Prologue | Knocking on Aman's Doors

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Prologue | Knocking on Aman's Doors


"Sindarin/Earth Languages"
"Black Speech/Valarin"


???? ????? | ???? ???

Location: Unknown

Time: Unknown

When he imagined heaven, he was not expecting pointy-eared people walking about the place.

He thought that it would be all up in the skies, walking on clouds and wearing white togas whilst people ate grapes, drank wine and played the harp. (Well, he did spot one person playing the harp the other day, but whatever they were singing clearly wasn't English or any language he heard back on Earth.) There would be angels flying about, maybe babies with their cupid bows and scrolls. Hell (ironic since this place almost feels like hell instead), he would have imagined the afterlife to be some paradise, with a replica of his house with the lake beside it. Maybe the chirping of birds and the yapping of the alpacas they once had.

Instead, all he got was a bunch of elves walking around – sometimes the odd human (thank the lord there were humans at least). Though, they did not indicate what he was talking about and practically ignore his questions on where the heck he was.

Even worse, there weren't even any cheeseburgers.

Talk about this being heaven. Clearly, God forgot that he existed and didn't greet him with at least a Burger King meal. [1]

Though, he questioned if a person needed to eat in heaven.

Maybe he should stop calling it heaven. He wasn't even religious at all, having not followed his mother's Christian views. And if he did, he would already have a first-class ticket to meet Satan after all the shit he did during his younger years alive.

However, surely after what he did for the universe - it must have given him some exception.

It was still vivid to remember what happened. The pain and energy that went from his hands into his entire body. It was like a thousand suns were in the palm of his hands, burning his blood whilst freezing them at the same time. The entire landscape blurred, only spotting the purple nutsack in front of him as he knelt there with his right hand up.

The Infinity Stones were whispering to him, asking what he was planning to do.

He then said those words.

The very same ones he once said to the entire world after he lost Obadiah Stane. When his entire world changed, and he brought to the world a new face in the eyes of the modern world.

What seemed to be another day in these dark and cramped caves (he really hated this heaven, considering the last time he was in a cave – a bunch of terrorists 'upgraded' him with a bunch of metal parts), and he woke up hearing the commotion coming from outside his own part of the place.

He got up to his feet, trying to sense if he did have feet whilst he walked about trying to understand what was happening. Everyone was running, or hiding, or maybe both. There was some feeling one way whilst the others stood and wondered what the heck was going on.

And then there was a rumbling in the ground. He spun his head around until he heard more cries. A solid force bumped straight into him and he apologized quickly as he pulled the person up. They had long straight hair, but that wasn't the thing that surprised him.

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