Its supposed to be a beautiful day!

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Maddie, Kendall and Sadie huddled together shaking only to hear the gun shot, they placed their hands over their ears and just sobbed not wanting to hear anymore.Once the gun man hit the ground dead it was then that Gianna let the breath she had been hold out and looked up at the ceiling and shut her eyes and just let the tears fall. James sunk down to his knees and just sobbed and sobbed. Maddie, Kendall and Sadie slowly opened the door and The ambulance crew came rushing through and started working on Kathy. Floods of police filled the building as they entered the endless rooms off the corridor freeing the terrified hostages.
The paramedics continued effortlessly to work on Kathy, Kendall, Sadie and Maddie stood looking down in horror as the paramedics fought to say Kathy.
" this can't be happening" Maddie began to mumble quietly as she walked backwards and forwards taking deep breathes.
" I want this to be over!" Sadie said sinking to her knees and just looked up at the ceiling pleading, whilst Kendall just stood quietly but wouldn't look at the scene in front of her.
Mean while Abby and the rest of the girls were freed and they were lead outside hoping to see, Gianna, James, Maddie, Kendall and Sadie but, there was so sign.
" mom where is everyone?" Sofia asked
" I don't know, I came out the same time as you Sofia" Abby snapped at her youngest daughter.
" hey, Sofia come here" Kalani said with her arms open wide.
Abby looked round once more before she headed over to the police who guarded the entrance.
" excuse me, my daughters are still in side are they okay?" Abby said with slight panic in her voice.
" ma'am I am sure they are fine, please go back to your group" an office said not really caring.
" I will not just go back to my group , my two daughters and two of my dancers are in there and I will not just sit here and wait, something needs to be done now!" Abby demanded.
Just as Abby had her out burst the police radios came alive with officers demanded that everything one is moved a side for the remaining people where finally coming out.
Abby headed back to her group, The doors opened and the first out was Lames and Gianna who looked awful, James was being comforted by Gianna, next to come out was Maddie, Kendall and Sadie who scanned the crowds to finally see their mothers rushing over to them.
" oh my god, are you okay?" Melissa said rushing over to Maddie and embracing her into a tight hug.
Jill rushed over to Kendall and brought her also in for a bone crushing hug. Abby headed over towards " Mom!" Sadie yelled as she made a run for her mother but Sadie only to stop right in front of her mother who gave her the once over checking her for any sign of injury.
" are you hurt?" Abby snapped
" No, I'm fine...I'm fine" Sadie said just throwing herself at her mother.
" I was so scared" Sadie sobbed.
Abby just held on to her daughter until Sadie pulled away. Gianna headed over to her mother only to stop a few feet from her, Abby didn't care about the whole James and Gianna dating thing,the main thing was that her daughter was safe.
" Mom" Gianna said trying to hold back the tears.
Abby didn't need to hear anymore that was enough just hearing her eldest daughter saying that one word. Abby wrapped her arms round Gianna and just held her tight.
" oh baby I'm so glad you were safe , I was so worried" Abby said squeezing her tight.
" mom" Gianna said pulling out of the hug.
" Mom, I know you won't care but, Kathy got shot right in front of me and James and all I kept doing was talking to him by telling him things about me" Abby frowned " why?"
" I saw once on a documentary that if you introduce yourself to the shooter the less likely they will shoot you and that's what I did" Gianna shrugged.
Kathy was now wheeled out on gurney with the two medics either side wheeling her towards the ambulance in a hurray. Abby watched then load Kathy on to the ambulance and James climb aboard the ambulance after his mother.
" I guess I better go" Gianna said rushing over towards the ambulance and climbed aboard not looking back once at her mother knowing it was killing her going after Kathy.
" Abby?" Mario called out as he rushed over to her and brought her into a bone crushing hug.
" Mario" Abby weakly as, she wrapped her arms round her husband tight.
" are you okay? I just heard the news When I had just finished surgery and I got here a soon as I can" he said letting of his wife to look her over.
" I'm fine, Kathy got shot" Mario was shocked after all he wasn't a fan of Kathy but, he never wished anyone to shoot her.
" Dad" Sadie said wrapping herself around her father tight and not wanting to let go.
" Sadie are you okay princess?" Mario checked Sadie over, sighing with relief after seeing no injury on her.
" where is Sofia and Gianna? Are they okay?" Mario asked sounding rather panicked.
" Sofia is fine, she is with Kalani and her mother and Gianna went with James to Hospital in he ambulance with Kathy" Mario sighed with relief.
" it will be okay I'm sure Gianna will come round but now she is focusing on James and Kathy after all his mother got shot" Mario said placing his arm round Abby and gave it a squeeze.
Once the building had been cleared and everyone was given the go a head they all went back into the building to get their belongings and then they could go home.
Mario, Abby and Sadie walked over to their group and Sofia got to hug her father who picked her up and carried her into the building with him.
" daddy" Sofia said hugging him tight, Abby and Sadie walked along side Mario and the girls and their moms followed behind.
They all walked along the corridor towards their dressing room only to feel fear even though they knew the gunman was dead and couldn't hurt them, but  It was supposed to be a beautiful day, but then the gunman came and changed everything.While the gunman had raged each of them had learned something about friendship, and forgiveness, and redemption and family and some had learned the hardest lesson of all...that life is always fragile and very often unfair.

(I'm sorry this chapter sucks but, I've had such a long time away from this and so I'm not going to lie it was hard getting back into this story again. I hope you enjoyed it and I hope to update again soon. Thank you all for the votes and thanks for sticking with me on this and of course thanks for reading this story.)

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