Bang Bang you shot me down!

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It started like another day but on one could predict how it all could go wrong in a few moments.
Kendall, Maddie and Sadie were rooted to the spot and didn't move for a few seconds, they were in shock.
that afternoon there was a tension in the air and everyone had a dreaded feeling hanging over them.
"Hey mate you shouldn't be here "a member of staff said as he noticed a man hovering.

"Bang" the gun shot through the mans chest and pierced his heart and he went crashing to the floor dead.

The man with the gun slowly walked though the building looking in rooms and closed closets.
Maddie, Kendall and Sadie heard the gunshot and quietly shoved themselves in to a closet with a glass window so they could see if the gun man was coming.
Abby, Melissa, Jill, Holly,Kira, Kelly, Christi and Jessalynn and a few of the girls headed towards their dressing room with a slightly quicker pace than normal.
" mom where's Gi, Kendall, Maddie and Sadie gone?" Sofia asked glancing behind her.
" they right behind us Sofia now come on" Abby snapped.
" no their not, look" Sofia gestured for he mother to look behind her.
Abby didn't look she opened the door to the dressing room and held it open the for the girls and moms to go through.
" mom? What's going on? Where is everyone?" Mackenzie asked glancing round the room looking for her sister but she was no where to be seen.
" I'm sure she is fine, now I need everyone to be quiet" Abby shut the door behind her.
Jill sunk down to the floor, Jill wrapped her arm round Sofia.
Sofia began to sob " hey it's okay,look your mother is only over there" Jill said trying to calm Sofia down.
" I can't sit here" Sofia got up quietly and  crawled along the floor " Sofia!" Jill whispers loudly.
Sofia reached her mother "mom I'm scared" Sofia said sobbing.
"Abby could see the fear in her daughters eyes " come here" Abby opened her arms for Sofia to cuddle up to.
Abby glanced round the room at the girls and their mothers huddled on the floor. Abby spotted Kira and Kalani huddled together and Kalani was sobbing.
Mean while outside the shooter continued to wonder along the endless corridors.

"Excuse me can you tell were ALDC and Candy Apples are please?" the gun man asked a very frighten lady who he could tell worked here. She suddenly appeared.

"Sorry no I don't know where they are" the lady walked away but was shot in the back of the head and fell to the floor. The gun man stepped over the dead lady's body and carried on.

Gianna and James continued to sit quietly huddled together in pure silence only to jump when another gun shot was heard.
" I can just sit here James, I've got to see if my mom and sisters are okay. Don't you want to see if your mom is okay?" Gianna was panicking and started to raise her voice.
" hey dude shut her up will you?" Said one other people they were suck in the room with.
" we can got out there Gi it's not safe" Gianna sighed." Whatever I'm going" Gianna got up and opened the door, poked round the corner to see it was empty she closed the door behind her.
Gianna felt someone come up behind her "Ahhh" Gianna started screaming and seconds later she felt someone place their hand over her mouth.
" Hey it's me, you were right I need to see if my mom is okay" James said letting go of Gianna's mouth.

Maddie kept glancing through the glass when she noticed Gianna slowly look round for the shooter so Maddie called Gianna and James to come and stand with her and the girls.

"Oh my god, what the hell "Gianna said as she closed the door behind her .

"I know " Maddie said as she kept looking through the glass window

"Gi I'm scared and I want mom and dad" Sadie said as she began to cry.

"shhh it's alright Sadie, do you think you can be quiet for me and then you will see mom and dad" Gianna said as she bent down to Sadie who sat on the floor hugging her knees to her chest.


"God I'm so glad your okay girls"Gianna kissed her sisters cheek.
" what's he doing here?" Kendall said glaring at James who she knew was Kathy's son.
" Kendall back down he's okay I promise" Kendall nodded.

Back in corridor

The shooter opened a door to one of the changing rooms to find a room full of dancers and parents looking horrified.

"Now I don't want to shoot but can you tell how to get to the Candy Apples or ALDC changing room please"

"yeah... you... goooo... Leeefffttt and then turn right and then another left. And then righttttttt..." A mother stuttered as a gun was being held to her head.

"Thank you , have a nice day" the shooter turned left and took the route as instructed .

The gun man continued to kill as he was making his way to Abby's and Kathy's changing room.

Back in the cupboard

"Maddie, Kendall, Gianna get down now " the shooter is here, don't move" James said as she ducked down watching carefully where the man went and he saw him checking rooms and cupboards and he knew instantly where he was heading.

"He's heading to our rooms" James said not wanting to alarm the girls.

Gianna gasped as she knew where James was talking about.

"Ok we are going to leave here , come on it's alright" Gianna said as she grabbed the girls hands ands and checked round the corner which was clear.
Meanwhile the ALDC changing room everyone sat in silence.
" I can't just sit here whilst my our kids are out there alone" Abby snapped as she thought about Gianna, Sadie, Maddie and Kendall who probably was with James Kathy's son.
" Abby don't be silly" Melissa snapped hugging Mackenzie daughter tight.
" it's better if I go, anyway what good is it with just sitting here and doing nothing" Abby got up off the floor and headed to the door and opened it slowly peeking round only seeing an empty hallway. Jill, Christi, Holly, jessalynn and Melissa were shocked by Abby's out burst.
Abby checked everywhere when she felt like there was someone down the other end of the corridor so she turned round to see a man standing there edging forward with a gun behind his back.

"What are you doing here it's not safe" Abby said to the man who looked lost

"I know it's not safe" the man pulled the gun out from behind his back and pointed the gun to Abby's chest.

Gianna and the girls turned the corner when James suddenly stopped and they went crashing into the back him.

Gianna looked past James to see her mother standing still with the man pointing a gun at her.

"NO!!!" Gianna went to walk out and nearly revealed herself but James pulled her back.

"What are you doing Gi be quiet"
" what is it?" Maddie said trying to see past James.
" you don't want to see trust me" Maddie eyed James for a second before she believed him.
James watched as Abby tried to talk to man out of if it and a few moments later the man lowered is gun but only raised it again when Kathy came rushing out only to stop dead in her tracks.

"No Kathy go back" Abby turned her head to face Kathy and it was at that moment Gianna , James and the girls heard the gun shot.

"No "Gianna screamed

"Run, girls run back to the cupboard I will be right behind you" James said as he was dragging a hysterical Gianna back who was not making it easy for him as she was trying to break free kicking and screaming so James put a hand over her mouth and dragged her back kicking and screaming . They made it back to the cupboard.

Who got shot? Abby ? Or Kathy?. I hope I left you wanting more and I hope it was easy to read as I was trying to write it so you could imagine it all happening. I will update again soon .

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