2) 'Excuse me'

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The night, well morning, was coming to an end and everyone was beginning to leave to go home. Rosy was getting ready to leave when Gigi turned around to walk the opposite way.
'And where do you think your going?' Rosy exclaimed.
Gigi glanced back with a nervous grin, 'to find her' she said.
As soon as the words left her mouth she set off to sneak back stage in search of Crystal Methyd.


After interrupting multiple queens as they tried to de-drag, Gigi finally spotted Crystal. There she was, across the room, still in drag and looking even more stunning up close than Gigi remembered. All of a sudden Gigi was overcome with nerves and was almost ready to turn and leave until Crystal caught her eye. They shared a moment staring into each other eyes until Gigi blushed and looked towards the ground. Crystal smiled in a goofy sort of way before approaching Gigi with a skip in her step.
'Excuse me?' Crystal said sweetly as she tapped Gigi on the shoulder.
Gigi jumped at the unexpected touch and raised her head to reply. When she noticed it was Crystal she was at a loss for words and her stomach was filled with butterflies. Gigi had never felt anything like this before.
'Were you looking for me by any chance?' questioned Crystal as she took another glance at Gigi.
Crystal noticed Gigi's perfect features as he watched his eyes flutter and lips part slightly. His nose was perfect too. Crystal was mesmerised by Gigi but still didn't know why he was here backstage.
'I- um- yes actually I was looking for you' Gigi nervously said.
'Well I'm glad' Crystal replies without thinking, 'I mean- I'm glad I get to thank you for the tip then'
Gigi giggles slightly and gains a bit of confidence.
'You're performance was amazing Crystal, I just felt like I needed to meet you' Gigi explains.
They start to chat more and it's starts to flow so naturally it feels like they've know each other for years.

Soon enough, they're giggling away and don't even notice everyone else leaving around them. But then, without warning, Rosy appears and surprises Gigi from behind.
'Hey girl, not to interrupt this lovely meeting but we have to go soon, we have drag brunch tomorrow and I'm gonna be sooo tired!' Rosy urges.
'Oh yeah I forgot.' Gigi says quietly seeming sad all of a sudden.
When all of Gigi's hope was disappearing, Crystal said the best thing possible.
'Gigi. I'm actually free tomorrow, would you mind if I came to your show? It's only fair that I get a chance to tip you too.' Crystal smiles and giggles slightly as Gigi blushes.
'That would be lovely Crystal!' Exclaims Gigi in an excited tone.
Gigi manages to control her excitement as she shares the details with Crystal before being dragged away by Rosy. Just before it's too late, Gigi catches Crystal hazel eyes as she glances back and winks, making crystal blush.

Maybe Gigi isn't the only one with a crush ...


A/N - this chapter was not my favourite as this is my first fanfic and I still need to explore levels of emotions in more detail but I hope you like it so far ✨

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