22) Home sweet home

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On the journey back, their were multiple stops to make along the way. First, they dropped Rosy off at the hotel where she kindly offered to pack up some of Gigi's suitcases ready for tomorrow only because Gigi had to help Crystal pack an entire house. And then next, Crystal dropped Jaida and Widow at Jaida's house because Widow lived just across the road. And then, all that was left was Crystal and Gigi. Alone again, finally.

Into the dark, quiet house they went, for the last time. This was the last night they would spend here before moving to LA as they would have to travel to the airport tomorrow night. Tomorrow would be the busiest day, packing all Crystal's things, not just what she was going to take but also everything else to put into storage so the house can be rented out. On top of that, Gigi needed to go back to her hotel room to collect all her things and pack up the last of her drag that she'd brought with her before check out time. Honestly, it was going to be a mess and the girls already knew that. Which is why, they ran upstairs, got changed and jumped into bed faster than a lion hunting it's prey. They snuggled under the covers and before you could even blink, they were both fast asleep in each other's arms.


Strangely, waking up in Crystals arms in this house, Gigi felt at home and yet they were already saying goodbye to Crystals home sweet home today. They got up and ready pretty quickly this morning, sticking to cereal rather than one of Crystal's extravagant buffet breakfasts. This way, they would have more time to organise today. It was early and the sun was soft outside but there was no time to waste.

First, they would deal with the kitchen, the job was basically to pack everything into boxes for storage as Crystal wouldn't need to take any of these things to LA. After the kitchen, they moved on to the living room which was slightly more difficult. They struggled to figure out what they needed to pack as they were leaving most of the furniture but wanted to take some things like Crystal's TV. But how do they pack a TV?! Eventually they figured it out and it was on to upstairs. The majority of the rooms were pretty empty, the main challenges were Crystal's drag and her clothes which she wanted to take all of to Gigi's. Wigs, shoes, jewellery, makeup and everything else was crammed into small suitcases and boxes. Luckily they wouldn't be stuck packed up too long for them to get ruined despite the awful organisation. In the end, looking at the messy bags, Crystal and Gigi just laughed before dragging everything to the car.

After hours and hours on end of constant packing, it was time to head to the hotel and after that, time to go.


A/N - (the title art is my own painting) this chapter is quite boring as it's pretty much a filler but I hope you're getting ready for a big story shift because there's not long left until they leave! ✨

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