22 | If You Love Something, You Protect It

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22 | If You Love Something, You Protect It


Elrond Peredhel | Lord of Rivendell

Location: Imladris, Middle Earth, Arda

Time: 1975 T.A

Within the hidden valley, an elven lord strode down the open hallways of his house passing many servants and soldiers hurrying past him. They stopped for a second to acknowledge their lord and the head of their house before stalking hurriedly away with grand strides towards their destination. May it be the stables, the kitchens or the rest of the city which were bustling with preparations.

He knew that the elves who lived here were on high alert with fear lurking in their minds the time it arrived. News from Arnor calling for the alliance of elves from Lindon, Imladris and Lothlorien to band together to aid the kingdom of Arthedain. And it was no surprise when Prince Eärnur, Captain of Gondor, rode to them in a request for aid. More specifically: help from his wife. [1][2]

Alliances and connections with the Arnor and Gondor have been strong, though it had been a decline since the darkness began to grow in the north. With many changes and the lands of Eriador began to infest with foul creatures, had not been the bond between the Lady and Lord of Imladris the entirety of the kingdom would have fallen earlier. His wife had done all she could, raising the issue with those of Lindon and even to King Amroth.

She was the one behind the larger proposal of this attack.

It was why he was rushing as gracefully as he could towards his chambers.

Though as he rounded the corner, he spotted an elleth entering the house from one of the pathways. Their eyes already met his before she stopped in front of him and lowered her head.

"My lord," She replied politely.

Dismissing the propriety, he quickly asked the young elleth: "Lady Eitheril, have you seen my daughter?"

The young Silvan elf, despite being built tall, shyly responded with a stammer, "I...I believe she was down in the gardens, my lord." Eitheril paused and asked quietly, "Shall I go get her for you?"

He examined at her for a moment, seeing her blink several times away past him – diverting his eyes. The young elleth may not have been in his household for long, perhaps a century, but he knew the hints of a bluff.

But with his gaze going for too long, he knew she was getting afraid.

Instead, he calmly answered her, "If you may. Inform for her to be ready at dawn at the front of the house. You shall tend to her along with Sedril."

With a rushed nod and reply, she silently bustled the opposite direction, perhaps to search for his daughter. Perhaps not. One thing he knew was that Silvan elves hardly lived in these parts of Middle Earth, and especially in the realm that included the Noldor and the occasional Vanyar lord (who in turn was mostly part Noldo). He would have to discuss with Thranduil again with the excessive amount of elves he was bringing, excusing it to 'integrate' and 'learn' their various cultures and lifestyles.

The first time his wife learnt of this: she snorted before storming off in anger at the insult. He may not explicitly say it, though he knew that it was a way for Thranduil to know what they were doing. After all, their kingdoms have not been working well since the Queen of The Greenwood's death.

He arrived at his chambers, silently inhaling before he entered.

It was there he found her.

Sitting out on the balcony, she was quietly looking out towards the valley. Her back was turned from him, seeing her hair out with golden blonde tresses down her back. An odd image for him for he was used to her tight yet simple braids. But when her hair was down, it meant something concerning for him.

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