18) Is this even real?

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The next place was slightly further away but Jaida ensured everyone it would be worth the drive. Stepping out the car, the building was huge, the girls really couldn't understand what activity would need a building so big but they followed Jaida and the others inside anyway. When they entered, the sounds of 'ooo's and 'whoa's came from each of the girls mouths as they stared at the, bowling alley? Except this want a normal bowling alley, everything seemed 5X bigger than normal, the pins were the size of children which was sort of scary and the balls had to be thrown with two hands. Luckily they were made out of a lighter material than bowling balls otherwise the girls would stand no chance of even lifting them. Widow got them all a lane, specifically asking to have the barriers up just for Crystal who got slightly embarrassed in front of Gigi's friends.
It wasn't until Rosy jokingly wiped her forehead laughing and said 'phew I'm glad I didn't have to ask myself! You're not the only one who's gonna need them barriers girl!'
Crystal instantly felt relief and laughed along with the others.

Nicky was up first and she elegantly rolled the ball as she mumbled something French. Sadly her polite roll was too soft for this soft of bowling and left her knocking only 3 pins down. Jackie smirked as Nicky told her off for making fun of her and then she stood up to take her turn. Jackie had a strong powerful roll which resulted in an impressive strike that lead to a deserving round of applause from all the girls but Nicky who seemed jealous and grumpy but she soon cheered up.

Once their game was over, they sat around a large table in the cafe and grabbed milkshakes to refresh them after the game. They congratulated Jackie and Widow on a joint win and some of the girls started guessing what's next before breaking off into separate conversations as they drank their drinks.

Crystal finished her milkshake fast and sneakily snuck her straw into Gigi's to *try* it. They shared the drink as they looked deep into each other's eyes.
'I can't believe this is the last proper day of me living in Missouri' Crystal says looking around.
Gigi replies 'It must be hard leaving when there's so much you love here'
'Well yes but there's so much I love in California too'
Gigi looks confused 'Oh and what's that then?'
Crystal giggles, tapping Gigi on the nose 'You silly' she says, making Gigi blush both at Crystals words and slightly at the embarrassment of her dumb moment.
'I love you too!' Gigi finally giggles.

They finish the milkshake and kiss over the empty glass. The other girls turn to face them, joking and being annoying as usual.
'Get a room!' Nicky suggests in a thick french accent.
While Jaida says 'And on that note, it's time to move on'
A few of the girls question Jaida on where they are going next and although she doesn't give them a straight answer, they all agree that it's about time they have some lunch.

This time in both cars, after witnessing the kiss, the girls couldn't help but drill questions into both Crystal and Gigi. What was their relationship now? Where did they want it to go? Was it too soon? How do they know it's real? Will it last? Both girls answered the best they can but it was difficult to say that they hadn't really even discussed half these things with each other yet. In the back of each of their minds was their own question. Would the other have the same answers? Guess they'll have to ask these questions again at lunch to find out.


A/N - I'm trying to get a few extra chapters out quickly to make up for the days I missed updating but I hope they are still good. ✨

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