26) The answer

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'I mean technically no not yet and I guess it seems weird but you'll have to wait just a bit longer Crys baby' Gigi said but Crystal seemed to get upset thinking something was wrong.
'Do you not want to be my girlfriend yet Geege?' She asked disappointed whilst the other girls were also highly confused.
'No no I do silly, I just want it to be special, it's a surprise and I was hoping no one would ask that so I wouldn't give it away!' She glared towards Nicky before taking Crystals hands in her own and kissing her forehead sweetly.
'I love you' they said in unison giggling as the other girls tried to ignore them.


Everyone ate pretty quickly due to how hungry they were and then they set off again for the last part of the journey. Like Gigi had expected, it was getting dark so it was Crystal's turn to drive their car and Jackie was driving the others in the car behind. The roads were fairly quiet due to them driving late but Crystal still seemed uneasy on the large highways so Gigi tried her best to stay awake and support her.

'So you're sharing my bedroom right?' Gigi asked 'we have a spare room but I'm guessing you'd prefer mine'
Crystal laughed at Gigi, 'I can't believe you even questioned that, I mean of course I'm sharing your room!'
Crystal started to list the many things that she was also going to share with Gigi now they were moving in together. It ranged from cute things like cuddles every morning and night to weird 'Crystal things' as Gigi would call them, such as sharing a toothbrush when Crystal would ultimately loose hers. Gigi never questioned Crystals personality, she knew that other people were quick to judge Crystal's weird, crazy loud personality but Gigi somehow found it calming. It was almost the complete opposite of her own calm perfectionist type personality and they just balanced each other out so perfectly. It was one of the main reasons that they worked so well together. Despite the differences between the girls, they had so much in common it seemed like pure fate that they met. Even in the car now after driving for however many hours already, they had not ran out of things to talk about once.

'Geege, you realise that your going to have to let me put up at least one One Direction poster up in our bedroom?' Crystal was smiling but her tone was serious due to her undeniable passion for the boy band she'd admired as long as she could remember.
Gigi found it adorable when Crystal would talk about the band or anything she loved in fact, how she'd get all excited and her face would light up but yet she could stay so serious to express her feelings about them. For a moment, Gigi had even forgot to reply whilst she was just staring at Crystal who was looking forward at the road. She was imagining waking up next to the girl of her dreams every single day and blushing over how lucky she felt that this had all happened to her and not somebody else. She couldn't imagine any other scenario than the one that was becoming more and more real every second as they drove towards LA.
'Earth to Gigi, did you hear me?' Crystal said looking over at her lover who quickly looked away shyly as if she was slightly embarrassed. 'Now you understand why I like it when you drive because it means I get to admire your beauty!' She laughs.
'I- shush okay I was just.... um thinking about where you can put your poster of course!' Gigi mumbled rolling her eyes, gaining a burst of laughter from Crystal. Gigi was never the best at admitting feelings even for Crystal, she got shy sometimes.
'You're the beautiful one anyway Crystal Elizabeth Methyd!' She smiled widely as their eyes met.


By now they were already driving in LA and the streets were beginning to get more confusing and busy so Crystal began to pull over the car knowing full well she couldn't follow Gigi's terrible directions. Instead, they swapped places so that Gigi could drive the last bit home. Jackie, Nicky and Rosy were now ahead and they were going to meet the others at Gigi's so they could sleepover and help Crystal unpack. When Gigi pulled the car into her drive way the others were already there stood waiting to go inside. She unlocked the door and everyone began to unload the box filled car and take everything into the house. Once everything was in, Jackie was the first to say what everyone was thinking.
'Let's go to bed and unpack in the morning.' She suggested.
Everyone agreed and within minutes of getting ready for bed and laying down, most the girls were asleep. That was except Crystal who lay in Gigi's arms comfortable and happy but yet still nervous about everything. This was so new to her but eventually she fell asleep, safe in her soulmates arms.


A/N - when you are reading this it's probably been a while since I last updated but I hope you don't mind since I am updating a lot more at once than I usually would as I had a break from writing but I'm back now! ✨

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