Sorrento part Two

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They glanced out the windows at the gorgeous city " wow dad it's so pretty" Sadie said with her nose pressed against the glass. Mario smiled seeing the joy on his children's reactions to his home town.
" I can't believe Sofia is still a sleep" Freddie said glancing out the window and smiling at a tall and very tanned brunette  the who shyly smiled at Freddie.
" that's my son" Mario raised his eyebrow and Freddie chuckled.
" how longs the drive?" Sadie said turning to her father.
" it's about half an hour drive so we are nearly there.....actually see that bakers?" Sadie and Freddie nodded " that's where I used to work as a young boy for what would have been 25c" Sadie frowned
" you worked for 25c?" Mario laughed seeing the shocked looks on their faces.
"That was a lot of money when I was younger" Mario smiled at the memory.
Mean while in Gianna's taxi, James was in amazement at this beautiful city  " I can't be your dad hasn't been back for so long" Gianna shook her head " no I can't believe we haven't been in such a long time and I bet mom has something to do with that"  Gianna shook her head.
The taxi stopped outside a beautifully painted White House with gorgeous vines delicately covered the house.
" wow! Your grandma lives here?" James said looking up at the large building in awe.
" I know it's even more beautiful than I remember" Gianna said getting out of the car.
Mario smiled brightly at his childhood home " is that my boy?" Mario heard his mother call out in her thick Italian accent.
" si! Mama it's me Mario" Mario hugged his mother tightly.
" what do I owe the pleasure of this visit" Maria said letting go of her son.
" we....thought it was time I saw you mama" Mario said
" nice try son I know about the party" Mario shook his head in amazement
"Those aren't my grandchildren?" Maria gasped.
" yes Mama these are your grandchildren, that's Gianna and her boyfriend James" Maria hugged her granddaughter and hugged James"
" there's Sofia, Sadie and Freddie" Mario said gesturing to his other children, Maria hugged them all individually.
" No Abby?" Maria asked glancing round the group.
" No grandma, mom and dad have had a fight" Sofia spoke up.
" oh Mario please say it isn't true" Maria placed a hand on her chest.
"Mama let's leave it here , can we please come in?"Maria nodded " of course" Maria gestured for them to come in.
Sadie, Sofia, Freddie, James and Gianna walked into the house, Mario went to walk in but his mother held his wrist.
"Oh no you don't" Maria said sternly
" so when are you going to tell me that Abby wasn't coming and that you'd had an argument"
" mother please I'm tired and I just want to sleep for a few hours and then I can talk okay" Maria eyed her son for a split second before she let him go.
Mean while back at the airport Abby was just boarding her flight to Sorrento. The thought of seeing the children and chilling by the pool Abby couldn't wait but, her happy thought was soon replaced with worry, worry that she may have lost her husband but she will do anything to get him back.
Back in Italy Sofia and Sadie had already changed into their swimming costumes and went straight into the pool. Freddie and James also headed into the large pool and tossed a ball around whilst Gianna, Mario and Maria sat on sun loungers chatting and sun bathing.
" I miss you grandma" Gianna said smiling at her grandma.
" I miss you too sweetheart" Maria said smiling at her granddaughter.
" Gi are you coming in?" Gianna took off her sunglasses and did a running jump into the pool.
Once Gianna was out the way Maria took this moment to question her son.
" so what's happening with you and Abby son?" Mario sighed.
" mama I don want to talk about it, can't we just have a nice time sitting round the pool?" Maria shook her head.
" Mario, I'm just concerned that's all" Mario sat up " I know mama, me and Abby will sort it out when we get home" Maria sighed " okay more said about it for now"
Gianna, James, Freddie and Sadie were in the pool with Gianna on James shoulders and Freddie had Sadie on his shoulders and they were trying to knock each other down. Sofia watched them as she sat at the edge of the pool dipping her feet in.
It soon turned to evening where they all changed for a meal out on the town at Mario's favourite little Italian the very one that he proposed to Abby in more than 30 years ago.
" this place is so cute" Gianna said getting out of the taxi.
" your dad is quite the romantic isn't he" James said taking Gianna's hand and helped her out of the car.
" it's just as I remembered it" Mario whispered but, he was feeling lost with out Abby beside him not that anyone would notice.
" why didn't grandma want to come?" Sofia asked.
" she said she would come another night, okay" Sofia nodded.
Abby finally landed in Naples but boy was she lost and she wanted to do anything but reach out to Mario at this moment as she wanted to surprise him and the girls so she called the only person she knew hated her but had no choice.
Abby phoned Maria and didn't get the warmest reception but Maria would do anything to get Mario back with his wife where he belonged.
Abby sat in the taxi watching the world flash by but her mind began to race, what if Mario didn't want her here? What if he turned her away? Or worse asked for a divorce?. Abby passed the main town which held lots of memories of her and Mario before and after they married. Abby felt the tears slip down her cheeks but she quickly brushed them away.
Finally she arrived at the house. The taxi driver helped Abby with her luggage to the door, Abby thanked the driver and tipped him. She took a deep breath and knocked on the door.
" Hello Abby" Maria spat
" Hello Maria, look I know you don't like me but, I love your son so much" Maria sighed " come in" Maria stepped aside.
" everyone went out for a meal and should be back shortly, I'll show you to your room as I know you  would have forgotten where the rooms are since it has been a while since you've last come here" Maria said rather sarcastically.
" I know I'm sorry we haven't visited for a while" Abby felt rather guilty.
Maria left Abby to settle in before everyone else came back, Abby sat down on the bed and just sobbed. Mario walked through the door with a fast asleep Sofia in his arms followed by Sadie, Gianna, James and Freddie.
Maria rushed to the front door " Mario, a word" Maria gestured with her head.
" can I put Sofia to bed first" Maria nodded and Mario carried her up the steps and into her shared room with Sadie.
Mario came back a few minutes later and joined his mother in the kitchen.
" son, Abby is here and she is upstairs , now go and make things right" Maria said kissing her son on the cheek.
" she's really here?" He asked sounding rather excited.
" don't just waste time asking me, go and get her back" Mario nodded and headed upstairs.
Mario knocked gently " Maria, I'll be down in a second" Abby called out.
There was a knock again but this time Mario opened the door to see Abby sitting on the bed wiping her eyes.
" that damn woman can't keep a secret  I mean.......surprise" Abby managed to as she looked up at her husband.
" that woman is my mother Abby" Mario answered coldly.
" I know I'm sorry I didn't mean it" Abby looked down at the floor.
" why did you come here Abby?" Mario shifted position.
" because I missed you and the kids too much and this is where I belonged and I'm sorry it took me so long to realise" Abby said weakly as she looked up at Mario who was studying Abby.
" well I guess I'll see you tomorrow then" Mario said deciding to leave the room.
( I hope that was alright? I am not too happy with this at the moment but I will still post it anyway but it may change. Thanks so much for the votes and comments so far and I hope your still enjoying the story)

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