3) Dress to impress

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The next couple hours Gigi desperately tried to sleep but Crystal was stuck in her mind like nothing she'd ever known before. She never realised that she could have such strong feelings towards a a total stranger but something about it just felt right. All night she stayed awake yearning to see Crystal once again and waiting in anticipation for tomorrow's show and the chance to talk the night away with her afterwards.

Don't be shy... be confident and find out more she told herself. During the whole long conversation tonight she never found out whether Crystal Methyd was single but that is the answer Gigi most wanted to know. Eventually Gigi closed her eyes and began to dream...


Meanwhile, Crystal has just arrived home as the sun was beginning to rise and she too had one thing on her mind. Gigi. Wiping the remainder of her makeup off in the mirror and allowing her curly locks to fall across her shoulders as she brushed them, she replayed every tiny moment she had had with Gigi back at the club. From the touch of their hands for a split second and the twinkle of Gigi's eyes as she would blush at Crystal's words.

Soon, Crystal began to doze off and as both of them lay in separate beds at completely different places... they both dreamed they were together once again.


*BEEP BEEP BEEP* Gigi's alarm was loud enough to wake the neighbours. She rolled over, smacking her phone with her long fingers until the alarm was silenced. Exhausted from the night before she didn't want to move... until suddenly sitting up faster than ever before, she remembered... Crystal.

This would have to be the best drag performance of Gigi's career to impress Crystal. That started with rethinking her outfit. Excited and also nervous, Gigi began scooping out the drag from her tightly packed suitcase like a maniac.

'Well this is the messiest I've seen Gigi Goode be, and that's saying something' Rosy yawned as she tried to understand the sudden commotion. 'I thought you were already sorted for the show today...wait... don't say the zipper broke... I told you to lay off the fruit snac-'
'Hey! I fit all my costumes perfectly thank you' Gigi giggles as she pauses her search. 'Look will you help me finding something new, I want to impress Crystal that's all.'
'All this effort for a stranger? I'm all ready impressed Goode!' Rosy smirks as she winks at Gigi.

The two girls rush to prepare Gigi for her show stopping performance. It's a good job her alarm was loud because Gigi didn't have a second to spare after she spent an extra hour perfecting her makeup just for Crystal. Crystal wouldn't even realise the extra effort because she'd never seen Gigi Goode before but here Gigi was... and it's the thought that counts.

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