21 | A New Fellowship

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21 | A New Fellowship


Illyria Strange | Elemmírë Oialëa

Location: Imladris, Middle Earth, Arda

Time: October 2980 T.A

There was a thing about meetings like this. The majority of the time there was always one person who would strike up a spark somewhere between the beginning and the end. Sometimes they would be the most predictable person in the group; someone who was known to speak up against everything else that mattered about it all.

And sometimes it was the least expected figure.

The unpredictable. The underdog.

Or so what they say.

Ever since she was a child, she was perceptive of those who worked underneath the heads of everyone else. Those who were average, the ones who no one anticipated to stand up in a room and basically scream at the top of their lungs that they had a bomb and they were going to use it. Metaphorically so to speak.

Why did she see this?

Well...she always wanted to be just like them. Someone who didn't have a spotlight and allowed everyone else to play their part.

But being the daughter of the Sorcerer Supreme and a natural-born magic user, there was always a spotlight on her. Perhaps a red marker as well but she tried to ignore that bit. A lot of people always wanted her in various ways, so it wasn't a surprise when Faltine almost murdered her, and Karl Mordo began hunting her down after Thanos' defeat.

The unpredictable people: they were the ones she respected. The ones who were subtle enough to be in the circle of knowledge and then to act upon their choices.

Sometimes their choices weren't the smartest but not everyone was the sharpest tool in the shed.

However, despite it all: nothing could ever compare to the shock and unexpected she was met the moment it happened.

If discovering her past was like getting hit by a truck: this was equivalent to her heart being ripped out of her body and bathed in cold ice bath.


"Strangers from distant lands. Friends of Old. You've been summoned here to answer the threat of Mordor. The sun has fallen, and Arda is on the brink of destruction – none can escape it. We will unite or we will fall. Each race is bound to this fate, this one doom."

Elrond's orotund voice rang across the circular courtyard, seeping into every ear around him as well as hers.

She didn't need to look up at him, his tall stature – imposing and strong. His words: true and honest and yet sliced into people's minds like a knife. A knife that everybody was probably hoping for but didn't want to endure.

Instead, her eyes gazed around her to all the faces that were in the room...or courtyard. Even in such weather and little light, there was a beauty in the wilting and colouring of the leaves. Many lamps were lit around the pillars surrounding them, the background noise of the waterfall stopping the agitating silence between the sentences gave Illyria some peace.

But peace might not be a correct word for the topic at hand as she flexed her toes and shuffled and subtly as possible in her chair. Maybe bringing an object to fiddle her fingers would have been a better bet than this and even Elladan shared the same demonstration of wanting to move.

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