19) Discussions

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So here they were, sat in a singular large booth of a retro restaurant/cafe in silence. That was until Nicky spoke up. Asking Jaida and Widow if they had been drilling Crystal with questions like they had Gigi. The girls laughed in reply and confirmed that they had. Gigi and Crystal were sat next to each other but flashed each other an embarrassed sort of look before looking to all the girls who sat around them staring as if expecting them to say something.
Gigi mentioned 'I don't know what you're expecting us to say' which made the other girl laugh at their puzzled and worried looks.
Jaida was the one to ask 'what's the plan... in detail'

Crystal and Gigi opened their mouths to speak but no words came out as they turned to each other.
'I guess it doesn't really matter about the details, we can figure them out later, for now we shall live everyday in the moment and follow our hearts to be together wherever it takes us!' Crystal happily says taking Gigi's hand in her own.
The girls sigh but decide not to push further knowing it would upset Crystal and also Gigi. Instead, they ordered their food and started eating as soon as it came. This kept everyone quiet for a while except the sighs and digs made towards the two lovebirds as Crystal would feed her fries to Gigi before wiping her lips with her fingertips.


After everyone had eaten, it was time to get back to the fun. Jackie and Nicky had a gig to get ready for so they shared their goodbyes with hugs and headed to Jackies car leaving Gigi and Rosy to join Crystal, Jaida and Widow in the other car, cramped in the back. The music was turned up loudly and they set off, singing and dancing in the tight space.

Soon enough, they pulled up into a pretty empty car park with nothing around. As they got out the car, Gigi and Rosy questioned why their was no buildings while they walked down a small path covered by plants and surrounded by overgrown tall grass. Crystal soon began to run, her hair flying behind her in the wind. She quickly span around for a second as she grabbed Gigi's hand, dragging her along like a rag doll. The other girls laughed as Gigi whined, stomping her feet as she ran behind Crystal.
'Clearly Crystal's excited would just go with it Gigi!' They shouted in support.

As Gigi glanced back, she lost her footing on something and tumbled to the ground, taking Crystal with her. Somehow, it didn't hurt, the ground was soft. Gigi placed her hand on the ground where she felt sand. Sand? In Missouri, that didn't make sense. But as Crystal rolled on top of Gigi, kissed her lips and pulled her to her feet all in a moments notice, Gigi looked around at what appeared to be a beach. Confusion meant she couldn't even speak so Crystal helped explain, waving her hand in front of Gigi's face.
'We don't have a beach near us in Missouri, so we bought sand and made our own private, mini, man made beach that only we know about!' She seemed so happy, smiling from ear to ear as she held both of Gigi's hands, swinging them from side to side. 'It's my favourite place here but soon we can go to a real beach together in California and I'll love that even more!'
Gigi silently took everything in, this place was beautiful so she could tell Crystal made it. She couldn't take her eyes off the curly haired girl, until their lips pressed together in a passionate kiss. Seeing the others catching up, Crystal lead Gigi to a secret spot out of sight and continued their moment in private...


A/N - I'm so sorry about the terrible lack of updates recently, with other things going on, writing has hardly been on my mind but I'm sure I'll get back to more regular posts soon.✨

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