Sky zone

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Today was Gianna's day off from the studio and so she took that opportunity to spend sometime with James as they hadn't seen each other lately. James and Gianna walked along Main Street where the all the shops and restaurants were in Pittsburgh.
" So how are things?" James asked as they walked along hand in hand.
" It's okay I guess, I mean my parents are civil to one another which is good but, they still aren't right and as you know Sadie hasn't come back home" James nodded.
" I know.....listen about the whole Sadie competing for my mom thing. I swear I didn't know anything about it" Gianna smiled and nodded " I know I heard you talking  to your mom at the competition" James stopped " you heard all that" Gianna nodded.
" anyway that's forgotten now but, I just don't know what to do to get my family back together. I mean I know my mom has forgiven dad but you just wouldn't know it the way she acts around him" Gianna shrugged.
" Maybe something that you all can do as a family and obviously you don't tell them what it is until you tell them and you can get your grandmother to bring Sadie along and then they all have no choice but to stay" James said stopping as he thought about where they could go.
"That's brilliant, but where can we go?" Gianna asked.
" how about we get a drink and some lunch while we think it over" Gianna nodded " Your brilliant" Gianna said placing. Kiss on his cheek.
Gianna and James ended up eating lunch and coffee in Starbucks where they chatted and thought about ideas for the family outing.
" What about a show or something?" James asked taking a sip of coffee.
" Yeah that's good as I know mom and dad love a good show but I'm not sure about Freddie or Sofia or even Sadie wanting to see something like that" Gianna took a bit of her sandwich.
" oh I was meant to say mom is taking the girls to sky zone next week and I was. Wondering if you'll come with me?" Gianna gasped " that's it" Gianna said brightly " What are you talking about?" James frowned.
" I can take my family to sky zone but I won't tell them we are going there, I'll tell them we are going to the theatre" Gianna smiled " You're a freaking genius" Gianna kissed James on the cheek.
" That's it it's settled we are going there, thank you.....oh and yes I'll come with you" Gianna smiled.

A few days later At the dance studio, Abby sat at the desk filling out a mountain of paper work when Gianna walked over to her mom and sat next to her " Mom ?" Gianna asked softly "hmmm" Abby said not looking up from her paperwork.
" I booked for all of us to see a show at the theatre tomorrow" Gianna said waiting for her mother to reply.
" That's lovely sweetheart....wait what did you mean all of us?" Abby's head shot up.
" Well it would be Me, you,Sofia, Freddie, Sadie, Grandma and Dad" Gianna said nervously
" Haha nice try, absolutely no way.....I won't be coming" Abby shrugged " please mom, you'll get to see Sadie" Gianna said brightly.
" that may be  but, I am not going to act like a happy family when truthfully we are far from it" Abby sighed.
" Please Mom, remember you let dad move back in so that suggests you have forgiving him" Gianna shrugged.
" ugh Gianna I said No and I mean it" Gianna sighed " fine I'm not gonna argue with you about this, I hope your happy that you're gonna be missing out" Gianna said getting up from her seat and went back to the studio.

~~~Sky Zone ~~~~
They all waited outside for The other 2 people " Who are we waiting for? Can we just go I'm freezing my ass off out here" Freddie said through his chattering teeth.
" Freddie" Abby scolded her son for swearing.
Finally they arrived "Sadie" Sofia said rushing over to her sister.
" look Sadie is here" Mario said brightly.
" yeah fantastic.......can we all get in the car" Freddie said sarcastically.
" What the hell is wrong with you today?" Abby snapped and Freddie glared at his mother.
" This is absolute bullshit, why are we bothering to act like a family, when we aren't" Freddie said storming off into the back of the car.
"I'll have a chat with him"Mario said and Abby nodded weakly.
Everyone got into the car to see Gianna was driving to the theatre. Abby was next to Gianna, Mario, Maryen and Sofia  and behind them Freddie and Sadie sat.
They all sat in silence until Gianna turned left and not right where the theatre was " the theatre is on the right?" Abby questioned .
" that's because we aren't  going to the theatre" Gianna announced as she looked in her rear view mirror to see Sofia, Sadie and Freddie cheer.
" where are you taking us?" Maryen asked as she looked out the window.
" we are going somewhere fun" Gianna smirked.
"Yes" Mario said punching the air
Gianna pulled into the car park " freaking Sky Zone? That's where you were taking us" Abby was shocked.
" I don't think so take me back home" Abby said but no one replied and they got out of the car.
"OMG Yes Sky zone" Sofia cheered.
They all walked into the entrance and the kids rushed over to the reception desk.
" Hi welcome to Sky zone,2 children tickets and one adult ?" The guy asked looking at Freddie, Sadie and Sofia.
" No actually we are all going on"Gianna said reaching the desk.
" No we are all not going on" Abby said as she glanced round the place.
Once they paid. They all found a table and put their things down " can we go and play now" Sofia asked dying to dash off .
" yeah come on let's go" Gianna said taking her youngest sisters hand.
Mario and Freddie went to the basketball section and together they played a game, Sadie went on to the large strip of trampoline where she tumbled and bounced. Gianna and Sofia bounced together chasing each other on the trampolines.
Abby and Maryen sat and watched " Why don't you go and join them love" Maryen asked her daughter as she watch her husband and children play happily.
" I can't join them mom, they won't want me there" Maryen scoffed " Don't be silly, you'll only regret it if you don't" Abby thought about it for a second before she got up and joined them on the trampoline.
Maryen watched as Abby joined in and the children where loving it and everything that had been happening the past months was forgotten.
" Who's up for some dodge ball?" Freddie raised his eyebrow quizzically.
" I'm in" Abby said with a smirk.
They split the family into 3s with Abby, Sadie and Freddie verses Gianna, Sofia and Mario. They all started throwing balls at each other laughing as if they had no care in the world. Sadie rushed behind her mother for protection. Gianna had a huge smirk on her face " What are you smirking at?" Abby asked concerned.
Gianna didn't answer she rushed over to her mother and chucked the ball at her and Abby screamed and rushed behind Mario and knocked him down on to his back and she fell on top of him.
They both looked deep into each other's eyes. Gianna and her siblings watched at their parents had a moment.
" Oh I'm sorry" Abby blushed.
" It's okay" Mario smiled as he looked deep in her eyes.
They looked at their mom and dad as they shared moment which felt longer than a minute.
" come in let's go and get a drink" Gianna said gesturing for her siblings to follow. They got off the trampoline and joined Maryen "is everything okay kids?" Maryen asked " Yeah mom and dad are kind of having a moment" Gianna said clearing her throat, they got a drink but they stilled watched as their mom and dad had now moved position and were now in fact talking.
" what do you think mom and dad are talking about?" Sofia asked a she took a sip of her drink.
" I don't know but I hope it's good" Freddie said as he took a seat at the table. Sadie stood with her rams folded not saying anything.
Abby and Mario walked over to the table but It didn't get missed that Mario had his arm round Abby who moved closer to Mario.
" Wait a second" Gianna said seeing how cuddly her parents are again " Does this mean you back together?" Mario smiled " if your mother will have me" Mario looked down at his wife.
Abby didn't say anything she just turned, Tip toed and kissed Mario passionately.
" I guess that's a yes" Maryen chuckled.
Sadie rolled her eyes and stormed off.
" Wait Sadie where are you going?" Gianna called out, Sadie shrugged " anywhere that is better than here" Sadie called back and rushed off.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 15, 2018 ⏰

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