I love you

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James stood still as he watched Abby the Abby Miller the tough dance teacher crumble. James wasn't sure what to do but he knew he had to leave. James walked back towards Gianna who was in a jewellery shop round the corner. James walked along the sidewalk but, he just couldn't get Abby out if his head.
" James , hey James are you okay? You look like you've seen a ghost" Gianna asked waving her hand in his face.
" what? Huh? Yeah I'm fine" Gianna took the coffee out of James hand and took a sip.
They started to walk along the sidewalk but,James mind was elsewhere.
" James a you sure your okay?" Gianna asked noticing James was trailing behind.
" Gianna I saw your mom and she was....." James wasn't sure what to tell her.
" my moms what?" Gianna snapped at James.
" I just saw your mom crying I mean really crying Gianna" James lowered his head.
" where?" James pointed from the direction he just came.
Gianna rushed round the corner and glanced round but Abby was no where to be scene.
" I'm not lying Gianna she was just there" James pointed to the tree where he last saw her.
Gianna hoped her mother was okay even though they were talking she still did care about her.
" come on let's head back" Gianna took hold of James hand and together they walked to the taxi rank.
Mean while Maria and the girls and Freddie headed back home " where's mom and dad?" Sadie asked glancing round.
" there's Gianna and James" Freddie said spotting them.
Mario rushed over to his family " is your mother here?" Mario asked brightly.
" No dad she's not, why?" Sadie frowned.
" oh no reason" he said sounding deflated.
" are you and mommy okay now?" Sofia asked glancing up at her father.
" yeah we are fine sweetheart" Mario lied but only Maria , James and Gianna knew the truth.
They all got into the car and headed home leaving Abby alone in Sorrento. They all sat in silence unsure what to say to each other.
Finally they arrive back at the villa and headed back to their rooms where they changed to sit round the pool.
Maria, Sadie and Sofia were the first round the pool. James and Gianna followed a few minutes later to keep up appearances.

Sadie and Sofia played in the water unaware that their happy life was crumbling around them

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Sadie and Sofia played in the water unaware that their happy life was crumbling around them. that afternoon soon became evening and yet still no Abby. Little did they know Abby was outside the villa in a car that she had decided to hire. She sat in the car staring into the rear view mirror as she began to sob. She wiped her eyes and started to apply mascara only to start sobbing again as she held her head in her hands for a few seconds before she held her head up again. Abby glanced at her self in the mirror once again and applied a small amount of lip stick and wiped away the lose tears that threatened to fall. Abby got out of the car and locked it before she headed into the house.
Abby walked towards her room and she almost made it until she bumped into Gianna.
" Hi" Gianna said quietly.
" Hi sweetheart" Abby went to walk past Gianna.
" Mom, wait!" Gianna said loudly making Abby turn round.
" Are you okay?" Gianna asked tenderly knowing her mother was far from okay.
" I'm fine, everything is fine" Abby forced.
" mom you don't have to lie to me" Gianna said moving closer to her mother.
" I'm sorry mom" Gianna said began to sob and threw herself at her mother who held her tight.
" it's okay baby, I was wrong too and I'm sorry, I love you so much baby girl" Abby said kissing the top of her head.
" I've missed you mom" Gianna said letting go of her mother who smiled.
" I've missed you too so much and I am so proud of you and I'm sorry for it to have taken me this long to tell you" Gianna laughed through the tears.
" James is a good guy and I can't believe it's taken me this long
" thanks mom" Gianna smiled as she wiped away the tears.
" is your father home yet?" Abby asked and Gianna nodded.
" he is home but, he's not come out of his room since we got back and poor grandma has been looking after Sadie and Sofia" Abby sighed.
" go and get him mom, you both have been miserable since the Ermmm argument" Gianna left Abby to make her way towards her husband.
Abby knocked on the front door " I'll be out in the minute mother" Mario called out.
Abby opened the door slowly and poked her head round the door frame. Abby saw Mario on the bed.
" Mario" at the mention of his name coming out from Abby's mouth he turned round " Abby?" Abby nodded.
"I am here to get us back to how we were before and I am not leaving until we do" Abby said moving closer.
" I am also here to talk and to listen like I should have done in the first place" Mario sat up and Abby sat on the edge of the bed.
" I love you Mario and I will do whatever it takes to get you back" Abby said sighing.
" I love you too Abby and you don't have to do anything to get me back because you never lost me Abby not matter what you said or did I'm afraid you won my heart years ago and it only beats for you " Mario said inching closer to Abby.
" really?" Mario nodded.
They were inches apart " come here you big softy" Abby kissed Mario like she never kissed him before and he kissed her back with such fire and passion.
" do you think we should relieve your poor mother of child baby sitting duties?" Mario nodded " I guess we should, or shall we go for a swim first?" Mario winked.
" I'll go and change and I'll meet you out there" Abby said.
They both changed and walked outside together holding hands " mommy, daddy look at what I can do" Sofia said doing a hand stand underwater.
" wow that's very clever sweetheart well done" Abby said cheerfully.
" wow princess you are just getting too clever" Mario said making Sofia giggle.
"Abby and Mario sat down on two sun loungers next to Gianna and James.
" I love you Abby" Mario said taking her hand and gently brought it to his lips and placed a gentle kiss on top of her hand.
(Sorry this chapter is pretty naff I do apologise and I may redo this chapter soon.)

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