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Today was the big surprise birthday for Mario's mother who already knew something was going on but she had no idea that the whole family would be here to celebrate with her.
That morning Mario slowly opened his eyes to take in his surroundings remembering where he was, he glanced how at his chest seeing Abby fast asleep he smiled as he watched her for a while I mean after all it had been a while since he held his wife in his arms and it was nice to have it back.
After a while Abby began to stir " morning Abs" Mario said smiling at his wife who stretched and yawned before she said it back " morning, how long have you been watching me?" Abby raised an eye brow.
" a while, why?" Mario shrugged.
" Mario I was thinking what if you, me or Gianna and James took your mom out for lunch so, everyone could get things ready for the party" Abby suggested.
" that's a good idea, what if I take her for lunch as I'm let's face it not every good at this story of thing, Gianna is much better than me" Abby chuckled.
" okay if your sure Abs, I could come with you?" Abby shook her head " I think it would be good for me and your mom to spend sometime together" Mario agreed.
" first I want to spend sometime with my wife" Mario said and Abby chuckled.
Mario kissed Abby passionately only to be interrupted " Mom?" Sofia called outside.
" just ignore her she'll leave in the minute, where were we?" Abby said kissing Mario.
" Mom?" Sofia asked the second time but this time she opened the door " Mom? Dad?" Sofia whined.
Abby and Mario broke the kiss and sat up in bed to see Sofia standing at the foot of the bed " what's the Matter Sofia?" Mario asked gently.
" I'm hungry" Abby groaned " just great, isn't some one already up? can't you wake your brother or sisters up ?" Abby asked a little abruptly than planned.
" no, no one is up yet and I tried" Sofia began to sob.
" come here princess I'll make your breakfast" Mario said getting out of bed and sat the edge of the bed.
" I want mommy to make it " Sofia said through her sobs.
" Abs" Mario said turning to look at his wife.
" come on " Abby threw back the covers and got out of bed. Sofia rushed to the door with Abby following behind.
Abby and Sofia walked into the kitchen to find it was completely empty.
"Okay what do you want for breakfast Sof?" Abby asked standing at the kitchen sink with her hands in her hips.
"I want pancakes mom, can I have pancakes?" Sofia pleaded as she climbed up on to the breakfast stool.
" okay pancakes coming up" Sofia cheered.
Abby started making pancakes with Sofia watching when Abby had a good idea " Sofia want to help me to make the pancakes?" Sofia practically jumped at the chance.

Gianna woke up to the smell of pancakes wafting under her nose, she carefully got out of bed not wanting to wake James she, tip toed out of bed and headed towards the kitchen. Gianna could hear laughter so, she poked her head round the corner to see her mother and Sofia making what could only be pancakes.
"Something smells good" Gianna said walking into the kitchen alerting them of her presence.
" morning sweetheart" Abby said brightly
" morning mom, what's going on? Has something happened?" Abby frowned " what do you mean?" Gianna chuckled.
" well your making breakfast for one thing and two your out of bed early" Abby laughed " yeah I guess your right, fancy some pancakes?" Gianna smiled " yes please mom, hey peanut I see your helping mom and your doing a pretty good job" Sofia smirked " uh oh I know that smirk don't even think about it" Gianna said eyeing her youngest sister.
Sofia walked over to Gianna with a cheeky grin on her face and her hand covered in flour and sticky pancake mix.
Sofia came charging at Gianna who started rushing round the kitchen with a Chuckling Sofia rushing behind her.
" No Sofia don't" Gianna squealed.
" Oh my god...." Gianna squealed hiding behind her mother for protection.
A sleepy Sadie wondered into the kitchen rubbing the sleep out of her eyes " what's going on?" She asked.
" Sofia is trying to get me with her pancake mixed hands" Gianna said glancing past her mother, Sadie smirked only to see Sofia turn round and come charging at her so she rushed round the kitchen squealing " Sofia don't you dare" she screamed.
Sadie also rushed over to her mother and stood behind Gianna " you both are scared of a 7 year old" Abby said chuckling.
" come on girls breakfast is ready" Abby said dishing the pancakes on to the girls plates " Sadie do you want any pancakes?" Sadie nodded " yes please mom" the girls sat round the table and Abby placed their plates in front of them.
" now this is perfect"Mario said walking into the kitchen and over to Abby and placed his arms round Abby from behind.
" what have you got girls?" Mario asked gently leaning over to look at Sadie's plate.
" mom made us pancakes" Sofia said cheerfully with a mouthful of food.
" oh she did now did she?" Mario was shocked her didn't think Abby knew how to Cook or where a kitchen was.
" Abby, babe I didn't think you knew where any kitchen was" Mario chuckled.
" I resent that, I've made many meals before and yes I do know where the kitchens are" Abby said sounding a little hurt.
Mario could see it had upset Abby so he wrapped his arms round her and kissed her cheek, Gianna smiled as she watched her parents make up, Sadie and Sofia shared a quickly glance and pulled faces at each other.
" is there any pancakes going?" Freddie asked as he walked in to the kitchen and took a seat at the breakfast bar.
Freddie never got to answer because his grandmother joined them in the kitchen.
" morning darlings, how is everyone this fine morning" Maria asked " did I hear laughter in here earlier?" Sofia nodded.
" yes you did grandma, mom made us pancakes and I chased Gi and Sadie round the kitchen" Sofia chuckled " it was so funny grandma they were screaming like babies" Sofia said with a smirk played upon her lips.
" no we weren't" Sadie said folding her arms across her chest.
" yeah you were" Sofia said teasing her sister.
" whatever shut up" Sadie snapped.
" mom Sadie told me shut up" Sofia whined to Abby.
" girls stop arguing please" Abby said giving them both a famous Abby glare.

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