Can we just all get along?

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Once everyone had gotten their things together they decided to leave together as a group and head back home.
"I'll meet you back home?" Mario said placing his hand on the small of Abby's back.
" okay love" Abby kissed him on the lips.
" do the girls want to come with me?" Mario asked and Abby glanced at the girls as they helped pack their things away.
" I think they will be fine and they have their friends with them" Abby smiled
" okay, I'll start heading home, I love you and your sure you're okay?" Mario asked concerned.
" I am perfectly fine...I love you too" Abby kissed Mario on the lips.
" dad are you leaving?" Sofia asked walking over to her father stopping right in front of him.
" yeah pickle I'm heading home" Sofia frowned " mom why can't dad come with us?" Sofia asked folding her arms across her chest." Well I have my car and we don't want to leave it all the way out here do we?" Mario asked picking Sofia up and held her in his arms.
" oh.....okay" Sofia whinged.
" come on young lady let's let daddy get home so you can see him later" Abby said taking Sofia out Mario's arms and stood her back on the floor.
" bye daddy" Sofia said waving him goodbye before she rushed over to Mackenzie.
" okay well I will see you soon my love" Mario kissed Abby once again
The girls were busy changing out of costumes whilst the mothers put away makeup and hair accessories.
" Mom?" One of the girls yelled out from the changing room.
Jill walked over to the dressing room and poked her head round the curtain " who needs help?" Jill asked round the group.
"Mom Sadie's zipper is stuck and we can't seemed to do it" Kendall said rather concerned.
" do you want me to help?" Sadie shook her head " I want my mom to do it" Jill nodded " okay sweetie wait there I'll go and get your mom" Jill said closing the curtain.
Jill walked over to Abby " Abby?" Abby ignored Jill who was rather persistent " Abby, Sadie's zipper in her costume is stuck and the girls have tried to free her but they haven't had any luck and Sadie has asked for you" Abby sighed " okay thanks" Jill rolled her eyes at Abby behind her back.
" Sadie" Abby yelled from the curtain.
" mom come here please" Sadie called out.
Abby sighed " for heavens sake Sadie we haven't got time for this, just come out here!" Abby yelled.
Sadie didn't come out so Abby went in and went over to Sadie and started trying forcefully to get Sadie out of her costume.
" Ouch mom your pulling too hard it's tight round my throat" Sadie began to sob.
" Sadie, save the tears please we've all been through a trauma too not just you" Abby screamed.
Outside the changing room the mothers were shocked by Abby's behaviour and they shared worried glances.
Kalani came out of the changing room and walked over to her mother " Mom, can you not help Sadie...Abby is really hurting Sadie and I don't like it" Kira sighed " I will be right back" Kira walked through the black curtain looking for Abby who she spotted in the corner pulling viciously on the zipper of Sadie's costume so, it was choking her.
" Abby here let me help" Kira said walking over so she could take over and free Abby from the task.
Kira started trying to free Sadie whilst Abby marched off and went over to Sadie and Sofia's make up section and put things way in a rather messy manner.
"Mom, when will we be going home?" Sofia asked
"I don't know, can I just be left alone for just two minutes" Abby bellowed out.
" Abby, seriously you have to ask? That's what being a parent or teacher is all about I'm afraid, if you don't like it you shouldn't have become a teacher or a parent" Holly said rather sarcastically.
Finally Kira managed to free poor Sadie out if her costume and seconds later Sadie walked out and Maddie, Kendall and Kalani rushed over and hugged her.
Once the girls had finished the girls and their mothers headed back on to the coach and headed home. The girls and mothers were rather quiet on the journey home.
Once the coach The girls and mother got off the bus and went their separate ways.
" come on girls, time to head home" Abby said picking up the girls dance bags.
" can you take your make up bags please girls" the girls just ignored Abby p.
" GIRLS TAKE YOUR BAGS NOW!" Abby yelled and the girls sheepishly walked over towards their mother and took their bags and wheeled them across the ALDC car park to their car.
Once everything had been put into the car they headed home. The girls were quiet and there were no arguments, Abby pulled into the driveway next to her husbands car and pulled the car to a stop and the girls got out and stood by the car waiting to take their bags other wise Abby would yell at them again. The girls took their bags and headed towards the front door " Daddy were finally home" Sofia called out dumping her bag by the front door and rushed off  on search for her father. Sadie headed up stairs to her room and Abby shut the front door behind her.
" daddy" Sofia yelled rushing over to her father who was busy in the kitchen cooking dinner.
" Hey munchkin" Mario said lifting Sofia up into his arms.
" how's my little princess?" Mario asked kissing Sofia on the cheek.
" I'm okay daddy" Mario put Sofia back down.
" honey I'm home" Abby called out.
" in here my love" Mario called out to his wife.
Abby walked into the kitchen and just slumped herself down in one of the breakfast chairs.
" Are you alright Abs?" Mario could tell Abby wasn't herself.
" yeah I'm fine, I'm just going to get changed before dinner" Abby announced.
Once Abby left the room Sofia spoke up " I don't think mommy is okay daddy" Sofia frowned.
" why do you say that sweet?" Mario opened the fridge and glanced over at Sofia " well she kind of snapped today at Sadie" Sofia shrugged.
" she did, did she?" Mario raised an eyebrow.
" why don't you go and get ready for dinner" Mario suggested and Sofia nodded and rushed off upstairs.
Mario checked the dinner in the oven before he headed up stairs to Sadie.
Mario knocked on Sadie bedroom door and waited, " come in" she called out and Mario opened the door and poked his head round the door seeing Sadie sitting on her bed.
" hey princess, I didn't see you come in, are you okay?" Mario asked walking into the room and closing the door behind him.
" I'm okay, I guess" Sadie shrugged.
" Sofia told me your mom was a bit harsh with you earlier and I just wanted to make sure my girls are okay" Sadie smiled " I'm okay really dad I am. I am a bit upset with mom but, other than that I am okay" Sadie said smiling at her father.
" you know what dad?" Mario shook his head " what?" Mario said in his thick Italian accent.
" your the best dad, your a good dad you know that right?" Sadie got up off the bed and hugged her father.
" of course, dinner is nearly ready" Mario said hugging Sadie one last time before he left the room.
At dinner Abby sat and picked at her food, Sofia munched away happily on her dinner whilst Sadie also played with her food and occasionally glanced up at to see here mother glance at her but, she looked away.
Mario glanced at his son Freddie who just shrugged and carried on eating his dinner.
Mario sighed " look I know what happened today was scary but, can we just try to get a long?" Mario snapped.
( sorry I thought I better end it here other wise I would have had to carry on and on, I hope you fabulous readers in enjoy this chapter and thank you for your support and encouragement on this story so far)

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