Please stay

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The ambulance pulled to a stop outside the hospital , Gianna and James were told to get out of the vehicle sharpish so, they could treat Cathy who was barely hanging on. The staff wheeled Cathy through the emergency doors where they were met with an assembled team ready to go. James and Gianna were pretty much shoved a side so, the doctors and nurses could attend to Cathy.
" okay I need trauma team down here now! She is loosing too much blood" one of the doctors said as he looked at Kathy's gun shot wound.
" I need a unit of O neg and a cross match, I need an ultra sound done now, she needs Full blood gases, U, E and LFTS " another doctor ordered.
James watched helplessly was the continued to work on his mother, " she doesn't have much time get an OR now and tell,them we are coming now" they said taking hold of Kathy's bed and began wheeling her towards the OR.
" excuse me are you a relation to Mrs Nasbit-stein?" A nurse said sweetly.
" yes I'm her son James, what's happening? Where are they taking her?" James began to panic.
" your mother is in good hands, they are operation going to be operating on her right away so, why don't I take you,to the relative room where you can take a seat and I will let you know anything as soon as I can" Gianna put her arm round James " come on let's go to the relatives room" James nodded weakly and together they walked to the relatives room.
Once I there they sat down and James just burst into tears " I don't know if I can do this Gi" Gianna frowned " of course you can and your mother needs you, she raised a strong young man with a kind and loving heart" Gianna said placing a kiss on his cheek.
" I'm sorry about the whole thing with your mom" Gianna smiled " you have nothing to be sorry for anyway you just focus on your mom, my mom after all is fine just fine, she's as tough as old boots" Gianna said making James laugh.
" thank you for being here, I don't know what I would have done with out you" Gianna looked deep into James eyes and gently kissed him and then gently placed he head on his shoulder, Gianna placed her hand on top of  James and they just stayed like that as they waited to hear any news on Kathy.

Mean while back at the Martello household they had just finished dinner in a rather uncomfortable silence. Abby and Mario cleaned the dishes whilst the children went to their rooms to get ready for bed.
" so dinner was rather odd tonight?" Mario said taking a dish from Abby and loaded it into the dishwasher.
" uh huh" Abby said absentmindedly as she handed Mario another plate.
" I nearly died today or shall I say I thought I was going to die today" Abby let the tears slip down her cheek " Abby baby it's all over now" Mario walked over to Abby and wrapped his arms round he from behind and tried to sooth her.
Abby turned round and just wrapped her arms round Mario and just sobbed her heart out.
" shh it's okay baby your safe now" Mario said rubbing his hand smoothly up and down Abby's back.
" I didn't really get time to myself, I didn't want the kids to see me like this so, I put on a brave face and yes I yelled or snapped at Sadie and I didn't meant to but it was my way of coping with it I guess" Mario nodded " exactly baby don't worry Sadie will be fine and she will come round" Mario kissed her gently on the cheek.
" all I could think about was Gianna and the girls out there with that nutter all alone, I didn't really get to see Gianna for every long after" Mario was silent and just continued to hold his wife.
" come on let's get the dishes done so we can snuggle up on the sofa, what do you say?" Abby smiled through her tears and began to wipe her eyes.
" that's my girl, I love you Abby " Mario kissed Abby on the lips gently.
" I love you too" they finished the dishes off and headed to the lounge and watched Tv for a few hours before calling it a night and headed to bed.
They had been asleep for a few hours when they both heard footsteps outside their bedroom and crying, a few seconds later their bedroom door opened and in walked a sobbing Sadie.
" Mom? Dad? Are you awake?" Sadie said through her tears.
" what is it Sadie?, go on back to bed" Abby mumbled
" I had a nightmare" Sadie continued to sob
Abby sat up in bed this time and patted the bed for Sadie to sit down " you had a nightmare baby" Abby said softly and Sadie sniffed and nodded her head.
" I dreamt that mean man was trying to get us again and that she this time" Abby was horrified.
" oh baby come here" Abby opened her arms and Sadie snuggled into her mothers warm embrace.
" can I sleep in bed with you and dad?" Abby sighed  " okay just for tonight okay" Sadie nodded and climbed in bed between Abby and Mario.
Abby laid her head on her pillow so, she was facing Sadie and whispered " I'm sorry I was horrible to you earlier, I do love you Sadie" Sadie smiled " I know mom I know, I know you were just scared and that was just your way of coping with it I guess but, I guess it upset me because I love you mom and don't like it when you get angry with me" Abby leaned forward and placed a kiss on Sadie's temple.
" let's try and  get some sleep, nothing can get you sweetheart not while me or father around okay" Sadie closed her eyes and smiled as she drifted off to sleep.

Meanwhile back at the hospital James and Gianna had fallen asleep but they were both woken gently by the nurse from earlier.
" sorry to wake you but, Your mother is out of surgery and is stable for now but,meshes isn't out of the woods yet, why don't you go home and get some rest and come back in the morning after all there is nothing you can do for her at this point" James looked at Gianna who nodded and encouraged James.
" okay let's go home and I will be back in the morning" Gianna and James headed back home and drifted from into an uneasy sleep.
( I am not too happy with this chapter but hey ho , I was wondering what you guys would like to see happen in this story ? I'm not sure what to do next I was thinking of another encounter with Abby, Gianna and James at competition? I do have plans for later on in this story but it's just from now until then I'm not sure what to fill this story with, thanks to every single one of you for your support and voting on this story and for most importantly taking a chance on this story and me so, thank you to each and everyone of you)

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