6 | A Balrog in Oxford

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6 | A Balrog in Oxford


Illyria Strange | Elemmírë Oialëa

Location: School of Engineering, Oxford, UK, Earth

Time: May 2027

She couldn't concentrate at all today.

All she could think about was Middle Earth and how she might have just fucked up the timelines. Heck, she didn't even know how it was possible. Did the Valar find out she was back and decide to immediately press the red button to end it all?

Okay, maybe that was too much but still.

Dagor Dagorath.

The Lord of the Rings hadn't even started let alone this. The end of Arda was supposed to begin many ages later. It wasn't entirely exact considering the lack of notes written by Tolkien, but it should be enough to know that it was supposed to happen later on. When the Valar couldn't even predict the exact time it would start and the earth was practically decimated by human destruction.

Not now, not when Sauron hasn't even popped back up and that Saruman betrayed the Istari and the free peoples of Middle Earth.

And now the Noldor were leaving. Where will they go? Surely not Middle Earth...Could they even go back to Middle Earth after Eru turned the world into a spherical shape?

Well, there could be two ways that can be possible. One of them would be some sort of Einstein Rosen Bridge, very much like the Bifrost that connected the two together. [1]

Or there was some weird space-matter bending to make a straight road from a spherical planet. And how could a boat even get to Aman? Did the boats have magical properties that transported them to Aman? Is that why only Círdan knew how to build them?

Damn. The number of questions she's going to spitfire at the ancient Teleri elf was going to cost him an entire tuition fee's worth of lectures. Because she was downright confused and curious as fuck.

Or just very annoyed theoretical physics wasn't allowing her to comprehend it all.

But back to the Noldor at hand. They were at risk of being dusted just like half of this universe. Eru wouldn't allow that, especially to those who were considered the Children of Ilúvatar. They were the firstborn, the ones who responded to the Valar's call after Cuiviénen.

Okay yes: they rebelled...and maybe killed some other elves...but it made them no different to the rest of the elves or even the men themselves. Not all evil came from the Noldor. There were others from other groups of the elves, like Eöl for example and like Maeglin. Then there were the dwarves and the Sindar who were killed just for that blasted jewel. And the men of Númenor who rebelled against the Valar.

Not to mention some of the characters that were highlighted in the books and movies. Like the Master of Laketown, Grima Wormtongue and Denethor the Second.

Don't get her started with humans and other species on this earth. Things that were considered 'evil' were in all shapes and sizes - in everything when you think about it. And it made Illyria even more frustrated that some of the Valar couldn't understand that not everything can be perfect.

She was so invested in her thoughts that she had forgotten where she was, and who she was with.

"Miss Strange."


Gazing up from her computer screen, she found a pair of striking blue eyes back at her.

Finneas Cuthbert had been standing by her workstation, his eye trained at her with such intense and mere judgement that Illyria should have just gotten used to it after a couple of years. But then again, he was rather tall, even probably around Maedhros' height, and always looked down upon her. He never leaned forward, almost wanting to be the tallest in the room – or just to show off that he was the smartest as well.

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