Sleep over at grandma Maryens

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Once the competition had finished Abby was already sitting  in her usual seat at the front whilst Gianna sat at the back putting away the costumes, the other girls and their moms where putting things away. Mario sat with Gianna at the back. " Dad are you coming home with us?" Sofia asked as she walked over to her dad and climbed onto his lap.
" I'm not sure Sofia" Gianna carefully nodded to her father who was confused at first but finally understood.
" Yes Sofia I'm coming home" Gianna smiled " Yay" Sofia said jumping off her fathers lap.
Mario sighed " Dad what's wrong?" Gianna asked turning to look at her father " Where am I going to stay and sleep?. I know your mother won't want me back home" Mario said " Dad don't be silly, mom will be fine with it" Mario frowned "How do you know ?" Gianna smiled " just trust me dad" Mario nodded.
Sofia rushed over to her mother " mommy?" Sofia asked but didn't get a reply so, she tried  again " Mommy?" This time Abby put down her phone and lifted Sofia on to her lap " what's the matter Sofia?" Abby said resting her head on  Sofia's shoulder "Daddy said he's coming home with us" Abby raised an eye brow " is he really" she said glancing at Mario as he chatted to Gianna.
" Is he really coming back to live with us?" Sofia asked and Abby nodded " of course he is" Abby felt a slight bit of excitement of having her family back.
Once everything was packed away they headed back to the coach and made their way home leaving Mario to make his own way back home.
They finally got off the coach and got into the car and made their way home. They finally did arrived home to see Mario sitting on the doorstep.
" Daddy" Sofia said rushing over to her dad. Gianna helped Abby get the bags and costumes out of the car. They walked over towards the front door where Mario jumped up and offered to take things out of Abby's arms " Thank you" Abby said with a small smile "you're welcome" he said back with a nod.
They walked into the house where Mario slowly followed them behind and stood uncomfortably unsure on where to go or what to do.
" Mom? What's for dinner?" Sofia asked.
" You know what? I don't really know" Abby said with a sigh.
" How about a take out pizza?" Mario said nervously.
" Oh can we Mom?" Sofia pleaded.
Abby wanted to keep Sofia waiting before she said " On go on then" Sofia cheered " Yay Thank you daddy" Sofia said hugging him before she rushed off upstairs leaving Abby, Gianna and Mario alone.
" I'm gonna get changed, I'll be down in the second" Gianna said deliberately leaving her parents alone.
" I hope you don't mind me suggesting Pizza" Mario asked as he shifted uncomfortably.
" No it's fine, anyway I can't really say no now that Sofia knows we are getting it can I ?" Abby shrugged.
" Sorry, So about me living here. I don't have to live here if you don't want me here. I can live in a hotel" Mario said.
"Don't be silly Mario, you can stay here after all it is your home too" Abby said.
" Thank you Abby I really mean it, Thank you" Abby nodded " You can either have Sadie's room or the sofa?" Abby said.

Meanwhile Sadie and Maryen headed back home. The ride home was a quiet one as Sadie glanced out the window.
" how about we watch a movie when we get home?' Maryen asked glancing at Sadie who smiled.
" yeah I'd love to" Sadie said excited.
They finally pulled into the drive way getting out of the car and headed inside "you go and get changed sweet then come down stairs when you're ready" Maryen said smiling at her granddaughter.
"Okay, see you in the minute" Sadie rushed upstairs to get changed.
Maryen had just headed up the stairs to her room when the phone rang.

"Hello Maryen Miller" Maryen said balancing the phone between her ear and shoulder as she took of her jewellery.
"Mom it's me Abby"
"Abby sweetheart, is everything alright?"
"yeah everything is fine, I'm just calling to see how things are with you and Sadie after today's events ?" Maryen sighed.
"Everything is fine don't worry, actually Sadie has been fine we've just come back from the competition and an open gym that Sadie wanted to go to" Abby laughed "you at an open gym?" Maryen chuckled.
"Before you get any crazy ideas I wasn't the one tumbling I didn't know Sadie was that good"
" yeah she is amazing, how is she? Everyone is missing her a lot"

Maryen sighed "well I was thinking of having Sofia over one night so she could see Sadie and so I could spend some time with 2 of my granddaughters and it would be good for you to have some down time"
"I'm sure Sofia will love that, I will ask her" Abby sighed
Sadie had finished getting changed so, she walked along the corridor towards the stairs where she heard her grandmother talking to someone and heard her name being mentioned and something about Sofia, figuring out that it was her mum she tucked herself round the corner and listened to the conversation knowing that her mother only rang to asked about her.
"Well sweetheart, I will call tomorrow once you've spoken to Sofia" Maryen said
"okay, tell Sadie I miss her bye mom" Abby said
"bye sweetheart" Maryen ended the call and headed towards the doorway of her bedroom when Sadie appeared.
"Let me guess that was her? She was the one who got rid of me and away from Everyone why can't she leave me live my own life? As she obviously doesn't want to be part of it!" Sadie said folding her arms across her chest.
"Sadie! I am fed up with you talking about your mother like that, she did ask how you are and in fact she misses you so much" Sadie didn't like it when her grandmother raised her voice and most of all when she took HER side over Sadie's .
"Whatever" Sadie stormed into her room and slammed the door shut.
Maryen sighed and decided to leave Sadie to cool off so, she headed down stairs and started making dinner. Half an hour later Maryen softly knocked on Sadie's  door before opening it, not to her surprise she was passed out, deciding not to wake her she quietly shut the door and left.


Abby picked up their dirty plates and took them to the sink "Sofia how would you like to go stay at your grandmothers for a couple of nights this weekend?"
Mario brought up the rest of the dishes to the kitchen bench and Sofia followed "yeah sounds good... I'm gonna go do some homework..." Sofia said.
"Sadie what's wrong?" Abby frowned turning to face her daughter
"It's just... I miss having Sadie here why does she have to stay there? You two can get along right?"
Abby sighed "look sweetheart I understand you miss her but she and I just need some time... Away from each other" Sofia looked down sadly "look I know I hate it as much as you do but it's only a temporary thing"
"If you say so... Night mom" Sofia walked to her room
Abby rubbed her temple, and then took a big sip of red wine.


Sofia excitedly packed her bag as she couldn't believe it was Saturday already and she got to go to her grandmothers.
"Got everything Sofia?" Abby asked picking up her keys and bag
"Yeah mom coming now" Sofia called from her room


"Hi mom" Abby kissed her mother
"Hi" Sofia ran past them to go find Sadie.
"Did you want to come in?" Maryen asked her daughter
"I don't think that's a good idea..." Abby looked down at her feet
"Come on have a glass of wine with me" Maryen winked
"It's not even 10:30 yet?" Abby said glancing at her watch.
"It's happy hour somewhere" Maryen laughed leading her daughter to the kitchen area where she poured two glasses of white wine
Abby took a sip "so how has it been here?"
"It's been fine had our ups and downs but she will get there"
"Hmm I hope so I just have no idea what to do"
"On a lighter subject do you have the day off?" Maryen changed the subject as she hated to see her daughter upset
"Unfortunately no" looking down at her watched she finished off her wine "I had better go or I'll be late and Gianna will have my head" before she could say anymore they heard giggling
Sadie and Sofia walked into the kitchen to get snacks to eat while watching a movie
"What are you still doing here?" Sadie frowned
"Just leaving actually" Abby got up and left without another word
Sadie was shocked she didn't asked a million questions about how she was.


"Mom there is some paperwork on your desk to sign, needs to be done today please"
"Morning to you to Gianna" Abby spat sarcastically before walking to over reception.

"You ok sis?" Sofia asked with a mouth full of biscuits, taking her attention from the movie to her sister
"Yeah I'm fine" Sadie gave her sister a fake smile, but deep down she couldn't get her mother's face out of her head, she looked drained... Emotionless.

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