43) Decisions

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'Geege? Baby where are you, I'm waiting outside.' Crystal asked as she called Gigi's phone after watching the other queens all leave with no sign of Gigi. 'Do you want me to come in?'
Crystal could hear sniffles between her girlfriends words and she could tell she was crying, 'No- I'll be out in a minute.'
'It's alright to cry, you don't have to hide it from me. I'm coming in.' Crystal stated firmly as she hung up the phone and ran inside before Gigi could protest.
She headed back stage and soon enough she found Gigi curled up, her head planted in her knees which she hugged close to her chest as she wept, tears streaming down her perfect porcelain face. Crystal threw her arms around the tall girl who soon returned the gesture, wrapping her arms around Crystal and burying her head in Crystal's long curly locks of hair.
'I didn't want you to see me like this again Cryssie, I'm so sorry this is all my fault.' Gigi sobbed as Crystal cooed and ran her fingers through the girls soft hair.
'Nothing's your fault Geege, you haven't and can't ever do anything wrong! You had every right to react how you did when Rosy showed up here, she's the problem not you! Never think that anything's your fault baby, I love you and nothing will ever change that, not anything or anyone else!' Crystal said holding Gigi's face to look her in the eyes and wipe away tears with her thumbs.
Before Gigi could think of more reasons to blame herself and start another wave of tears, Crystal took her hand, grabbed Gigi's bag in her other and headed out to the car.

Closing the car door behind Gigi, Crystal stopped for a second, 'I love you.' She said before heading round to get in the drivers side.
Crystal began driving but Gigi soon noticed they were heading the wrong direction.
'You took the wrong turn Crys' Gigi tried to mention softly as she calmed down.
Crystal placed a delicate hand onto Gigi's leg before replying, 'I know baby don't worry just you wait'.
After driving for a while more Crystal began to look for a parking space whilst Gigi's face began to light up and a smile spread across her face.
'Our space' she exclaimed as Crystal pulled on the hand brake and turned off the engine.
'Yes our space,' Crystal said taking Gigi's hands in her own, 'i thought it would help cheer you up'.
'You thought right!' Gigi giggled jumping out of the car and running towards the opening in the trees, heading for the lake.
'Hey wait up!' Crystal shouted from the car.
She began running towards Gigi and as they both reached the open space in front of the lake she practically jumped at Gigi, wrapping her arms around her waist and spinning her round to face her.

'Hey beautiful, did you know you look more and more beautiful to me every day?' Crystal smiled tucking a strand of hair behind Gigi's ear.
Gigi blushed, 'you're just trying to cheer me up.'
'Well yes but it's also the truth, i mean you're just so beautiful and hot and extremely sexy and i'm so lucky to have you.' Crystal proudly stated as she held Gigi tightly. 'In fact, i love you so much that I don't ever want to be with anyone else in my life. I know this is spontaneous but i would be stupid not to ask if you Gianna Goode will marry me?'
There was a moment of silence as Gigi was shocked and amazed at the same time.
'Wow Crystal that definitely is spontaneous-' Gigi said.
'Oh shit you don't want to marry me do you, um can we just pretend i never asked, i don't want to rush you or-' Crystal rushed.
'Cryssie stop. Yes, yes of course i'll marry you!' Gigi smiled running a hand through Crystal's curly locks and pulling her into a passionate kiss.

The kiss lasted what seemed hours until Crystal finally pulled away, 'i really am lucky aren't i. Now first one in the lake gets to tell everyone the news' she shouted as she ran towards the lake.
This didn't work however because Gigi was so much faster than Crystal, she ran to the edge of the lake and jumped turning round at the sound of Crystal's voice telling Gigi to catch her. Crystal jumped into her now fiancé's arms in the water and felt her clothes begin to float up in the water.


'Oh just take them off already will you' Gigi giggled as Crystal attempted to push her top down beneath the ripples on the water.
Crystal did what her fiancé said and pulled her top over her head as Gigi watched her eagerly.
'Good girl' Gigi whispered into her ear as she began to take off her own soaking wet clothes and throw them onto the grass.
'It's a good job we left our phones in the car!' Crystal laughed but she was suddenly stopped as Gigi placed a wet hand over her mouth *shhh*.
'Less talking babygirl.' she demanded as she wrapped her hand around the back of Crystal's neck and pressed her lips against hers.
'Geege?' Crystal waited for a response.
'Yes Crys.' Gigi looked down at the smaller girl.
'Can we finish this at home? It's just that it's getting light and I'm nervous someone might-'
'See us?' Gigi interrupted, 'if you feel more comfortable at home then okay anything for you my love.'

Grabbing their soaking clothes, Crystal jumped into the drivers seat once again whilst Gigi sat next to her as they drove home. Gigi began to stroke her soft fingertips along the curly haired girls leg as they drove making Crystal giggle.
'Can't even wait five minutes can you!' Crystal giggled causing Gigi to cross her arms.
'I can!' She whined back.

After a few minutes they pulled onto their driveway and ran into the house quickly, carrying their wet clothes and hoping no one would see them running in their underwear. Crystal closed the door quietly behind them before turning around to rush after Gigi. She caught up to the taller girl and tickled her waist from behind causing her to jump slightly.
'Stop ittt' Gigi pouted, grabbing Crystals hands.
'Make me' Crystal smiled as she jumped onto the bed.
Gigi moved towards the bed without hesitation and grabbed Crystal by her waist to shift her backwards to sit against the headboard. She straddled the smaller girl, legs at either side and her hands interlinked in Crystal's as she held them up against the wall, pinning her in position.
'Still want me to make you stop?' Gigi teased the smaller girl, running her hand down the side of her face to hold her chin.
She was answered with a nod and a giggle which was stopped as Gigi slammed her lips against the others and forced her tongue into her mouth. Crystal soon did the same and their tongues became intertwined as they made out passionately. Occasionally a soft whimper would leave Crystals mouth as Gigi bit her lip between kisses.

Soon, the taller girl began to move her lips, beginning at Crystal's neck, Gigi kissed down Crystal's body, sucking carefully at times to leave perfect bruises. Love bites. They are a literal mark of her love as she always said. Reaching her chest, Gigi released her grip of Crystal's hands, instead moving to unhook the back of her bra and remove it. She traced her fingers across crystals nipples and kissed them gently before moving on. Crystal placed her hand through Gigi's long hair, pulling it back as the younger girl began kiss between her legs...

'Holy crap my fiancé is incredible!' Crystal giggled as Gigi laid beside her on the bed.
'I still can't believe you asked me to marry you! When are we going to tell everyone or are we keeping it a secret for now?' Gigi questioned excitedly before catching a change in her fiancé's expression, 'what's wrong Cryssie?' She asked worried.
'Nothing- it's just maybe we should sort the Rosy situation before we tell everyone.' Crystal suggested carefully.
'Maybe you're right.' Gigi replied.


A/N - it's literally been months and I can't make any promises but I'm finally back to writing so I hope I can get more chapters out for you all soon! ✨

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