13) Spreading the news

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Both girls decided it was about time they stopped the crying and the planning as that was enough venerability for the day for them. They got up and made their way to the bath room hand in hand to sort themselves out before getting ready to go out.
Gigi applied slightly more makeup than usual in order to cover up her puffy appearance while Crystal created her version of a 'no-makeup makeup look' which always made Gigi giggle.
A/N - here's some comparison pictures

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~A/N - here's some comparison pictures

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Gigi ⬆️ Crystal ⬇️


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Anyway, once their makeup was done and they had helped each other get dressed, they decided to head out for the day.
'What do you want to do?' Crystal asked Gigi but she insisted that crystal choose as she knew the options in the area better.
As Crystal was always a fun bubbly person, it was no surprise that her first choice was mini golf! Gigi was up for the challenge and agreed excitedly just as Crystal began to run out the door and toward the car.
'Last one in the car is a rotten egg!' She shouted as Gigi began to chase after her laughing as Crystal tripped over her untied laces but managed not to fall.

Arriving at mini golf, the war had begun as the competition to get the least pars on the dinosaur themed course was the main priority. Crystal jumped in the air excitedly after every shot, clapping her hands in joy whilst Gigi had a more serious approach. She seemed professional almost as she carefully lined up each shot, teasing Crystal by wiggling her bum as she bent over to hit the ball softly into the target hole. The two kept playing, enjoying each other's company until finally, Gigi won by just one point. This was lucky as it meant the game ended in a cheerful hug of congratulations and a kiss from Crystal rather than a long explanation of why Gigi no longer likes mini golf.

'You hungry yet?' Gigi asked as Crystal checked the time on her phone: 12:43.
'Yeah it's way past lunch I'm starving!' She exaggerates making them both laugh.
They start debating food options and eventually decide that they could meet their friends and introduce everyone over some takeaway pizza back at Crystal'a house. That way they could possible spread the news of Crystal leaving with Gigi if the time felt right to share. They would have to tell Crystal's friends at some point and clearly it was better sooner rather than later.

Crystal called her friends whilst Gigi called hers, and soon enough, they all arrived at Crystal's house shortly after Crys and Geege had got back with the pizza. Everything was going to be fine they reassured each other but they were both overcome with nerves. What if no one approved? Would Crystal's friends try to stop her? There were so many things that could go awfully wrong in the next couple of hours.


A/N - I hope the pictures weren't annoying but it felt right to add to the 'no makeup makeup look' joke for Crystal. ✨ oh also the top picture is art I made myself today💘

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