Muffled scream

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Once inside the cupboard James still had his arm wrapped around Gianna and one had covering her mouth as she was still crying and screaming.

"we can't just leave them there James" Gianna said as she managed to get James's hand away from her mouth for a few seconds but James placed his hand over Gianna's mouth again.

"Gianna Shhh he will hear you so please be quiet" Kendall said trying to shut her up.

"Gi, please be quiet" Sadie said as she hugged Gianna who threw her arms around Sadie when James finally let go.

"OMG HE'S GOING KILL US, WE ARE GOING TO DIE" Kendall said loudly as she began panicking.

"Maddie, we will die if you seriously don't shut the hell up" Maddie said taking hold of Kendall's  shoulders and shook her.

"Girls please!" James said looking behind him.

"Shhh girls it's alright, They are going to be fine and Mom or Abby you know how feisty and strong she is" Sadie said as she let go of her sister whose sobs began to subside.

Gianna began to crying her eyes out once again so James walked over to Gianna and wrapped his arms around her tight and he could feel the tears seeping on to his clothes.

"It's alright Gi " James said as he placed a hand on her back trying to sooth a distressed Gianna who was concerned about her mother so,James didn't get to cry for his mother who was also out there.
James  had informed the police who had arrived to corner of the entrance and set up a swat team who had gone in slowly and carefully checking each room until they were sure it is clear and then slowly made their way through the next floor.
Gianna had enough of being locked in the cupboard so she broke away from James and shoved past Maddie and Kendall who let go so James could grab Gianna but he was too late as she opened the door carefully and looked round for the shooter.

Back in the corridor

Meanwhile back outside in the corridor around the corner the shooter was pleased with himself as he smiled at the person laying on the floor fighting for their life and the rather scared person frightened to move in case they got shot.

"Please don't shoot, I have a family and friends who will miss me and you don't want that on your conscience "the shooter considered the idea and then lowered the gun and shouted " Run" they didn't needed telling twice as said "I am sorry " to the body on the floor and then ran out through the double doors. The Shooter walked over the body on the floor and then walked through the double doors and along another series of corridors.

Gianna walked round the corner peeking round first to make sure it was clear and the coast was clear so Gianna slowly walked round the corner and it was there that she saw someone laying on the floor with bloody seeping from the wound but they were barely alive.

Gianna rushed over and knelt down in the blood to see that Kathy was lying on the floor with a gunshot wound to the chest.

"Kathy" Gianna began to cry as she knew it was a serious wound and she needed emergency surgery . Gianna applied pressure around the wound but she could still see blood gushing through her hands so she took of her cardigan and applied it to the wound.

"" Kathy managed to say as she was feeling tired and wanted to shut her eyes.

"Kathy stay with me, Kathy don't shut your eyes, Kathy look at me stay awake, I'm sorry please don't die, stay awake" Gianna demanded.

In the cupboard

"Where's mum, that bad man has got her hasn't he" Sadie said started panicking

"No sweetheart your mum is just fine but i need you to do something for me "Sadie nodded to say that she understood James.

"Alright I am going to find mom and Gianna and then I will be right back but you stay with Maddie and Kendall and don't you dare leave this cupboard and unless I tell you , do you understand" James demanded.

"Alright" Sadie said weakly

"Good girl and please stay quiet and Girls look after your friend and keep a look out alright and I will be back" James glanced back at the girls and then slowly opened the door and poked his head round seeing that it is all clear so he shut the door and sneaked round the corner.

Once James reached the end of the corridor and looked round the corner he recognised Gianna anywhere and he knew it was Gianna on her knees covered in blood with someone on the floor. James walked over to find that His mother was lying on the floor with a gunshot wound to the chest and Gianna was trying to apply pressure.
" MOM!!!!" James panicked.
" what can we do?" James was shaking.
The shooter appeared from around the corner and calmly walked over towards Gianna and James who looked up seeing they were face to face with a gun.
" you?, what are you doing here it's not safe" James said not knowing he was the shooter.
" I know it's not safe" the shooter pointed the gun at them both.
" it was you? You shot my mother you asshole and your gonna pay" James yelled.
" oh really is that so, your mother ruined my sons life when she made him leave the dance school because he wasn't getting what her deserved"

" that's not true!!" James was furious.
" My name is Gianna Martello, I am 26, I was born August 22nd in Pittsburg. Pittsburgh,Philadelphia , dad is a surgeon and my mother is well you know who she is. I work with my mom at the dance studio, I have 2 sisters and one brother, I'm the eldest, then there's Freddie , then Sadie and then there's Sofia, I haven't done anything ,I haven't lived I haven't finished yet, please....I'm someone's daughter
I'm someone's sister..I'm a person" Gianna said shaking with fear.

"POLICE PUT YOUR HANDS UP" Bud and Sam came around the corner

The man's smiled soon faded "no not now not ever you hear me? This bitch ruined my sons life  I will not let her get away with it she has to pay"

"You touch her I will shoot you and I don't really want to do that," An officer said as calmly as he could.

"so where were we?" the man said to James ignoring the police he got his gun out and put it against James head "good-bye Jame-" before he had a chance to finish what he was saying An officer put a bullet though his head bringing out a muffled scream from Gianna.

Sorry this chapter kind of sucks but, I hope it's okay for you guys ( fingers crossed) anyway enjoy. Oh before I forget thank you all for your getting this story to 2k reads and for your amazing reviews on this story and my other dance moms ones too, I will try to up date them all again soon.Xxx

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