4) Show stopper

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Finally, Gigi Goode was ready so along with Rosy Thorn, they climbed into a taxi gripping their wigs as they ducked below the doors. A wave of emotions was rushing over Gigi; fear, nervousness, but mostly excitement. This is the most over prepared she'd ever been for a drag show so surely it would be fabulous. Despite this, she was still worried she wouldn't impress Crystal and although they'd only met last night, Gigi's heart and mind were making Crystal the most important person at the show today.

After a short drive and pretty amazing pep talk from Rosy, Gigi stepped out of the taxi, heading to the venue where she was greeted by some of her closest friends Nicky and Jackie.
'You're practically glowing!' Exclaimed  Jackie as she looked Gigi up and down subtlety.
Nicky on the other hand was not so subtle, 'who is it then Gigi, who's the lucky boy?' She smirked as Gigi blushed.
Nicky was always straight to the point, calling Gigi out on things like this was always a favourite thing to do for her. She laughed as Gigi struggled to answer and eventually Rosy stepped in to help.
'Crystal Methyd!' She burst out, 'Gigi here couldn't stop staring all last night... luckily she got the courage to talk to her for once and now she's coming to watch Gigi's performance.'
'Aw I feel like such a proud dad.' Jackie murmured.

At this point people were starting to push past them to get inside so they headed in themselves. Gigi looked around desperately to check if Crystal was there yet but she couldn't see her anywhere. Gigi has always been an over thinker so it's no surprise she started questioning everything. Was Crystal coming?
Do I look good? Do I SMELL GOOD!? Gigi's heart was beating at what felt like 100mph and her hands were shaking as she tried to calm her nerves with a couple shots at the bar. The show was about to start and Gigi scuttled backstage with no idea whether Crystal would actually be coming.


Crystal arrived finally after getting stuck in traffic, she rushed inside quickly asking around if Gigi Goode had performed yet. Luckily for her, she was just in time. Lights flashed and the sparkly curtains were thrown open revealing Gigi dressed in an incredible red velvet tight fitted dress.
'Now that's a show stopper!' Crystal gasped.

Her jaw dropped and she pushed her way closer to the stage as she saw Gigi seeming to be searching in the dark crowd. She finally clambered to the front. But will Gigi even notice me Crystal thought...


A/N - as you can tell, most of the characters involved in this story will be drag race girls besides Gigi's close friend Rosy Thorn but don't be offended if I ship characters or change characteristics that aren't accurate to real life ✨

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