12) The next step

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Without hesitating Gigi sat up to face Crystal, 'I'm the luckiest girl alive and of course I love you Miss Crystal Elizabeth Methyd!'
She grabbed Crystal's face with both hands and planted a long passionate kiss onto her lips.
'Never in my life would I have imagined meeting someone as special and perfect as you Crys but with all my heart, I believe you're my soul mate and I don't want to lose whatever this is which we have.'
She continued to explain. 'I should've told you before but I was so caught up in the moment I completely forgot I was leaving so soon... I'm sorry and I hope you can forgive me.' She explained.
Crystal smiled reassuringly at Gigi who smiled back sweetly.

They needed a plan and quickly but for now, in the heat of the moment after the sudden displays of emotions and felling that is generally uncommon for them both, they couldn't help but share a physical response as well. Crystal's arms was squeezed tightly around Gigi's waist while Gigi still held Crystal's face between her hands, hooking her fingers into her curls and drawing her close to kiss her. They kissed over and over taking it in turns to pull the other back in when they parted, making out in a passionate but sweet and sentimental sort of way at the same time.

Crystal seemed to get lost in the moment, forgetting about the planning that needed to be done as she scraped her nails along Gigi's back, moving her hands from her tiny waist to begin to lift her top. Gigi pulled away from the kiss, placing her hands on the approaching hands to stop Crystal moving anymore.
She giggled before joking 'don't tempt me now Crys, no matter how much I'd love this right now, it should wait until after we've made a plan maybe?'
Crystal blushes looking down at the bed for a moment 'sorry I got carried away..' she says making Gigi laugh as she kisses Crystal's forehead, lifting her head back up by her chin.


What would the next step be. Gigi couldn't exactly stay in Missouri, she had a whole life and carter in California including a huge job opportunity within days of her returning home. She couldn't risk losing it but she didn't want to lose Crystal either. At the same time, she couldn't just ask Crystal to go with her because Gigi didn't know how Crystal would react being asked to drop everything she knows and loved for a girl she met just days ago. It seemed like a problem with no possible answer in Gigi's mind.


For Crystal, this had not been anything she'd had to deal with before, she preferred a simple life, she had close friends, a home and a normal drag queen job but she new Gigi's life was very different to her own, coming from such a big place and being so popular and important they were complete opposites. She knew Gigi wouldn't ask her to go with her but she also knew Gigi couldn't possibly stay. Should she just offer to go? Crystal couldn't help but think of the change it would make in her life. She would be giving up everything she'd always known, but she'd be gaining so much more. New job opportunities, new friends, a new scene. It all seemed so positive despite it being awfully scary. She also imagined all the negatives, but despite how awfully scary it would be, it was better than other options like long distance or nothing at all because ultimately, she'd be with Gigi and that's all that mattered right now.


'I want to come with you Geege.' Crystal stated openly. 'I know you only have a small apartment and we will probably have no idea what to do for a while and it'll be difficult and strange for me at first... but I say we take it a day at a time and see what happens... I'll be with you and that is the most important thing!'
For a moment, Gigi didn't know how to react, she was still trying to imagine up plans to prevent Crystal having to move, but here she was voluntarily wanting to come. It seemed too good to be true.
'Are you sure?' Gigi cautiously questioned, reminding Crystal of how much she'd have to leave behind.
Interrupting Gigi's kind words of advice or well.. worry, she said 'Miss Gigi Goode... do you love me?'
Gigi began another entire speech to explain how much she loved Crystal but she shushed her with a finger to her lips.
'Then it's settled, I'm coming to L.A with you' she smiled, 'it's about time these feet get to feel some sand!'.


A/N - don't worry that's not all there is to the plan but I don't want it to be a huge planned out story all in one so I'll make it more of a surprise!✨

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