Isn' t our love enough to give us another try?

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That night Abby tossed and turned but she just could not sleep so, she tossed back the covers and quietly and carefully opened her door and crept down the hall towards the kitchen. Abby moved about in the dark until she stubbed her toe.
" oh damn it" she said bending down and cradled her tender toe in her hands.
" you know you should really look where your going, or turn the light on" Mario said switching on the light.
" sorry did I wake you?" Abby asked softly and Mario shook his head.
" I couldn't sleep, let's just say I had someone or something on my mind" Abby nervously played with her hands.
" well....don't forget to turn the light off" Mario said coldly as he walked out of the room and didn't glance back whilst Abby watched Mario leave with out a glance back and this broke her heart.
" what have I done? I have ruined everything" Abby whispered to herself as the tears started to fall.
Abby had been sitting in the kitchen crying for an hour before she decided to call it a night and head back to her room.

The next morning Mario was up first and decided to start cooking breakfast and slowly but surly everyone came in for breakfast.
" morning girls" Mario said to his two youngest daughters who answered him back cheerfully " Morning dad" they took a seat at the large dining table. Next to arrive was Gianna, James and Freddie who greeted Mario before they were seated.
" dad this is incredible" Gianna said glancing at all the food on the table.
" you've totally outdone your self Mr Martello" Mario laughed " please call me Mario son" James smirked " okay Mario" James chuckled.
Next was Mario's mother Maria who gasped at her sons lavish breakfast spread out on the table.
" son you didn't need to go full out" Mario chuckled " I wanted to surprise everyone and treat them to something special" Maria took a seat at the table.
They all began to tuck in to the lavish break fast when Abby  merged quietly in the kitchen " is there room for me?" Abby asked sheepishly.
" mommy" Sofia said cheerfully as she rushed over to Abby and wrapped her arms round her tight.
" hey baby I've missed you" Abby aid hugging her youngest.
" there's a seat next to dad" Freddie said pointing to the empty chair opposite him.
Abby took a deep breath and let go of Sofia who rushed back to her seat and Abby shyly snuck into the seat next to Mario.
Abby started picking at the breakfast only to pull her hand back as Mario reached out at the same time as her and his hand brushed her hand gently which sent tingles down her spine.
" when did you get here mom?" Freddie asked picking up another piece of toast.
" I arrived late yesterday evening whilst you were all out" Abby said before taking a bite of fresh melon she had picked from the table.
Maria carefully eyed Abby who shifted uncomfortably in her seat. Abby glanced round the table seeing the happy faces of her children as they chatted among themselves whist Abby sat in uncomfortable silence, she glanced at Gianna and James who were laughing about something only to glance at Abby who looked away.
" I think your moms a bit uncomfortable" James whispered to Gianna who glanced at her mother who was looking down at her plate.
" well it's her fault in the first place she pushed herself away from us like always" Gianna snapped.
James glanced at Abby and their eyes met and James gave Abby a small smile which she returned.
" right my darlings how about we do a bit of shopping today and then comeback for a swim" Maria said glancing round the table and everyone agreed.
Everyone went back to their rooms to shower and change ready for the day a head, Maria managed to grab  her son before he went into shower and change.
" Mario, I will take the girls and Freddie shopping whilst you take Abby for a coffee to sort whatever is going on" Maria barked.
" I can't mom, I can't bare to look at her right now I'm sorry it's not going to Happen anytime soon" Maria sighed
" that woman is heart broken Mario, I could see it in her puffy eyes which tells me she isn't sleeping well and is crying herself to sleep at night" Mario knew his mother was telling the truth " maybe we can talk things over" Mario said seeing the worried look on his mothers face " well I hope you sort it out before tomorrow before that party otherwise I don't think you want to explain that you are no longer together to our family" Mario shook his head.

An hour later everyone was ready to go, they all headed into the large mini bus come cab which too them to town.
Mario had to sit next to Abby on the way there who glanced out the window the entire ride as she held on to Sofia who pointed out colourful buildings.
Mario watched as his youngest daughter glanced out the window mesmerised by the beautiful sites.
" you know what is where I used to spend my weekends as a kid with my brothers and sisters" Mario said absentmindedly placing a hand on Abby's leg to get nearer to Sofia who gasped " really daddy" Mario nodded and the reality hit him he removed his hand from Abby's leg " sorry I didn't mean to......I just....." Mario stuttered, he could feel his face turning red " it's okay don't worry" Abby said weakly but secretly deep down Abby missed it after all it had been a while since she felt Mario's touch and she missed it terribly.
They arrived in the town, they got out of the cab and waited for every one to get together " okay kids come with me, adults your on your own" Maria announced.
Maria took Sofia, Sadie and Freddie, whilst Gianna and James went off on their own leaving Abby and Mario alone.
" I think we need to talk Abby" Abby was avoiding this moment and hoped that she would get back to how they used to be.
" okay" Abby said nervously, they walked together side by side but something was missing.
" how about this cafe...." Mario stopped dead in his tracks realising he and been here with Abby before when they were engaged.
" I like this one, it has good memories" Abby said smiling.
They walked into the cafe and sat down opposite each other and sat in silence until the waiter came over and took their drink order.
" so..." Abby said shifting in her seat.
" look I think we need to talk" Mario said placing his hands on the table in front of him.
" look I am so sorry for what I said and I didn't mean it at all, I miss you Mario and I don't know if I can take anymore of this" Abby let the tears fall.
" I know you are Abby but it really upset me and I miss you too" Abby wiped her eyes
" do you think we can get past this Abby?" Mario was dying to know.
" I don't know....maybe" it wasn't a definite yes but they still had a chance.
" isn't our love enough for us to give us another try" Mario said reaching out to hold Abby's hand.

"I don't know Mario I just don't know if you can forgive me , look I don't think we are ready for this after all I better go, thanks for the coffee" Abby got up and walked out if the cafe leaving Mario behind who rushed out of the cafe after Abby ...

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"I don't know Mario I just don't know if you can forgive me , look I don't think we are ready for this after all I better go, thanks for the coffee" Abby got up and walked out if the cafe leaving Mario behind who rushed out of the cafe after Abby " Abby! Abby wait" Mario yelled. Abby rushed away from cafe as fast possible as the tears streamed down her cheeks as she ran and hid behind a tree and fell to the ground and sobbed. Abby was unaware that James Gianna's boyfriend was just crossing the street and saw Abby sobbing behind a large tree as she sank to the floor.
(Video above is meant to be Mario and Abby of how I described above ^^ with James seeing Abby crying and yes I know it is pretty little liars but I loved the acting in this scene by Troian )

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