Life's a Beach

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The next morning Gianna woke up with a pounding head ache and a rather hungry tummy so, she got up out of bed and opened her door " oh sorry Gi" she heard Sadie mumble as she rubbed her tired eyes.
Together they headed down stairs into the kitchen " something smells good" Sadie said brightly.
" I'm making pancakes your favourite Sadie" Abby said with a smile.
" ermm can I just say awesome" Sadie said dying to the table.
" morning Princess, you don't look so good" Mario said with concern as he wrapped his daughter into a big hug.
" I have a head ache papa" Gianna said with slight discomfort on her face.
" there's some aspirin in the draw" Abby said pointing to what they refer to the 'medicine draw'.
"Thanks" Gianna said with no emotion.
Mario let go of Gianna so she could head over to the draw.
" morning sweetheart" Abby said to Gianna who wasn't having any of if she just ignored her mother.
" Gianna please don't do this now, I need you with me on this" Gianna rolled her eyes.
" fine I will work without you on this and this only and I will only speak until necessary" Gianna said grabbing a cup and pouring herself a glass of water.
" okay thank you" Abby said rather quietly and Abby wasn't happy she wanted her daughter back.

Later on that day the ALDC were busy working on there routine for the dance off and Abby and Gianna were happy for appearances but deep down they were cold towards each other but they kept the routine up to their usual competitive standard with a few extra tumbles thrown in for good measure.
The Apples on the other hand were falling a part after one of their biggest supporters Gino's father and Gino walked out on them after not getting what they wanted for this huge opportunity that could help the children get noticed and Gino wasn't getting the opportunities or recognition that his father wanted him to get or thought he deserved so, they decided to part ways and train else where and if Abby got wind of this she would have a field day and totally wipe the floor with the apples but, Kathy wasn't going to let this loss get to her or the team.
Bio is father pleaded with Abby to take Gino on but she refused to have one old Kathy's former pupils which sent Gino's father over the edge.
Mean while Gianna and James had set a date for their date and had chosen today which was their days off from the studios. James had optioned for the beach seeing as it was middle of summer and was the best place from people and prying eyes.
They settled on the beach watching the sun reflect on the ocean sitting in silence until James spoke up.
" Hey are you okay?" James gently nudged Gianna which brought her back to reality.
" I've fallen out with mom over the whole dance off thing,  look I'm sorry you don't need to hear this" Gianna smiled and went back looking around the beach.
" it's okay I do want to hear it, whatever happened I'm sure you can make it up" Gianna smiled weakly.
" I don't know, Anyway how are things at the world of apples?" James chuckled.
" okay I guess, fancy a ice cream or something?" Gianna shrugged " yeah sure" Gianna frowned not liking his James changed the subject.
James head off the the little shack and came back seconds later with 2 ice creams and 2 drinks.
" here" James handed Gianna a lolly and a drink " thanks but, why did you change the subject just now?" James shrugged.
" I have the stupid crazy idea'll hate it" James opened his eye cream and took a small lick " hey don't be so quick to judge"
" okay here it goes, what if me and you danced together instead of against each other and show our parents that they can't control us anymore and this has got to stop" Gianna frowned
" I don't know it really would hurt my mom and I'm kind of scared to find what she would do" James shook his head.
" it's just a thought" James opened his can of sprite and took a large sip.
" do you know what lets do it, I am fed up with all of this" Gianna got up off the sand and helped James get up.
" okay what sort of dance were you thinking?" James shrugged " maybe contemporary like we used to" Gianna nodded "good me too"
Together they played about on movements until it seemed right and then the movement began to flow and all the hurt and anger slowly emerged to the surface and together they made a beautiful dance routine which they will use when they have to.
They continued to dance which soon turned into splashing water at each other screaming and running to get away from each other and they continued like that until the sun set.
" I really enjoyed today, thank you. I really needed it" Gianna said looking into his eyes and gently kissing him on the cheek.
" I enjoyed it too and hope we can do it again soon" James looked down at Gianna and softly placed his lips gently on top of hers and to his delight she kissed him back.
Unwillingly pulling herself from the kiss Gianna said gently against James lips causing a slight vibration "I better head back I guess" James smiled and stepped back.
" okay but,first can we do this again soon?" Gianna nodded " yeah I'd like that" Gianna smiled.
" good luck and may the best team win" Gianna said with a smirk played upon her lips.
James smiled as he watched Gianna headed back to her car.
For the first time in a while Gianna felt happy, she felt herself smile as she got into the car and headed home.
Gianna pulled into the driveway and got out of the car and locked it before heading in side here she closed the door behind her and leant back against it smiling as she thought about her date with James and how much fun they had and just like that she was back in her youth dancing with James as they chuckled and mucked about with each other and Gianna remembered how nice it was having James around but that soon changed when Kathy and James left without saying goodbye leaving a hurt and upset Gianna screaming in the middle of the road as she watched their car pull out the parking lot and James looking behind in the back seat banging on the windscreen with tears skipping down his cheeks. Gianna watched them slowly fade into the distance.

" where have you been all day?" Abby said walking out of the living room and out to the hallway.
" just out" Gianna replied bluntly.
" your hair is wet? Why is your hair wet?" Abby said trying to prize more out of Gianna who wasn't having it.
" I went swimming today seeing as it's so hot out" Gianna went to walk past her mother but Abby blocked her way.
" I tried calling you! We need you with us on this and we need as much practice as we can but, oh no I find you've been Swimming instead" Abby said sarcastically.
" I am entitled to a bloody day off and entitled to some me time, ugh you have no idea what it it's like to have a mother like you" Gianna snapped.
" excuse me you ungrateful little cow after everything I have done for this family" Abby raised her voice.
" everything you have for us? Don't make me laugh. What the hell have you done for us except criticise us on everything we have done wrong" Gianna snapped.
Gianna marched up stairs in anger and slammed her door shut leaving a frustrated and angry Abby behind.
(I'm not sure about this chapter but, I hope you like it 😊)

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