15 | Flight of the Ford: A Remix

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15 | Flight of the Ford: A Remix


Glorfindel | The Balrog Slayer

Location: Imladris, Middle Earth, Arda

Time: October 2980 T.A

His sister had found him just outside the library, hands clenching the bannister of the balcony. Luckily, she arrived the moment Erestor had left him once more. Though at least this time it hadn't been anything harsh of his words.

Glorfindel truly did make a mess of seeing him again. He had been so dumbfounded, in awe at the feeling of his own fëa and heart that no words could come out of his mouth.

And then he was as stupid as any dull orc and spoke the worst possible words.

A hello.

Why in all Arda did he choose that?

So, after chasing after the elf (and being shushed by about every elf in the room), Erestor had enough and dragged him just outside the library and allowed him to speak. And thus, Glorfindel did.

He explained all he could, simplifying and yet including the important parts that he wasn't sure if Erestor had understood half of what he said. He had rambled almost like his sister that Erestor had stopped him, demanding to simply speak what he had wanted to say to him.

But what was he supposed to say?

That he was undoubtfully pouring his heart to him? Perhaps not a good thing to say after shocking him after thirty-nine years.

Instead, he expressed his care for him. That Glorfindel of the House of the Golden Flower cared deeply for Erestor of Rivendell.

Erestor had frozen the moment he confessed and he regretted it instantly.

Did he do it wrong?

He had said nothing, only to silently nod before he sighed and told him he needed some time.


"Please speak," He pleaded. "I do not know what you feel of this. Of us."

Erestor sighed and looked away. "And that is the reason for it." He revealed, "I do not know how to feel about this. You...your departure affected me. And I need some time. Some space to breathe."

He opened his mouth but was silenced by the Noldorin's flashing eyes.

"I know what you are about to say. That you will give me time." He replied. "But care for your actions, Glorfindel. You know what is to come and you know time is more than just that."

They stared at one another before Erestor broke their trance and bid his farewell back into the library.


Glorfindel was then left alone in the hallway feeling numb and completely unsure. There was obviously a part in him that always kept hopeful, assuming that the Noldorin elf clearly needed the time to comprehend everything that was happening. It was dark times indeed, and their priorities were too focused on the darkness ahead.

It was why when Illyria asked him for a favour – Glorfindel accepted it.

For now, he would take his mind off and focus on the task ahead.

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