33) Celebrations

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Between Jan and Jackie's coming out and the eventual finish of unpacking and moving Crystal into Gigi's house, there seemed enough reason to celebrate. That meant it was time to go out. Crystal and Gigi ran down the stairs so quickly it was a miracle they didn't fall and they met the other girls in the living room after they'd finished unpacking.
'Why hello party girls, ready to go I'm guessing!' Jackie greeted them.
They had a quick discussion of where to go and decided they'd grab some food and then head to a slightly quieter drag bar so that Crystal didn't have to be pushed into everything tonight just yet.

They went in separate cars so that everyone could go home later and leave Gigi and Crystal to enjoy their first proper night together now everything had been unpacked. When they arrived at the restaurant, they ordered and ate quickly so that they could spend more time at the club. When they got to the club it was quiet busy but still somehow quiet. There was a drag show that had already started but the queens performing were newer less known queens so it was fun to see the new talent. Most of the girls drank a lot, Jackie and Jan drank in celebration and weren't afraid of hiding their affection anymore. Nicky and Rosy were drinking after the shocking and tiring day and decided to go on a hunt for single boys leaving Gigi and Crystal alone. Gigi was popular everywhere in LA so it was no surprise that people even recognised her in this small club which she must have only been to a couple times before. Gigi introduced Crystal to a few people but there was no one too important to meet luckily. Unlike the others, they weren't drinking too much as they were just talking and enjoying the show and their night out together. Eventually, seeing that Nicky had left with a guy, Rosy was with another and Jackie and Jan were about to head to Jan's house, Gigi and Crystal headed to their car to drive home.


Back at home Gigi unlocked the door and watched Crystal run inside and straight up stairs. She laughed and began to run after her shouting up the stairs.
'Crystal what are you doing?!' She laughed whilst climbing the steep staircase.
'I'm making it up to you remember!' Crystal shouted slamming the bathroom door and locking it to keep Gigi out.
Gigi stood at the door and whined to try get Crystal to let her in but she wouldn't so she just decided to sit on the bed and wait. What was taking so long? Gigi took off her jacket and shoes as she sat up against the headboard waiting.
A few minutes later the lock of the bathroom door clicked and the door began to open, Gigi scuttled to the edge of the bed where she sat briefly until Crystal appeared from behind the door. Immediately Gigi jumped to her feet in both shock and amazement.


A/N - this isn't very long because I separated it from the next chapter which you can skip if you don't want to read ⚠️smut⚠️.✨

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