I love you mom

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" I didn't walk away Abby if you remember you left as it was you who couldn't cope" Mario bit back.
" Fine whatever you win, I'm done" Abby got off the wall and went to walk past Mario but he reached out and gently grabbed Abby's arm and she tried to prize herself free from Mario's grasp "get the hell off me" Abby snapped.
" I won't let go, we need to sort this out Abby" Abby rolled her eyes " there is nothing to discuss" Abby shrugged.
" oh yes there is as I need to say something to you and you're going to listen " Abby smirked " oh what would that be?" Mario let out a deep breath " I'm sorry I didn't believe you, Antonio told me what Happened the other day" Abby raised her eyebrows " so you think you apologising is going to fix everything" Abby chuckled " Stop it Abby I am really sorry and I don't want a divorce in fact I want our old life back and I will do whatever it takes to win you back then I will do it" Abby shook her head in bewilderment.
" I'm sorry Mario but, you're already too late, like I said I'm done" Abby yanked her arm out of Mario's gasp.
Mario shocked himself as he grabbed Abby and kissed her passionately on the lips and for a split second she forgot where she was and she kissed him back and everything came flooding back and how familiar it was but soon reality took over and she stopped the kiss and push him away " What the hell do you think you're we're doing" Abby was angry but deep down all she really wanted was to take him back and carry on as if nothing happened.
" it's not going to be that easy Mario. You really hurt me and do you know what really hurt the most was when Sadie told me I was the worst mother and I didn't realise how true that was until I heard her actually say it not once but twice and then I realised it was true only because Of you and I have been the worst mother taking it all out on ur kids because you weren't there and they were the nearest and closet things to me and I will never forgive myself for it" Abby began to sob and this broke Mario's heart.
Mario slowly and gently placed his arm round Abby and she clung on to him and sobbed " Oh Abby baby I'm so sorry. I love you so much and I am a complete how do you say.......idiot for not believing you my gorgeous wife and it's taken me this long to realise what I could have lost and I will not let that happen" Abby wiped her eyes and pulled out of Mario's embrace " Oh I'm sorry" Abby blushed as she wiped the remainder of her tears away.
" it's okay, this absolutely kills me seeing you like this and what hurts the most is that I caused this and I feel like such a complete fool" Mario shifted uncomfortably.
"Well I better head back and see if Gianna is okay" Abby sniffed " Gianna will be fine but Abby we aren't" Mario said "Well all I have to say is that it's your fault and we are in the this mess because of you Mario not believing me,now if you'll excuse me I better save what I can with our eldest daughter as I can't lose her like I have Sadie" Mario let Abby by and he turned to watch Abby walk away.
Mean while Gianna paced backwards and forwards as she thought things over but she didn't need long to think things over before she rushed out of the ALDC changing room and stormed over to the candy apples changing room and burst open the door " Excuse me you do you think you're doing?" One of the mothers that Gianna didn't recognise said.
" Whatever has anyone seen James?" Gianna asked and they all shook their heads.
" have you tried the warm up areas ?" Gianna shook her head.
Gianna left the room and walked towards the warm up rooms, she looked inside the first room not seeing James or Cathy there so, she checked the first one.
There he was in the corner whispering to his mother, this made Gianna's blood boil so, she stormed over but only to stop to see that he was actually arguing with his mother so, Gianna stopped to listen and good job she did as she heard that James didn't know anything about Sadie joining the apples and it was all his mothers plan to get back at Abby and to kick her whilst she was already down.
Gianna quietly left the room and went back to the ALDC changing room where her mother sat glancing at her phone.
" Hi" Abby said sheepishly
" Hi" Gianna said with not warmth in her voice.
Gianna walked over to her seat in the back of the room. Abby sighed and got up out if her seat and walked over to Gianna so she was now standing in front of her " What do you want mom? Have another go at me ?" Gianna said not looking up from her phone.
" Gianna please will you put that phone down I want to talk you" Gianna put her cell phone down on the table in front of her and Abby took the seat next to her daughter.
" Gianna, sweetheart I'm so sorry for my out burst earlier that was really uncalled for" Gianna nodded " Yeah it was and it hurt me so much considering what I've done for you the past few months and you just spoke to me like you did" Abby looked down at her feet " Honey I am so sorry and I am sorry that I upset you and I will do anything to make it right again" Gianna nodded " that's great mom but I don't know if I can forgive you for this" Abby began to sob " I am the worst person alive" Abby sobbed.
Gianna's heart began to break as she looked at the usually strong woman in front of her break down and clearly heat broken. Gianna got up out of her chair and bent down in front of her mother and placed a hand on her knee "It's gonna be okay mom" Abby nodded as she continued to sob.
" it's not going to be okay, I'm losing you too just like I lost Sadie and this is all my damn fault" Gianna sighed " you're not losing me mom, I'm sorry I love you mom" Abby looked at her daughter and wiped her eyes " Really? Why are you saying this? I was the one in the wrong not you sweetheart" Abby sniffed " because it's true mom and I think your the best mom so, it doesn't matter what anyone says I love you mom I really do" Abby smiled " come here sweetheart" Abby held her arms out and Gianna got up and sat on her mothers lap and hugged her tight " I can't believe I'm on your lap, I can't think when I last sat on your lap but must have been when I was small" Abby chuckled " you're never to old to sit on your mothers lap"Gianna laughed and hugged her mother " I love you so much Gianna I really do" Gianna smiled.
" I don't want to ruin this moment but do you think you'll ever forgive dad ?" Abby pulled away to look at Gianna " I kind of have forgiven him but don't let him know" Gianna chuckled.

Hi Guys thank you all so much for the reviews on this story so far. I know I hadn't updated this for ages and then I suddenly start getting into this story again and you guys have continued to read, review and comment on every chapter which blows me away with your loyalty and support so I want to thank every single one of you. Also I wanted to let you guys know I have another Abby romance story coming out soon. Let me know in the comments if you'll be interested to read it and I'll start to upload it ASAP. Xxxx

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