Sun, sea and tears

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Gianna and James continued to see each other behind Abby's back even though Abby forbid it from the word go.
It was now only a couple of days until the battle between Abby and Kathy. James had messaged Gianna asking her to be ready around 1pm and to wear something comfortable and to bring or wear her bikini.
Gianna stayed round the house with Abby at the studio and Mario at the hospital and her siblings at school she had the house to herself.
She took a nice bath soaking up the quietness of the house for the first time since forever. Gianna let the warm water soak her aching muscles letting a moan out in response .
Once she was out the bath she applied a Dead Sea face mask and started picking out outfits for her date with James later on today.
Finally settling on a nice summer dress and ballet flats she laid them out onto the bed before she pealed off the face mask and began to get ready. She curled her long dark hair and applied a light shade of foundation, a coat of mascara and a spritz of perfume before glancing at herself in the mirror.
Gianna sat down on her bed for a few minutes until she heard a beep outside the house. Gianna grabbed her bag and did one quick check in the mirror before she rushed down the stairs and head outside closing the front door behind her rushed down the front steps and walked round the passenger side for the car and got in.
" Hey, how have you been?" James asked leaning over and kissing Gianna's cheek.
" I'm good, can I ask where we are going?" Gianna asked.
" we are going to the beach but it is a surprise" James smiled.
" how are things with you and your mom?" James asked as he pulled out and headed towards the beach.
"me and mom aren't still talking and to be honest I am thinking I should maybe move out" Gianna sighed.
" I know we've only just found each other again but, you are more than welcome to come and stay with me" Gianna smiled.
" thanks that's so sweet but, I couldn't do that" James placed his hand on top of hers and gave it a squeeze.
" seriously whenever you need to get away or a sanctuary just give me a call and I'll take you to mine" James said cheerfully.
" thank you that means a lot" Gianna smiled at James and continued to look out the window.
James pulled into the parking lot. James jumped out of the car and rushed round to Gianna's side of the car and held the door open for her.
" oh what a gentleman" Gianna said taking his out stretched hand and got,out of the car.
" ready to go?" Gianna nodded.
" oh hold on a sec" James said rushing to the boot of the car.
They walked together towards the beach hand in hand and James shook out a large blanket and they settled down on the blanket.
" this is lovely" Gianna said glancing round the beach.
James smiled as he watched Gianna look round the beach with a smile on her face with the sun softly reflecting on her face.
" Fancy a swim?" Gianna smiled " yeah okay, race you" Gianna said striping down to her bikini and rushed towards the water.
" hey wait up" James called out as he struggled to get his short off.
" come on slow poke" Gianna called out.
" I'm gonna get you for that" James called out as he rushed over to the water and dived in.
" No! Wait I'm sorry" Gianna pleaded to James who thought about it for a second.
" Ahhh no James don't" Gianna screamed as James splashed her and she ran away as fast as she could.
" don't think you can get away that easily" James smirked.
They stopped when they became breathless and decided to just swim in the water. Gianna swam closer to James kissing him on the lips gently.
" thank you for this I am really loving it" James smiled.
" good, fancy something to eat?"
" yeah, I would love a bite to eat, after all this swimming I have worked up a appetite" They got out the water together and headed back to the blanket where James handed Gianna a towel and wrapped one round himself and started laying out strawberries, sandwiches, salad and a small bottle of bubbly.
James poured the small bottle of bubbly into two glasses, handing one to Gianna who said a polite thank you.
" I know this may seem bizarre and too early but today is our first anniversary since we went on our first date and it was right at this spot we had such a good time and we clearly did again too" James said cheerfully.
" is it really a month already?" James nodded.
" what I really mean is....I was actually wondering if you and I could go steady?" Gianna smiled
" Yes of course how can I say no after everything you have done for me" James pulled Gianna closer and kissed her out he lips.
" you have just made me the happiest guy alive" Gianna chuckled.
They both settled down to eat in a comfortable silence, glancing out across the beach as they ate comfortably.
The evening was drawing near and the temperature was slowly dropping and the sky was getting darker. James started a small fire with a bunch of wood he had brought with him in the picnic basket.
Gianna shivered rubbing her arms trying to get warm but she wasn't having much luck " hey come here" James said holding his arms out, Gianna moved over to James who wrapped his arms round her tight but they both were now shivering so, James picked up the spare large blanket and wrapped it round them both so they were now snuggled up.
" you what you said earlier about me being able to come and stay with you?" James nodded " I meant every word" Gianna smiled " well I was wondering if I could come and stay with you for a week or so" James nodded.
" I'd like that, when were you thinking?" Gianna furrowed her brow.
" I was thinking tonight and for the rest of the week" James wasn't sure with it being the battle this weekend.
" I don't know Gi, with it being the battle I don't want to upset your mom. My mom would be fine with it but, Abby I don't think so" Gianna sighed " I don't care I just need to get away from there and I mean I am still with my mom but, I'm just not living with her at the moment, I don't think I have what it takes to be a Martello anymore " James nodded " okay tonight it is" James nuzzled closer to Gianna breathing in her warm and familiar scent of vanilla and strawberry.
They stayed wrapped in each other's arms until gone 7pm when they decided to go to Gianna's place to get her things before they headed to James.

The next few days at the ALDC horribly awkward for Gianna and she wasn't sure how much more she could take from her mother.
Gianna was in the middle of teaching the girls a few new steps for the battle dance when Abby spoke up " I hate that it doesn't go with the dance but, you couldn't know that as you've hardly been here the last month" Abby snapped.
" it works perfectly fine and I have been here I have had a few days off but I am entitled to them and to filled with whom ever I want" Gianna yelled back.
" keep going girls" Gianna said encouraging them to carry on no matter what Abby said or did.
" I can't watch this crap when your just setting the girls up to lose with this sort of stuff" Abby got up and walked towards the door and Gianna took a deep breath.
" like we won with your rubbish routine Mom, if wasn't for me the girls wouldn't be where they are today in the dance world and you know it" Gianna called out after Abby.
" Gi?" Sofia asked softly
" yes Sofia?"
" when are you coming home? we miss you, I know dad does and so does mom but she just doesn't show it" Sofia said hugging Gianna and looking up at her.
" I don't think it will be any time soon" Sadie sighed " okay, well at least we get to see you here" Gianna smiled.
" I don't know how much longer that will be if mom carries on like she does" the girls gave Gianna a 8 Gianna's dolls hug.
" you better go its way past the end of the lesson" Gianna said to Kendall, Maddie, Nia, Brooke,Paige , Mackenzie and JoJo.
" you go and get ready to go okay" Gianna said to her young her younger siblings.
Gianna put the laptop back where it belonged and tidied the studio before she left for the evening. Abby was at the reception desk alone.
" look mom I know your upset but, I am still on your side okay?" Abby glanced up
" it is not okay when you are dating the son of my biggest rivals and your heads just not In it anymore and I don't think you have what it takes to work here anymore so, today was your last day at the ALDC" Abby said with no emotion.
Gianna was gobsmacked her mother just fired her from the business. Gianna left with so not so much as a goodbye she got into the car and headed to the only person she needed right now.
The drive there Gianna began to sob Pulling into the parking lot she headed into the building and walked over to the reception desk.
" Hi my name is Gianna, I was wondering if my dad was around?" Gianna said wiping her eyes.
" your father is who exactly?"
" oh sorry my father is Dr Martello the surgeon" the receptionist picked up the phone and dialled a few numbers and spoke to someone who Gianna presumed was her dads secretary.
The receptionist hung up the phone " you can go on up, it's on the 5th floor" Gianna smiled and said a polite thank you and headed towards the elevator.
Once the elevator doors opened Gianna pushed the 5th floor button and waited for it to take her up. The doors to the 5th floor opened, Gianna stepped out and looked round not remembering where her fathers office was. Gianna took the path to the right and walked along the corridor reading what was on the doors as she walked by.
Finally she found her fathers office halfway down the corridor.
She walked in and introduced herself to his secretary who let her into her fathers office.
" Hey princess, what's wrong?" Mario said getting up out if his chair.
" moms fired me from the studio all because I'm still seeing James and now I have been living with him the past week" Mario opened his arms and Gianna threw herself at her father and cried.
" shh it's okay GiGi, everything is going to be okay" Mario said soothing his eldest daughter.
" I miss not having you at Home you know and believe it or not, so does your mother" Gianna laughed " don't make me laugh papa, mom missing me you have to be kidding me? After what she said earlier you wouldn't know that" Mario kissed the top of Gianna's head.
" I'm sorry dad for not telling you where I was but, I just needed to get away from mom quickly and James was the only person I could run to and knew it would be kind of alright but, would hurt you and mom badly"
" If he makes my baby girl happy then I am okay with it, your mother will come round you just need to give her time" Gianna hugged her father tight " thanks dad, sometimes a girl just needs her daddy" .

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