The plane home and Sadie lets her feelings known

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Abby left the house and headed into the back yard where the party was being held. Abby walked past crowds looking for Mario, she got a few strange looks from family members but she gave them a small smile and they soon smiled back.
" Mommy" Sofia yelled as she came rushing over in tears.
Abby bent down to Sofia's level and opened her arms and Sofia came rushing into them.
" What's wrong sweetheart?" Abby asked hugging her daughter tight.
"I fell and hurt myself and no one really helped me and it really hurt, look I grazed my knees" Sofia said pointing to her grazed knees.
Mean while Gianna rushed through to the kitchen and over to James " Have you seen my dad?" He shook his head " No, why? Is everything okay?" Gianna sighed " not really, I think this is it for my mom and dad" Gianna sighed heavily.
" I'm sure it will be fine" James said placing his arm round Gianna who leant into him.
Abby continued to look round for Mario when Maria stepped in front of Abby making her step back " looking for my son? Or shall I say which one?" Maria said raising her voice making the party guests turn round and gasp at Abby.
" Maria please keep your voice down and I love Mario and Mario only. Now have you seen him?" Abby said forcefully.
" yes he is by the pool" Abby didn't bother to say anything else she rushed over to the pool where Mario sat glancing into the pool.
" Mario?" Abby said softly but Mario didn't move he just stayed where he was.
" Mario can we talk?" Abby asked as she walked closer.
" there's nothing to talk about Abby, I  hope you  two are happy together" Mario said not looking at Abby once.
" Mario please let me explain" Abby really want to fight for Mario.
" I've told you there's nothing to talk about Abby" Abby sighed but she carried on and walked towards Mario.
" He kissed me Mario, he made the move on me" Abby said raising her voice slightly.
" no matter what you say, I know what I saw. What is it about my brother? He's my moms favourite son, he's everybody's favourite, he always took my girlfriends from me and now he's taken you away from me" Mario said weakly.
" Mario he hasn't taken you away from me, your the one I love and the one I want Mario,please believe me" Abby began to cry.
" I'm sorry Abby but you've lost me, I hope He was worth it and I hope you and Antonio will be very happy together. I think it's best if I stay here and you head back home and we can arrange what to do with the children over our lawyers" Mario said getting up and walking past Abby.
" I really loved you Abby I really did" Mario walked away.
Abby sat by the pool and sobbed her heart out. Gianna and James walked slowly over towards Abby.
" Mom? Is everything okay?" Gianna winced knowing the answer was going to be no.
" Your father has left me and he has decided to stay here and we will be talking through our lawyers" At this point Abby broke down and cried hysterically.
" Oh Mom" Gianna said rushing over to her mother and wrapped her arms round her. James walked over towards Abby and place his arm on her shoulder " I'm sorry Abby, I'm sure I won't get to that....I mean you can see that you both really do love each other" James knew it was pointless but he wanted to help.
Once the party was over Abby headed in side the house and up stairs where she packed her bags along with the children's bags. Mario stayed out by the pool not bothering to say anything, Gianna walked out to the towards her father " Hey papa" she said bringing Mario out of his trance.
" Hey princess, everything okay?" He asked.
" Not really, my parents are breaking up over something stupid that was not moms fault" Gianna said.
" Did your mother put you up to this?" Gianna shook her head " No papa, I was there I saw everything, it was all uncle Antonio papa he was coming on to mom who told him to leave her alone and that she was happily married to you dad" Mario thought about it for a second before he answered.
" I'm sorry Gianna it's too late, I saw it happen and it didn't look like your mother was pushing him away. I'm sorry Gianna I don't  want to talk about it anymore" Mario answered weakly.
Gianna sighed " I'll just say this. You should give mom another chance not that she blew her first chance in the first place" Gianna said turning and walking away.
Late that afternoon Abby and the girls and Freddie said their goodbyes to their grandmother and father.
" are you not coming with us dad?" Sofia asked softly.
"No sweetheart, I'll be home again soon"Sofia nodded " okay daddy" Sofia said brightly.
" please come home with us" Sofia said hugging her father tight " I can't princess but, I'll be home again soon" Mario said glancing at Abby who glanced at Mario only to look away "Bye papa" Sadie began to sob.
Freddie hugged his father and said goodbye.
Once they said their goodbyes Abby and children left leaving a hurt and broken Mario behind.
" Son I know me and Abby don't get along but, I believe Abby is telling the truth and I know for a fact that she loves you very much and your willing to throw that all away and not listening to the women who you love very much and the mother of your children  and my grandchildren and Abby would do anything for you" Mario sighed.
" Mama please" Mario pleaded only to turn away and walk up to his room.
Mean while the ride back to the airport the children were all silent and just glanced out the window with pure sadness on their little faces.
" when's daddy coming back home?" Sofia asked softly.
" he's not Sofia well not for a long time" Sadie said placing her arm round her little sister. Mean while the taxi ride Abby sat in the front and just stared out the window occasionally subconsciously playing with her wedding hands. They soon arrived at the airport where they grabbed their luggage and glumly walked through the airport to the check in desk. Gianna met them at the check in desk with James.
" Do you think your moms gonna be okay by herself with the children ?" Gianna looked at her mother who was a shell of the women she knew, she had no make up on she looked tired and her red tear stained eyes told a story of how she cried herself to sleep at night.
" Hi mom" Abby gave Gianna a weak smile.
" it's gonna be okay mom" Gianna placed her arm round her mother and Abby sighed.
They all checked in their bags and headed through to airport security and then through to duty free shopping where they grabbed a bite to eat. Everyone sat in silence whilst Abby just played with her food not really eating any of it.
They wondered round the shops grabbing last minute gifts for friends they may have forgotten.
" Mom? Can I get this for daddy for when he comes home" Gianna rushed over to Sofia and quietly took her to the check out.
James saw that Abby began to cry again he placed his arm round Abby and said softly " Abby, it is gonna be okay and the girls and Freddie will be fine" Abby nodded.
They soon where heading to the departure gate where they queued to board the aircraft " shouldn't we wait for dad......" Sadie said without thinking. Sadie put a hand over her mouth in shock after what she said.
" Mom? We are going to be okay aren't we, I mean the while thing with dad staying here" Freddie asked quietly.
" WILL YOU STOP ASKING ME QUESTIONS ABOUT YOUR BLOODY FATHER! I DON'T KNOW WHAT IS HAPPENING OKAY" Abby yelled loudly at her children making the other people in the queue turn round and look.
" Mom you don't have to take it out on us, we get that you're hurt and upset but don't take it out on us okay , we are with you not against you" Gianna bit back.
" I wish everyone would stop asking me how I am or what's happening" Abby said more quietly.
" we know and we are sorry but he is our father and we love him as much as we do you mom so we have a right to know in what's going on" Gianna said.
" Why are you apologising for us when we haven't done anything wrong?" Sadie snapped "Sadie" Gianna said giving her a certain look " what it's true Gi" Sadie shrugs " do you know what I am fed up of holding everything in and whilst I'm on the subject Your the worst mom, your always yelling at us when you should be praising us. We are in this damn mess because of you mom not us and once again you have ruined everything like always and everything you touch turns to shit. I wish it was Dad we were flying home with or that I can stay here rather then spend another minute with you, your hurtful, spiteful and do you know what mom your just a bully and in the end no one likes a bully " everyone was shocked and Abby was stunned and very hurt by Sadie's out burst.
" OMG Sadie how can you say that?" Gianna gasped "That's your mother" James said seeing the hurt in Abby's eyes and James was shocked at himself and he rather felt embarrassed for his little out burst but he had to say something.
" oh take her side, I see now dad's gone and she's all alone " Sadie said pointing to her mother " everyone feels sorry for her and takes her frigging side when it's her damn fault, I miss dad" Sadie said finally finishing her little rant.
No one got to reply as they were now boarding the plane, they all took to their seats with Abby sitting alone in a window seat with an empty space between her where Mario should have been. Sadie sat with Sofia and Freddie and Gianna and James sat next to each other opposite Abby so they had a clear view of Abby who had turned her head to looking out the window where she quietly sobbed her heart out.

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