Sorrento part One

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Later that evening Mario had put the children to bed and headed to bed himself still fill of anger about the argument. Mario got into the cold bed alone and just laid there staring at the ceiling. Abby arrived home half an hour later and got into bed but turned her back to Mario. Mario looked to his left and glanced at Abby with her back to him, he sat up pushed the covers back, grabbed his pillow and headed down stairs and slept on the sofa. Once Mario left the room it was then that Abby sobbed.
It had been 2 days since the argument and Abby and Mario still were not on speaking terms but today was the day for Mario's and the kids flight to Sorrento and Abby was going to the competition. Abby said her goodbyes to the children this morning and she even said something to Mario " have a safe flight" Mario nodded.
Abby waved the children goodbye before she headed to the competition alone. At the airport Mario and the children sat in a cafe having a bite to eat whilst they waited for their flight.
" does grandma know we're are coming?" Sofia asked cheerfully
" no princess's he doesn't" Sofia nodded her whilst taking a large sip of her milkshake.
" have I been to Italy before?" Freddie asked
" yes son you have but you were do you say...small then" Freddie nodded
" how about you Sadie excited to go to Italy for a week?" Sadie nodded " I can't wait to see grandma" Sadie said cheerfully.
" why didn't mommy come with us?" Sofia asked damping the mood.
" because Your mother had better things to do than spend time with grandma I guess" Mario shrugged.
" ouch dad that was a bit mean" Freddie chuckled.
" well it's true son" Mario said matter of factly.
Once they had finished eating they looked around the duty free shops, buying a few things they each wanted or needed.
" oh daddy can I get this?" Sofia asked rushing over to a top that had a ballet dancer on the front.
" Sofia you have enough tops" Mario said turning over the tag to see the price.
" please daddy I haven't got a ballet one, pretty please?" Sofia pleaded.
" Sofia I have just said no and that's the end of it" Mario snapped.
" mommy would have gotten it for me" Sofia said playing the mommy card.
" well your mother isn't here is she, so you can't have it" Mario said forcefully.
" I wish mommy was here" Sofia began to sob.
" Sofia hey come on never mind,,you might find a nice top in Italy that's better" Sadie said placing her arm around her.
" yeah?" Sofia asked wiping her eyes.
" yeah Sadie's right come on grandma doesn't want to see you upset" Freddie said trying to cheer his little sister up.
Mean while at the competition Abby arrived with the rest of the team but her head really wasn't in it but, she carried on the best she could.
" look Abby your heads just not in it, you should go to Italy and go be with your family" Melissa said gently seeing Abby was rather down.
" I can't just leave you all alone" Jill nodded " yes you can it will be fine and we will film it all for you we promise" Jill added cheerfully.
" you promise?" Kira Kalani' s mother nodded " absolutely" Abby decided that she would be going to Italy after all.
Abby headed home in a hurray and once she arrived home she started packing as fast as she could. She arrived at the airport and rushed over to American Airline booking desk and bought a plane ticket for late that afternoon seeing as she would miss Mario and the kids flight so, she would fly to Sorrento and win back her husband and spent time with the kids  and Mario's family just like she should have done in the first place.
Meanwhile Mario and the kids flight was now due and they were heading to the departure gate number 12 where their plane stood.
They joined the line and waited patiently, Sadie stood out of the line and looked around at all the people at departure gate 12.
" dad?" Sadie said rushing back to her father and tugged his arm.
" what is is princess?" Mario looked down at his daughter.
" Gi's here too look she's over there" Sadie pointed to a few chairs.
" oh yeah, go and say hello" Sofia rushed over to Gianna and James with Sadie in tow
" Gi" Sofia and Sadie screamed
" hey girls, where's mom and dad?" Gianna said glancing round the room.
" dads in the queue, mom isn't here" Sadie said and Gianna frowned " what do you mean mom isn't here?"
" mom and dad got into a fight and they aren't talking so, dad took us to Italy leaving mom at the dance competition" Gianna gasped.
" are you coming to see grandma too?" Sofia asked innocently
" yeah I am , me and James" Sadie and Sofia looked at James and smiled.
" well you better go back to dad and is that Freddie over there too?" Sadie nodded " yeah Freddie's here too" Gianna nodded.
Mario signalled for Gianna, James and the girls to join the line, which they did knowing Abby wasn't there they knew they were safe.
Time soon went quickly because before they knew it they had boarded the plane and we're now taking off towards
Sorrento leaving Abby alone in the airport to wind round for her flight to Sorrento later that afternoon.
After being in the air for over 10 hours and two changes they arrived in Sorrento Mario's home town of Naples , safe and sound.
Once the plane and landed they waited to get off the air craft, " dad Sofia's a sleep" Sadie said
Mario bent down and picked her up and carried her towards the exit and waited for Gianna, James kids to follow behind.
" dad how long is it since you've been back home?" Gianna asked
" you know what I'm not sure I'm guessing....well your mother and me have been married just over 30 years and we've gone several times before you guys were born so I'm guessing the last time we went Gianna you must have been 12 and Freddie must have been 8 years old and your mother must have been pregnant with you Sadie" Gianna was shocked.
" dad that was ages ago" Mario sighed " I know"he gave a weak smile.
They headed through passport control and then though to baggage claim and then once they were through they waited outside to make she they were all there together.
" wow it's so hot!" Freddie said wiping his brow.
" how come we haven't come here in such along time?" Sadie said smiling.
" I don't know Sadie but I am happy to be home" Gianna smiled seeing the glisten in her fathers eyes.
" it's beautiful already and we are only at the airport" James said looking round taking it all in.
" shall we get going so, we can get settled" Mario said gesturing to the taxis already waiting. Gianna and James took their own taxi whist Mario, Sadie, Sofia and Freddie into one car and made their way to Mario's childhood home.

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