9 | Back in Middle Earth...

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9 | Back in Middle Earth...


Boromir | Captain of the White Tower

Location: Halifirien, The White Mountains, Middle Earth, Arda.

Time: September 2980 T.A

The evacuation of the city was a success to an extent. Those who left at the beginning of the plans had arrived at the Gondorian Beacon Post, one of the many that were scattered through the White Mountains to allow warnings across the kingdom. [1][2]

It was a long and tiresome trek, the path through the densely packed forest having hindered carts of those injured or too old to walk, and most had to be carried. But soon as they arrived up at the small station, they immediately began setting a temporary camp for the civilians and soldiers who followed him and the people of Minas Tirith to the West.

Halifirien was not far from the West Road, enough for them to return to their journey the next day – or rather the next several hours once the moon passed over them. [3]

Boromir was exhausted, but he didn't show it to the other as he trudged through the campsite, keeping an eye on soldiers and men to see that they were doing what they were tasked with before nodding up to the guards posted on either side of the tent they erected. There were hardly any luxuries, and he didn't pester of it; he knew how it was like to live in the littlest things and have journeyed throughout Gondor with nothing but a small pack, his sword and a horse.

Though, he could forget the great horn he was bestowed upon.

He went over to the small table, scattered with papers and maps and placed down the horn on top. The clear maps of Gondor and Rohan were shown in the corner of his sight, markers of red ink already showing places that had been lost to Sauron and Mordor and those that have yet to know.

The most recent – and dare he said it – was Minas Tirith.

Now underlined in red.

Taking a heavy sigh, he tightened his jaw before massaging it. There was no point in dwelling too much of it. Of his home and those he left. His mother was gone, accepting the fate she had and would never step into the home she longed for that was by the sea.

Whilst he tried his best to get through the many reports already piling in the side of the table, he noticed a figure enter the tent flaps.

Haedirn, warden of Halifirien, stood across the table as they both greeted each other with a slight bow. The warden questioned him with confusion, "My lord, Boromir, where is your father?"

Boromir placed the parchment down as he answered, "He decided to defend the city." He caught the surprise in Haedirn's face whilst he sighed, "Despite my suggestion in joining us, he decided to stay."

The man's eyebrows furrowed with concern on him as he asked, "Who would then lead us?" Haedirn stated, "Rohan will not answer us after we failed to aid them in the West for years."

All he could do was purse his lips into a thin line. The long years had waned the relationship between the two kingdoms since the defeat of the Dunlanders and then the sudden darkness growing in Isengard. It was not their fault since their focus had been towards the East as well as the South, with more of the Haradrim and the Corsairs of Umbar being sighted in the south. [4][5][6]

Though, when they did send a messenger to inform King Théoden of their impending arrival, he was met by the same soldier who told him that he had been declined, causing him and several of the senior members of the army to worry.

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