44) Making amends

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A/N - HAPPY PRIDE MONTH IM ALIVE BITCHES ONLY BEEN AWAY LIKE 9 MONTHS!!! I will probably finish this story soon as you've probably forgot what's even happening but I'll be starting something new so please leave suggestions of what you want to read <3

'Um Crystal? I may have deleted Rosy's number in like the split second after I hung up the phone to her... Any chance you have it, I think I'm ready to sort this out.'
Gigi said quietly, a gentle shyness in her voice. 'The quicker we can make amends the quicker I can marry the love of my life.' She smiled softly her cheeks blushing as she made eye contact with Crystal who sat crossed legged on the end of the bed.

'Here.' Crystal said passing her phone to Gigi who dialled the number and placed the phone on the bed on speaker, too nervous to hold it still in her fidgety hands.

'Crystal?' Rosy questioned wearily from the other end of the line.

'It's Gigi, I'm sorry about how I reacted last night, but I really just don't understand anything right now... We need to talk- in person.' Gigi stuttered.

A deep breath seemed to echo through the phone before a reply, 'I'm on my way.'

Within an instant Gigi put the phone down, standing up and beginning to pace the room frantically. Crystal reached out to grab her loves hand, urging her to sit down next to her and running her hands through her beautiful straight blonde hair carefully.

'I've got you Geege and I'm going to be here with you every moment you need me.' Crystal reassured the taller girl who sat silently by her side.

Gigi raised her head to look into Crystals perfect hazel eyes, 'I know Crys, it's just that I've never argued over who gets the last piece of chocolate or who gets to shower first or anything stupid with Rosy, never mind her kissing YOU baby. I don't understand as I don't know how or if I can forgive her.'

'We just have to give her a chance to explain at least.' Crystal squeezed Gigi's hands tight between her own.


After what seemed like hours of uncomfortable tension and silence surrounding the newly engaged (without the rings) couple, there was a knock on the door breaking the silence. Crystal could sense the pain and fear in Gigi and eased her nerves by kissing her cheek sweetly before whispering words of encouragement into her ear and taking her hand to walk downstairs. The whole situation felt so dramatic but they were lesbian drag queens after all. Opening the door, Rosy stood, tears streaming down her perfect complexion, mascara probably from the night before smudged below her eyes like a raccoon. She was not bothered in the slightest about her appearance as she entered the house and made her way into the living room with the other girls; all Rosy cared about in this moment was apologising and getting her best friend back.

'Gigi I'm so sorry and you too Crystal. I am so stupid and I just got so caught up in my emotions that I wasn't thinking and I made the worst mistake I possibly could, you know I would never want to hurt you G and if I could take it back I would but if you never forgive me I understand but just know that-' Rosy began before she was cut off by a suddenly more confident Gigi.

'I don't care about the kiss Rosy it's happened and you can't take it back but I want to know why you did it? Something like that doesn't just happen by accident!' She hissed back as her eyes began to glisten and glass over with tears she was trying so hard to hold back.

'The truth is Gigi, I've always been jealous of you, you're my best friend but you are always the one who gets everything I wish I could have. And seeing you with Crystal, so happy, so in love. I wanted the same thing. And I wished I could have what you had but I wasn't thinking straight and Crystal kept talking about you and I just wanted something to be about me for once and I kissed her. And no I can never take it back but I can tell you that I am truly sorry and i mean it when I say that having you as a best friend has been the best thing I could ever wish for all my life and I never want to lose that. I would do anything to make you forgive me and I am so so so so sorry Gigi. I love you so much and-'

'I love you to Rosy, you'll always be my best friend and I'm sorry too for everything. I never knew how you felt and I should've known, I should've been more supportive and not shoved things in your face in the past. If I'm being honest I didn't think I could forgive you,' Gigi paused for a moment wiping her eyes with her sleeve, 'but our friendship truly out ways all negativity. I couldn't lose you either Rosy and if you can move on from this mistake so can I. We can support each other better than ever before no matter what?'

Before another word could be said, Rosy threw her arms around Gigi who welcomed the hug, embracing her friend and sharing tears of happiness knowing that nothing could ever become between their friendship again after this.


A couple weeks later...

Jackie clinked the side of her champagne glass with her fork, signalling for the whole room to quieten to allow her to speak. After that failed to work, she nudged Widow who generously offered to shut everyone up another way.

'Would yall bitches shut the hell up before I take off my heels and throw hands...please' she practically screamed causing the room the silence besides a few giggles from Crystal and Jackie mainly.

'Thanks Widow,' Jackie whispered, 'I was hoping to say a few words while everyone is listening if I may. I think everyone her would agree with me when I say that just weeks ago no one would have expected to be sat here celebrating such an incredible event with so many new friends and amazing people. I have known Gigi for god knows how long now but Crystal, I have known for only months. But to see my best friend sat up there with such a massive beautiful smile on her face, next to the love of her life, happier than I've ever seen her in her entire life, MARRIED! It makes me so proud and happy for you Gigi and I wish you and Crystal the very best in life and I want to thank you Crystal for being the missing piece in Gigi's puzzle as she is in yours and on behalf of us all here, we love you both and can't wait to see what the future holds. TO THE BRIDES!' she exclaims as everyone raises their glasses.

Gigi and Crystals eyes meet and finally no longer as girlfriends or fiancé's, but as wives, they kiss, their lips meeting for what could only feel like an eternity.

'I love you'.



A/N I'm sorry about this last chapter, if I'm honest I forgot what I was writing about after so long but I had to finish it somehow hahaha. Hope you enjoyed and again please leave suggestions for something new!

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