42) Stop the show

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'Nicky! Over here' Crystal shouted through the suddenly busy crowd.
Nicky couldn't hear Crystal so instead, Crystal waded through the people and fell into her friend who luckily caught her laughing.
'You can't be drunk already Crystal!' Nicky laughed helping Crystal find her feet and head over to a place closer to the stage.
'I'm not drunk! It's just a lot busier here than in Missouri!' Crystal laughed punching Nicky's arm.
'So how was your first day with your soulmate?' Nicky said sarcastically as she pretended to gag at the word.
'Can we not talk about that here, I'll explain another day, I just want to enjoy the show and cheer Gigi on!' Crystal said avoiding the thoughts of what happened and the arguments.
'Urgh fine but you too better not be all cheesy and gross when she's performing or I'm leaving.' Nicky states seriously.
'But Nickyyy-' Crystal whined causing her friend to roll her eyes and head to grab them some drinks before the show starts.

Crystal was left standing alone as she casually chatted to a couple people who said hi and asked if she was new around the area. Most were just being friendly and Crystal enjoyed the welcoming atmosphere which reminded her of home. As Nicky came back over, people left Crystal alone and the mood changed as the show was about to start after the host did her thing. Everyone was cheering and clapping as the 'opening group number' began. This show was different to normal drag shows, it was a full pre rehearsed show with choreography and everything. It was incredible in Crystals opinion.

After a few other queens appeared, Gigi joined the group on the stage, looking incredible in her perfectly fitted dress. Crystal had already seen her girlfriend before the show but couldn't help at hoe beautiful she looked. Watching the show, Crystal was in silent shock while Gigi danced and flipped across the stage.
'I didn't know she could do that!' Crystal gasped gripping Nicky's arm as Gigi effortlessly did a back handspring across the stage.

There were many performances one after another before Gigi's turn.
'Our next performer is a fan favourite, back after a short trip away she's back, it's the one and only Miss Gigi Goode!' The host introduced.
'Whooop that's my girl!' Crystal screamed.
It was an amazing performance and Crystal couldn't stop screaming and clapping whilst holding money out for her girlfriend even though she refused to take it.

'Hey Nicky that guy over there wants to talk to you.' A familiar voice said cause Nicky to quickly say bye to Crystal and head across the club floor.
Turning around, Crystal's face dropped.
'Rosy? What are you doing here?' Crystal said glancing back at the stage.
'We need to talk.' Rosy said bluntly, grabbing her arm and trying to drag her away from her spot near the stage.
'Let go!' Crystal accidentally shouted not thinking.
Gigi looked across from the stage and stopped lip syncing as she made her way towards Rosy.
She walked down from the stage and slapped Rosy across the face causing the room to go quiet and a wave of gasps and whispers travel through the crowd.
'How could you do that to me! I thought you were my best friend but you made me hate you and now you turn up here! Why can't you just let me be happy Rosy!'
'Oh shit' Nicky said running over. 'Gigi?'
'Just leave Rosy.' Crystal suggested as she held onto her angry girlfriend and dragged her back into the stage calming her down. 'Perform Geege, she's leaving.' Crystal encouraged.
'I can't Crys.' A tear rolled down her cheek as Crystal grabbed her face in her hands and pressed her lips against Gigi's earning a huge 'awe' from the crowd.
'Come on!' Crystal giggled as she began to dance around the stage and lip sync the best she could to the song. Spinning Gigi around making her smile.

Gigi soon got lost in the moment with Crystal and began to perform with her girlfriend and the audience loved it.
'Who's is that girl?' Gigi heard someone shout in the distance and without hesitation she shouted her reply as the song came to an end.
'Everyone give it up for my incredible girlfriend Crystal Methyd!' She proudly announced as she threw herself into Crystal's arms and kissed her passionately in front of everyone.
'Now you go and I'll explain to Nicky.' Crystal whispered in her ear before smiling and heading off stage, grabbing Nicky's hand and running outside as Gigi went backstage.

'Oh so now I'm guessing you want to explain what happened today?' Nicky questioned crossing her arms.
'I'm sorry Nicky I just didn't want to ruin the mood. Rosy kissed me and I didn't do anything back but Gigi found out and didn't listen to the full story so she came home and we had a massive argument but we made up. I just don't know if she's going to forgive Rosy. I don't even know why she came tonight but I think it made it worse.' Crystal was practically shaking as she spoke and her adrenaline from the performance with Gigi began to fade. 'What do I do Nicky?'
'Crystal- I don't know. I don't understand why Rosy would ever do that to Gigi, they've never even fought over food, it's so strange. I think you both need to talk to her and you just have to get Gigi to listen somehow.' Nicky actually seemed quiet and less opinionated than usual, Crystal could tell she was shocked and honestly didn't know how to react.

They decided to head round to the back entrance and wait for Gigi to come out and while they were waiting Nicky offered to stay round at theirs and help talk to Gigi.
'Thank you Nicky but I think Gigi would want some space for a bit you know.' Crystal hugged Nicky before the French girl headed home, leaving Crystal waiting for Gigi alone.


A/N - I feel guilty about my updates being so bad but please just bare with me and I'll get back to it soon. ✨

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