winked at her well that was not normal I mean most people wink jokingly but he really meant it.
Valentina one of Marino's nieces came over holding her camera in her hands " picture you guys" Vale Tina gestures to Abby and Antonio. Abby was not happy but she couldn't say that so she put on a brave face and moved closer to Antonio who placed his hand at the bottom of her back and together they smiled " lovely thanks Aunt Abby and uncle Mario" Once Valentina walked away Mario slowly lowered his hand  so that his hand now rested on Abby's behind " I rather enjoyed that, I hope we can continue this later" Antonio whispered giving Abby's bottom a pinch. Abby was shocked she moved away instantly.
Moments later Gianna walked over holding a fresh drink " everything okay?" Gianna asked her mother and uncle who nodded
" I'll be right back okay just going to the restroom" Gianna nodded at her mother.
Abby left Gianna and headed back inside the house and rushed to the restroom, once inside Abby threw up feeling rather sick that her brother in law made a move on her. Once she was finished vomiting Abby reached out wiped her mouth with the soft toilet roll. Abby stood up and walked over to the sink where she washed her hands, Abby glanced down at her wedding band and engagement ring feeling bad like she had just betrayed Mario with his brother but in fact she was wrong he was the one that was wrong.
Abby flushed the toilet and took a few moments to look herself over before she left, once she was happy she opened the restroom door jumped in shock not really expected Antonio to be there "sorry excuse me" Abby said trying to get by but Antonio had other plans. Once Antonio left Gianna behind seconds after Abby, Gianna had this horrible feeling that something wasn't right so she followed her uncle who was waiting outside the restroom. Gianna watched as her mother left the restroom and her uncle was forcefully making his move on her mother.

He was pushing Abby back towards the restroom, he whispered softly " let's carry on where we last left things" he whispered.
"Antonio, I am not interested I am happily married to your brother and have been for years" Abby said placing her hand upon his chest.
" I know but, I have always wondered why you preferred my brother over me, I'm better looking and I have much more money and I am great in the bed room" he winked again.
" Antonio this has to stop, leave me alone and ,let me get by" Abby snapped.
Mean while Mario made his way to the restroom only to stop and see Gianna hovering at the bottom on the stairs.
" what's wrong Gi?" Mario  furrowed his brow I'm confusion " is this the line?" He asked his daughter.
" No Papa but, just don't go up there" Gianna said hoping it would be enough to stop him coming up but she was wrong he moved past Gianna and rushed up the steps just I time to see Abby and Antonio kissing. Mario was heart broken and he rushed down the steps but, what he didn't see was Abby push him away and shove past him.
" Gianna?" Abby was shocked "How long have you been there?" Abby was worried.
" Long enough, I saw everything Mom" Gianna look down at her feet " so did dad" Abby was heart broken.
" I have to find your father and explain everything" Abby said rushing past Gianna " Mom....wait" Gianna called out but her mom was already gone.

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