I can't do this anymore

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Through the whole flight home Gianna checked on her siblings whilst Abby just sat alone heart broken. Once they finally touched down they made their way to the baggage claim and sadly Gianna and James had to go their separate ways.
" Bye Mom, will you be okay?" Gianna asked her mother
"I'll be okay" Abby said weakly.
" I'll come round tomorrow okay?" Abby shrugged " do what you want Gianna" Gianna sighed she hated seeing her mother like this even though she was a pain in the butt.
James and Gianna said their goodbyes to everyone and left Abby alone with her children.
" mom I'm tired" Sofia said rubbing her eyes.
" We will be home soon stop whining" Abby snapped.
" Mom she's tired we all are" Freddie said picking up his sister and carried her.
They got into Abby's car and headed home. The drive home was quiet, soon they pulled into their drive way and everyone got out and grabbed their own luggage and headed inside in silence . They all decided to go have an early night so they were fresh for the morning.

The few days since they arrived home Gianna checked up on her mother and saw that she was not coping at home let alone at the studio so Gianna decided to step in and take over in the studio like she used to and she even went back home until Abby got herself sorted.
Gianna was back at the desk in the ALDC when the reception desk rang and she picked it up " Hello ?" A voice said unsure of who they were talking to.
" Hello? Dad?" Gianna asked "Hey Princess, I'm so glad it's you,anyway are you back at your mothers studio?" Mario asked.
" Only temporary as mom........errrr has other things on her mind" Gianna said.
" so....is everything okay?" Mario asked knowing what the answer would be.
" To be honest dad no not really, mom is an absolute mess and she and Sadie are not talking at all and well I've come back home as mom has just shut herself away from everyone and she has kind of neglected everyone else so,.....I kind of had to step in" Gianna wiped away a tear that began to fall.
" oh princess I'm so sorry. I wish I could do something" Mario sighed " you can dad. You can come home and  take mom back she needs you dad and you need her  and well quite frankly we all need you papa" Gianna was not afraid of telling her father the truth.
" Gianna..... I'm just....." Abby said walking over to the desk only to stop beside her daughter " who's on the phone?" Abby asked.
Gianna paused " is that your mother?" Mario asked " uh huh yep" Gianna said  " well who is it Gianna?" Abby raised an eyebrow " it's dad" Gianna said to her mother " oh really, what the hell does he want? We are incredibly busy and why is he phoning my studio" Abby demanded.
" Tell her she screens my calls to the house so I had no choice" Abby heard Mario's reply and she chuckled "you know, the phone works both ways Mario the kids could call you if they wanted to" Abby yelled.
"Why would they want to I'm the bad guy aren't I?" Mario said and Abby paused " look can't you both just put your differences aside and talk to one another?" Gianna said with pleading eyes at her mother.
" Fine" Abby takes the phone from Gianna " what do you want Mario?" Abby said with no warmth in her voice.
" I just wanted to see how the kids are that's all" Mario lied as he really wanted to hear how Abby was and he hoped she was just as miserable just as much he was " well they are fine you can hang up now" Abby said coldly.
" Mom" Gianna mouthed to her mother " well errrr....How are you?" Abby said not really caring.
" I'm okay" he said again not telling the truth.
" great well I'm Gonna go as we are busy and we can't stand around and chat" Mario sighed " okay well bye..." he said sadly " wait Mario" Abby said giving Mario hope" Yeah?" He said " Don't bother to call here again" Abby said slamming the phone down.
" MOM" Gianna was shocked at her mothers rudeness.
" What?" Abby frowned.
" That was so rude mom, that was your husband and my father who deserves to be treated with a lot more respect and kindness" Abby wasn't happy " Why are you defending him? You always defend him, how about defending me for once, I am you mother" Abby snapped.
" Do you know what? NO why should I defend you when you treat people like they are the dirt on the bottom of your shoe" Abby was getting angry.
" I AM YOUR MOTHER THAT IS WHY" Gianna sighed " whatever mom, you have a class in a few minutes" Abby stormed off in to studio A leaving Gianna alone to cool off as she too was feeling the anger rising deep with in her.

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