Saturday morning

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Gianna woke up to soft sun light as it shone through her bedroom window, she slowly opened her eyes she snuggled further under her duet feeling the warmth of the sunlight as it peaked through the blinds..
"Sofia!Sadie ! Come on girls get up! I am not going to ask you again"Abby called out to her daughters who she heard them call out a reply that was unrepeatable.
Gianna picked up a pillow and put it over her head to drown out the shouting war between her sisters and mother.

"Alright, I am up, why don't you moan at Gianna or Freddie and not just me" Sadie yelled back.

"I am , now come on hurry up, we haven't got much time left until we have to be at the studio car park, now shift" Abby yelled.

"Sofia come on get up" Abby yelled at the top of her lungs that morning as she stood at the bottom of the stairs before she walked back into the kitchen to finish of their breakfast.

" THERE I'M UP, NOW SHUT UP" Sofia stormed to the banister and Yelled back twice as loud with a hint of anger as she stormed back to her room and slammed the door and began to get ready for school.

"You just sit there mario whilst I take all abuse" Abby said sarcastically to her husband.

"Yeah, I will don't worry I don't want to go anywhere near them this time of the morning. I have learnt my lesson anyway, you can handle them better than anyone I know as they are just as feisty as their mother" Abby laughed knowing that was true.

A few moments later Mario and Abby heard the pounding footsteps descending the stairs and making their way to the kitchen.

"Mom do you have to yell first thing in the morning" Sofia said as she stifled a yawn and sat at the table grabbing some toast and began smacking her lips.

"Yes, I do because you're both too lazy to get up" Abby took at seat at the table.

"Sofia stop smacking your bloody lips you idiot" Sadie said angrily as she sat down and grabbed herself some toast and began spreading marmite everywhere.

"Shut up you spoilt brats" Freddie barked.

"Oh yeah come on then make me" Sadie said cockily with her mouth full of toast

"Will you pack it in and eat your breakfast" Mario demanded as he watched them all begin to get angry and he could see Abby getting annoyed too.
Soon enough Gianna slowly closed her eyes in content once there was silence she began to drift off once again and what seemed a few  minutes later Gianna opened her eyes and glanced at her alarm clock " Shit" Gianna threw back the covers and rushed out of bed stopping to look at her calendar which had a large heart round today's date indicating the ALDC girls had a dance competition today.
Gianna never bothered to look at her appearance before rushed down stairs to see her father and mother sitting at the table still in their night wear. Her mothers hair was a mess and she had no make up on and Mario had his Pj bottoms and a plain red t shirt. Sofia,Sadie and Freddie sat quietly as they ate their breakfast.
"Good god" Mario said a little lightly when his daughter walked into the kitchen looking rather disheveled. Abby nudged Mario, giving him a stern glance. 
"Whoa do you go out last night?" Freddie said trying to hold back the laughter.
" yeah maybe I did"Gianna said
" Gi what's going on with your hair?" Sadie smirked
"Ugh whatever i need coffee, my head is banging" Gianna said placing her palm of her hand on her pounding forehead Gianna said walking into the kitchen grabbing a cup and poured herself a large amount of black coffee.
" whoa...Morning Bella" Mario said clearing his throat as he looked at Gianna with her hair all over the place and her smudged makeup before setting his newspaper on the dining table and got up putting his coffee cup in the dishwasher and kissed Gianna On the top of her head " do you have to shout,morning papa ".
"Just grabbing a quick shower" Mario said shaking his head as he left the room.
"Morning sweet" Abby said to her eldest child.
"Morning Gi, good night last night was it?" Sadie mumbled with a mouthful of food.
"sadie! Don't speak with your mouthful" Abby snapped.
"what.....I didn't speak with my mouthful" Sadie frowned.
" Morning Gigi, ermm... Yes you did Sadie" Sofia said brightly and Gianna gave a small smile.
Whilst Freddie was eating his cereal he glanced up at his big sister giving her a quick nod.
" it was really wonderful" Gianna said smiling as She took a large gulp of black coffee. Abby got up and tucked her chair under the table and walked over to the dishwasher and started loading it up " Gianna met someone last night" Sadie smirked as she looked at her big sister who had a bright smile upon her face. Abby looked over at Gianna who had a smirk on her face and her cheeks turned a deep shade of pink.
" so who is this guy that has my daughter all flushed " Abby said closing the dishwasher.
" oh just some super cute guy I met last night that's all" Gianna shrugged.
" i bet you kissed" Sofia laughed knowing the truth.
" God can't I go out without all this questioning" Gianna said shaking her head.
" so your not denying you kissed him then" Sofia said
" ugh what is this question after question"
" girls that's enough leave your poor sister alone" Abby said wiping the kitchen work surface down.
"thanks mom" Gianna left the room only to hear her sisters and brother talking about Gianna's night out " I bet Gianna totally made out with that guy" Sadie said brightly. Gianna rushed upstairs with her coffee, Gianna sat on her bed and sipped her coffee whilst Sofia popped in to the bathroom and Freddie sat in his room playing his Xbox online with his friends and Sadie laid down on her bed texting her friends.
Once Gianna had finished she put the cup down on her night stand.
Sofia finished in the bathroom Sadie went to go in but Freddie pushed her aside and locked the bathroom door.
" Freddie,that was so out of order! You knew I needed to going there" Sadie yelled through the door as she's continued Knock on the door " give it a rest Sadie, get over it" Freddie yelled back.
Gianna poked her head round the door to see Sadie banging on the door and Freddie shouting things at Sadie.
" ugh Mom!" Sadie yelled.
" that's it baby yell for mom" Freddie yelled through the bathroom door.
" Mom!"Sadie yelled scrunching up her fists and stomped her foot.
"What's happened now" Abby yelled as she walked over to the foot of the stairs.
"Mom Tell Freddie to hurry up, I was going in there when Freddie pushed me out the way" Sadie moaned.
" oh For goodness sake Sadie is that all?" Abby shook her head.
" what do you mean is that all, it was unfair tell him mom" Sadie yelled loudly.
" Sadie don't let it get to you, we have plenty of time. So don't panic"
"grrrr...." Sadie moaned stomping her feet and went back into her bedroom slamming her door.
Sadie walked back over to the bathroom still seeing the bathroom door locked she knocked on the door.
"Freddie you have 5 seconds to get out of there you little toad" Sadie Pounded on the door.
" okay, Okay I'm finished jeez" Freddie said opening the door.
" ugh...finally" Sadie roared at Freddie who just walked by and went back to his room.
Once Sadie was washed and dressed she walked into her room towel drying her wet hair. When she saw Sofia in her room.
"What are you doing in my room?" Sadie questioned Sofia
" I was just looking for....?" Sofia couldn't think of anything on the spot and this didn't go unnoticed by Sadie who felt the anger rise.
" I was looking for these" Sofia held up a pair of Sadie's dance shorts that were on the bed.
" those are mine you can't have them,Get the hell out of my room now!" Sadie screamed as she charged over towards Sofia who yelled and rushed round Sadie's room.
"Mom!" Sadie yelled as she continued to chase Sofia out of her room.
Back in Abby and Mario's room,Mario stood topless whilst he was riffling through his wardrobe looking for a shirt to wear to today's competition. Abby sat at her dressing table starting to put her hair in curlers when they both heard the girls yelling and Sadie's yelling for Abby.
" ugh I don't know if I can cope with this today" Abby sighed.
"They'll sort it out leave them to it" Mario said pulling out a shirt and put it on slowly buttoning the shirt.
Sadie stormed into her parents room finding her mother already dressed putting her hair in curlers as she sat at her dressing table.
" Mom! Can you tell Sofia to get out of my room" Abby sighed.
" Sofia keep out of your sisters room, there are we happy now" Abby said with a hint of anger in her voice.
"Ecstatic" Sadie said sarcastically as she left her parents room.
" I'm glad you can come today" Abby said looking into her dresser mirror with tears in her eyes .Mario smiled at his wife as he walked round over to her and bent down to her level and looked deep into her blue eyes and  Abby said " I love you, what would I do without you" Mario kissed his wife.
"Ami sempre Bella" Mario whispered with his thick Italian accent before he kissed her passionately.
"Mom..where's the..." Gianna stopped " Sorry I'll find it myself" Gianna said slowly backing out of the room.
" Gianna what are you looking for darling?" Mario got up and stood behind his wife placing a hand upon her shoulder " I was looking for the aspirin or any form of pain relief" Gianna said massaging her forehead.
"They are kept where they have always been in the bathroom cupboard above the sink"Abby as she slowly took put the last curler in.
"I've looked there and there isn't any" Gianna said continuing to massage her temples.
" come on we'll have a look" Abby got up and Gianna followed her out of the room and into the bathroom only find so pain killers so they went down stairs into the kitchen finally founding some aspirin.
Half an hour later Abby, Mario , Gianna and Sofia stood at the bottom of the stairs ready to go but they had to wait for Sadie.
" come on Sadie " Gianna yelled up the stairs.
" we are so gonna be late now" Sofia grumbled.
" we have plenty of time" Mario said quickly checking his watch just to be sure.
" come on Sadie sweetie, you do want to go to the competition today don't you?" Abby questioned.
Sadie opened her bedroom door and leant on the banister " I'm not even ready yet" Sadie yelled down to her parents and siblings before she stormed off back into her room slamming the door shut making them all jump down stairs out of their skin.
" surely it doesn't take this long just to put on sweat pants and top" Gianna moaned.
" Sadie if we are late I am so going to kill you" Sofia yelled.
" I'm ready, jeez" Sadie rushed down stairs dragging her suit case behind her.
" ugh finally" Sofia said glaring at her sister, Sadie stuck her tongue out at her younger sister.
" let's go now!" Abby barked.
"Bye be good I love you" Abby called to her son who was old enough to make his own decisions.
" bye son"
" bye guys" Freddie call out.
" I'm calling shot gun" Sofia said rushing to the car.
" I don't think so" Sadie mumbled under her breath.
" right kids in the back now" Mario boomed.
" but.." Sadie tried to argue her case but lost.
" we don't have time for this Sadie now, get in the car please" Abby stood holding the door for Sadie who grumpily got into the car.
Gianna got into her car and headed to the studio car park.
Finally they pulled into the Aldc car park where the coach sat. Gianna pulled up next to them in her open top book wagon beetle.
" haha look at Gi she's dancing and singing in the car" Sofia said laughing at her sister who was oblivious to people who watched her dance and sing whilst she waited for the roof of her car to cover the car so she could lock it.
Gianna got out of the car " haha we saw you dancing and singing in the car" Sofia said giggling " oh you did? Did you?" Gianna grabbed her little sister and began to tickle her.
"Okay here we go, everyone on the bus now and make sure we have everything" Abby said feeling herself go into teach mode.
Soon enough everyone was on board the coach and they made their way to the competition. Sadie sat with her best friends Maddie and Kendall as she listened to music. Sofia sat with Mackenzie and Gianna sat on her own in front of the girls, Whilst Mario sat with Abby as they snuggled down for the long journey a head of them. The mothers sat and chatted about anything and everything.

(sorry this chapter isn't the best but I needed something to fill a space after the first chapter as I want to build up to better things as the story goes on. Thank you so much for reading this story and of course voting  😁)

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