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The ALDC arrived at their location ready for the competition. Everyone got off the bus and headed towards the building with the girls walking a head linking arms. Abby was next to walk through the double doors where she was met with her all time rival Cathy from Candy Apples.
" look what the cats dragged in all the way from silly Philly" Cathy smirked as she walked over to Abby.
" Whatever Cathy , no matter what you call yourselves Crappy Apples or whatever you will still go home as losers" Abby said walking away and her team following behind.
" whatever flabby Abby" " Cathy called out
" damn she just doesn't know when to quit" Abby said to Mario who reached out and rubbed Abby's back as they continued to walk along the corridor.
" I don't know why you call yourselves the Candy Apples because there is nothing sweet about you what so ever! Your just poison right down to your rotten cores" Gianna yelled out.
" nice one Gianna" Jill said chuckling.
" well! How dare she call my mom that and get away with it"
" right here we are" Abby said opening the door to their changing room with the words ALDC written in big letters with the company logo.
Abby placed her bag on the table which was situated right at the front.
" I'll go get some drinks" Mario said giving Abby a kiss on the cheek.
The girls immediately begin to apply make up and start their hair. Gianna takes a space in the corner and starts to get the costumes ready making sure everything was perfect and that everyone's costume wasn't missing anything.
" Gi" Sofia says making her way over to her sister.
" what is it Sof ?" Gianna asks tenderly.
" will you do my hair, I don't want to ask mom because well you know how she gets at comp" Gianna looks over at her mother who is sitting at the table looking through her phone.
" yeah, come on" Gianna said gesturing to an empty seat.
" drinks everyone" Mario says placing the drinks on Abby's desk.
" non fat skinny latte for my lovely wife" Mario hands Abby her drink " thanks darling" Abby looks up at her husband and smiles.
"Thanks Mario" they all say as they pick up the drinks " no problem my treat" Mario flashes them a pearly white smile.
Everything soon changes when Holly speaks up about Nia's costume.
" how come Nia gets what I call the worst costume when Maddie, Sadie and Kendall get the beautiful flowing dresses""
" Holly change the record, you always criticise about Nia's costume, will anything be good enough? And the answer to that is No"
" I am just fed up with Nia being second best to very one else and it is obvious who the favourite or favourite is" Holly shook her head. Gianna watched them both bicker back and forth.
" Holly you know that isn't true and Nia has lots of beautiful costumes that mom picks especially for Nia " Gianna said curling Sofia's long dark hair.
" I knew you would side with her after all the apple doesn't fall far from the tree" Holly snapped
" I am only starting a fact that's all no need to go off on one at me" Gianna snapped.
" I can't listen to this I need a break" Abby gets up grabbed her bag " see you all in there.sorry girls I have to go because one Mom in particular can't keep her opinions to herself" Abby glanced directly at Holly who rolled her eyes.
" that's it walk away like you always do" Holly called out.
" girls go and practice and I will be back in the minute okay"
"Okay" the girls say sweetly.
Gianna walked out of the room and looked for her mother who just turned the corner of the corridor.
" Mom" Gianna called out after Mom.
Gianna caught up with her mom " Mom don't let her get to you" Gianna said walking along side her mother.
" I'm alright I just couldn't listen to her drivel anymore" Abby looked at her daughter and smiled.
" thank you for that back there" Abby wrapped her arm round her daughter.
" mom those girls need you, so what do you say to being the bigger person and walking back in there with your head held high" Abby smiled " come here" Abby opened her arms and Gianna walked into her mothers embrace.
" I don't tell you that I love you often enough and I am sorry" Gianna hugged her other tight " I know Mom I know and I love you too, I couldn't ask for a better mom" Abby kissed the top of Gianna's head.
Gianna and Abby headed back to the room when she heard someone say her name " Gianna?" Gianna turned round shocked " I thought it was you".
" you? What you doing here?" Gianna blurted out cutting off from answering James question .Abby looked at the rather handsome young man who held out his hand for Abby to shake.
" Hi I'm James" Abby shook his hand " Abby Lee Miller nice to meet you James" James couldn't believe he was shaking hands with Abby Lee.
" you know Abby Lee Miller?" James said looking at Gianna.
" yeah you could say that" Gianna chuckled
" so how did you to meet?" Abby asked not recognising him.
" we met last night actually" James said winking at Gianna who blushed and looked away.
" oh there you are" Cathy said joining them.
" James what are doing talking to this trash for?" Cathy said eyeing Abby.
" this isn't trash this is the girl I met last night actually Mom"
" I'm sorry did you just say mother?" Gianna asked in complete shock.
" I'm sorry we haven't been properly introduced This is my son James Nesbit-Stein" Cathy announces proudly placing a hand on her sons shoulder.
" Can I talk to Gianna alone for a minute please" Gianna nods leaving Abby and Cathy alone.
" nothing's changed only the fact that Cathy is my mom, I mean Abby won't mind us being friends when you our only her employee" Gianna chuckled " you have no idea do you" Gianna shook her head " Abby is not just my boss but she's my mother" James was in shock he didn't know what to say.
" can we not be friends? I really liked you last night and I still do now" Gianna shook her head.
" I'm sorry this has changed, everything has changed our mothers are rivals and I don't think it would work I'm sorry....I have to go" James sighed.
" this isn't the end I won't let it end like this"James called out.
Gianna walked over to her mother " let's go Mom" Abby nodded " I'm glad you saw sense and put an end to that" Abby. Said as they walked along the hall.
Gianna took one last glance behind at James who just watched her go with over whelmed sadness.
" how could you not remember him when you used to dance against him and win every time. Gianna shrugged.
" we were only young Mom, people change I guess"
Abby and Gianna walked back into the room leaving it all behind.

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