18 | Together Once More

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18 | Together Once More


Elrond Peredhel | Lord of Rivendell

Location: Imladris, Middle Earth, Arda

Time: October 2980 T.A

Returning to Rivendell had just been what Elrond had hoped it to be.

Many reports, plans, papers, and issues to address. Not to mention the fact that he had guests arriving the moment he returned from Earth which not only added onto the pile of things to do but increased the stress upon his very mind.

He could only thank that Erestor, Lindir and Arwen had done very well in managing the affairs of the house and city, with Arwen taking the mantle in managing the city with the aid of Erestor. Her time spent here after leaving Lothlorien had given her time to adjust once more on the valley, noted by how she carried herself well in the affairs.

However, he would give Arwen space for both him and Glorfindel to continue with the work.

His wife had felt guilty, wondering when they were still on Earth if he needed her help in taking care of the city. Elrond had looked at her then and saw the true nervousness she showed to him. He forgot sometimes that the mortal woman in front of her had memories of Elemmírë – not experience. The elves of Rivendell may see her again as their lady, though managing affairs wasn't something Illyria Strange had yet to do.

Instead, they agreed on their plans. Elrond would manage the political affairs of the valley and continue managing Rivendell as the head of the house whilst she would tend to magical affairs and the mission at hand for them. That meant teaching Arwen and practising, reading countless books in the library with Erestor and Maedhros as they tried to find possible ways to prepare for the future.

Not to mention that they had set up an entire workshop of Earth technology in Illyria's old chambers was perhaps something which they had done in such a short time.

The Healing Halls had been somewhat improved, and it all came to his decisions of the changes.

It even aided when the ever-so-young hobbit: a certain Frodo Baggins, had arrived in Glorfindel's arms and was stabbed by Morgul blade. Unfortunately, the hobbit still did not wake and it was the day when Elrond's sons, Thorin Oakenshield, Bilbo Baggins and their other hobbit companions arrived.

It irked him again when he realised how young the hobbit was.

And that he would subsequently be tasked to destroy the One Ring.

The evening before they arrived (or to what he assumed it had been evening), he tended to the sleeping hobbit once more.


"That wound won't ever go away, won't it?" He heard Illyria whisper next to him.

Elrond spotted her hand placed over the hobbit's.

Frodo slept tranquilly; no pain was shown in his face. Though he assumed with Illyria's broader sensitivity, she knew what his fëa felt like.

A tear went down her cheek as she spoke, "This was always something I hated. Having to realise that someone like him. Someone so pure and good be burdened with hardship and suffering." Illyria stared up at Elrond. "I want to do something so badly to help him but..."

His heart clenched watching her so distraught. But even then, Elrond was imagining something else as well.

His vision of her and the battle.

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